It Begins: Democrat Introduces Bill to Make DC America’s 51st State

Delaware Senator Tom Carper introduced the Washington, D.C. Admission Act recently, seeking to make the nation’s capital the 51st state. If approved, the act would certainly give Democrats two more Senators, as well as at least one additional vote in the House of Representatives.

According to Senator Carper’s tweet, “For years, I have fought alongside @EleanorNorton and @MayorBowser to make #DCStatehood a reality and to give the over 700,000 D.C. residents a voice, vote, and full representation in Congress. Today, I’m proud to introduce #S51 to make D.C. the 51st state in our Union.” The message led to a glowing retweet by Chuck Schumer.

While packing the court may come later on the leftist wish list, the operation to pack the Senate and House with additional Democrats is well underway. If there is any doubt regarding which party DC embraces, just remember 90 percent of DC’s residents voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016 — and make that 92 percent for Joe Biden in 2020.

By the way, this isn’t the first time the topic has been presented for a vote. In June 2020, the House voted strongly in favor of giving Washington, D.C., statehood. At that time, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell refused to give the legislation a vote, asking, “Why? So we can have two more Democratic – Democrat senators and five more congressmen? No thank you. That’ll never happen.”

And on June 25, 2020, guess who tweeted, “DC should be a state. Pass it on.”? None other than current President Joe Biden.

The idea of providing equal representation to the District of Columbia’s 700,000-plus residents sounds reasonable on the surface, but the motivations are clearly political — and dangerous. Republicans are already hurting with a 50-50 tie in the Senate and a disadvantage in the House. Adding two more Democrats in the Senate and a few more in the House would change the rules in a way that could set conservatives (and America) back by years.

And if you’re wondering if Democrats have plans to add any more states, the answer is yes. Remember Puerto Rico, the island ravaged by Hurricane Maria? Residents approved a request for American statehood on election day 2020. The addition, however, would require approval from Congress to move forward.

While Puerto Rico does not vote for a U.S. President, it does hold a primary. In July 2020, Biden won 62 percent of the vote, with Bernie Sanders second at 14 percent. And in perhaps another plus, Puerto Rico already uses the controversial Dominion Voting Systems.

Puerto Rico’s statehood would also result in an additional two Democrat Senators and one or more House members. And in the House, the number of representatives is proportional, meaning if one is added for Puerto Rico, another state will lose a Congress member. This could potentially threaten battleground states like Ohio or Michigan in future elections.

The statehood plan for DC and Puerto Rico is not a joke. We may soon be adding two stars to the flag, as well as more Democrats to the Senate and House. Conservatives need to get their strategy plans together to fight this one, or they’ll be at a disadvantage in Congress for the foreseeable future.

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20 thoughts on “It Begins: Democrat Introduces Bill to Make DC America’s 51st State”

  1. What’s next, 60 states, 15 justices, etc? There will be no end unless they’re stopped now, it’s like an addiction with them!!

  2. The Democratic party is looking to strip America of all of its rights so it can govern unpeated. Everything they’re doing has an evil purpose behind it. Just look at the bill HR 1. It is as unamerican as bill could be. Please do not allow communism to spread further into America vote this bill down today.

  3. evils reign will continue until the creator says so. the people in this country will suffer greatly from the many who got sucked into the lies . who do you think you are? these people want to take god out of our country in every way possible. remember you idiots who are having second thoughts now what you started . this is and always be gods country. you people deserve everything coming your way. may god forgive you ask for his help he will never abandon you. terror of every kind is possible.people it is time to pray

  4. Whatever happened to the old Democratic Party. I voted for Kennedy, then thought I would give our first black President a chance. Regretted it ever since. Republicans better stick together, Mitch if you can’t join in where u should then retire. We need to stick together. We were stolen from in this election and I think we know it. It’s up to the Republicans to pull this out or sink. I’m a Patriot and will do what I can to help solve this mess. But I think seventy five million people have been let down and are ready for action but we need a a party that can lead . Please wake up

  5. I don’t know how the Democrats can make DC a state. It is a foreign land and not considered any part of he US except for the government buildings upon that 10 mile tract of land. I would think they have to get permission from the people or organizations that actually do own it. Someone has to own it. What the Democrats are doing is absolutely illegal.

  6. I hope the Republican Party will have the backbone to stand up against this Demoncratic power hungry anti American party, who wants to ruin our Christian Nation, our freedoms, our independence from other nations. So many soldiers fought and died for our USA, don’t let socialism take over. Stand up and fight to not let them stack the court, add more States just to push their agenda on all of us. America, we need to get on our knees and ask God to heal this nation.

  7. GREETINS FOLKS. In my opinion making a small spot of land a State just to get three more BODIES in Congress is really stupid BUT AREN’T ALL POLITICIANS? Doesn’t anyone realize that what is being done in hours will take YEARS and YEARS to CORRECT ? Just look at their HISTORY. In the real world if someone does something really bad it has HISTORICALLY taken as little as hours to reach a VERDICT and sentence someone. In Washington it has been known to take YEARS of POLITICAL TALK to come to a verdict for the same crime. HELLs BELLS if I were making about $200,000/ year I guess I would be as slow as Molasses in January also. ( OOPS DON’T FORGET THEIR PERKS AND PORK ). OH, I have to add this here because where the article was did allow our comments. This is about NEW YORKS Gov. DOMO. Sir, you said there was about 6,000 deaths from the Virus in Sr. citizen homes over 2020. Today I just read. That you have corrected that by saying that figure was only 50% of the actual count. Therefore in my system of counting (I have to take off my shoes and socks to count over 20) Adding another 50% would bring the count to 12,000 You must have slept thru ARITHMATIC CLASSES Just think you are RESPONSIBLE FOR the Deaths of 12,000 humans. WOW< WHAT A GREAT CATHOLIC. WELL Folks GOD BLESS AMERICA AND ALL HER REAL CITIZEN. The 90+ old fart WHO CARES about our beautiful and FRIENDLY COUNTRY. As one GREAT AMERICAN said " GIVE LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH. capn jack

  8. Wake up democrats!! You can not legislate statehood for the District of Colunbia!! Tge Constitution set asside this land donated by Maryland as the Capital of the USA, owned by all of the separate States and represented by every Senator and every member of the House. It would take a Constitutional Ammendment to move the Caoital to another location on land donated by another state. Then the land withered the Capital now sits would be ceded back to Maryland. The Capital of all the Separate States and all the Citizens must remain on soil owned by all!

  9. I think we need to impeach ALL of congress !!!! They absolutely proved for the past 4 years — they are unessential and unnecessary. For 4 years all they did was try to find a way — ANY WAY — to rid the White House of the president the people elected because he wasn’t a career criminal politician and not in their inner circle of corruption. The traitorous rinos are just as bad as the demoTRASH party. I wonder just how many signatures and how much of our military it would take to throw all of congress out of the capitol bldg. ???? They are worthless,useless,corrupt,self serving(at our expense) traitorous and selling us out for the almighty dollar and power.

  10. I want the persons in the U.S Congress who want this to have their names and states published–along with the reason. If they refuse –they should immediately be kicked out of the U S Congress. They work for us–not any other way. If the US Congress person does not like that–he/she is not qualified to stay there. Washington DC was established to not be a state for a big reason–no one living there can vote as a person with that address. Democratic’ s read the US Constitution and all the documents of our formers of the United States. U S Congress and Senate do not like it–get the hell out—YOU ARE A DISGRACE TO MY COUNTRY AND MY MILITARY SERVICE. Abide by the rules of MY COUNTRY –or find another country to live in. I would likje all the us congressmen and US Senators would want to validate the U S Constitution and do not belong there

  11. According to the Constitution the only way for D.C. to become a state would be an amendment to the Constitution! Personally I don’t see that happening nor do I believe it to be a prudent move!

  12. Typical Commucrap b.s. when they are attempting to gain an advantage at the expense of Republicans and conservatives by pretending to care about D.C. residents “right to vote”. The Founding Fathers set the system up the way they did for a good reason. BTW, The Puerto Ricans have voted down statehood at least 5 times.

  13. Until we stand up and say no more the dirtbag demoRATS will do whatever they want and there seems to be many Americans falling for their empty promises and corruption.

  14. If DC was to be changed from the Distric of Columbia to anything, it should go back to it’s rightful state (Maryland or Virginia) pending land mass that was taken from the 2. It should not ever become a State, the purpose of it is to have a Neutral Ground for our Federal Government. PERIOD! NO EXCUSES!

  15. Well guys get used to it. For the next 4 yrs. “we’ have “no say” in anything. NO “news”, “NO “NOTHING” from Congress, & ZILCH from the “idiot” in the White House, who can’t read from a teleprompter, least of all make any sense of anything .”His” handlers are”running the show”, lambasting “us” with gay rights , immigration rights, abortion rights, AND forcing “all of us” who”had”a job, to PAY for this “lunacy! $15.00/Hr for EVERYBODY! In one month ‘this lunatic” has destroyed any hope of “anybody” who came to America to “better” themselves. NOW “everybody” is on the dole, compliments of the Dens. ANYBODY “remember?WEST SIDE STORY”? “Everything’s Free in America, I want to come to America”, :Everything’s FREE in Amierica.” Well guess what? NONE of it’s “free” AND SOMEBODY HAS TO PAY FOR IT. THESE NITWITS IN CONGRESS SHOULD PAY FOR IT!

  16. Foreseeable future, my right toenail!!! Forever because the Dems also control the voting machines!! Wake up America; if we don’t get the voting laws straightened out before the midterms, we are all doomed!!!

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