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Jeff Sessions is Out — Here’s What that Means for President Trump

U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions has submitted his resignation per the request of President Donald Trump via a letter that was delivered Wednesday to White House Chief of Staff John Kelly.

Trump has been a harsh critic of Sessions, and has been vocal about his feelings about the Attorney General throughout his term, especially concerning the Mueller investigation of alleged Russian collusion in the 2016 election. Trump called Sessions weak, and suggested that he wasn’t aggressive enough in pursuing allegations of corruption against Hillary Clinton. Trump called this lack of motivation to thoroughly investigate the issue “disgraceful.”

Trump has wanted Sessions gone for quite some time, but advisors advised him to wait until after the midterm elections were over to fire him. It has been Trump’s intention for weeks to have Sessions out as soon as possible after the elections, according to sources close to the White House.

The morning after the midterm elections, President Trump, via White House Chief of Staff Kelly, asked Sessions to resign from the position. Sessions’ resignation, a one-page letter addressed to Trump, was delivered to Kelly on Wednesday as well, and is the first of several expected post-midterms departures from the White House and Cabinet.

President Trump took to Twitter to thank Sessions for his service and promptly announced his replacement as acting attorney general until a replacement is found. “We are pleased to announce that Matthew G. Whitaker, Chief of Staff to Attorney General Jeff Sessions at the Department of Justice, will become our new Acting Attorney General of the United States. He will serve our Country well….”, he said via his social media account.

The President also Tweeted a short sentiment to Sessions, “We thank Attorney General Jeff Sessions for his service, and wish him well! A permanent replacement will be nominated at a later date.”

Here is Sessions’ undated resignation letter:

“Dear Mr. President,

At your request, I am submitting my resignation.

Since the day I was honored to be sworn in as Attorney General of the United States, I came to work at the Department of Justice every day determined to do my duty and serve my country. I have done so to the best of my ability, working to support the fundamental legal processes that are the foundation of justice.

The team we assembled embraced your directive to be a law and order Department of Justice. We prosecuted the largest number of violent offenders and firearm defendants in our country’s history. We took on transnational gangs that are bringing violence and death across our borders and protected national security. We did our part to restore immigration enforcement. We targeted the opioid epidemic by prosecuting doctors, pharmacists, and anyone else who contributes to this crisis with new law enforcement tools and determination. And we have seen results. After two years of rising violent crime and homicides prior to this administration, those trends have reversed — thanks to the hard work of our prosecutors and law enforcement around the country.

I am particularly grateful to the fabulous men and women in law enforcement all over this country with whom I have served. I have had no greater honor than to serve alongside them. As I have said many times, they have my thanks and I will always have their backs.

Most importantly. in my time as Attorney General we have restored and upheld the rule of law — a glorious tradition that each of us has a responsibility to safeguard. We have operated with integrity and have lawfully and aggressively advanced the policy agenda of this administration.

I have been honored to serve as Attorney General and have worked to implement the law enforcement agenda based on the rule of law that formed a central part of your campaign for the Presidency.

Thank you for the opportunity, Mr. President.

Jefferson B. Sessions III
Attorney General”

There are several ways to look at this firing, and what it means for the administration’s political outlook going forward. It’s worth noting that several high-profile Democratic lawmakers, including future House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, have called for the president to fire the attorney general in the past. Now, they are condemning the president for doing just that. Basically, there’s really no reason to take anything they have to say about the matter seriously — it’s all kabuki theater.

With Sessions gone, Trump is in a better position to fend off the endless subpoenas and investigations the new House Democratic majority is sure to launch in the coming months. Sessions recused himself from the Russia investigation on the grounds that he himself was involved with the campaign.

The downside, of course, is that Sessions is the latest proof that the Trump administration doesn’t provide the best job security. This instability in the Trump administration is red meat for the Democrats, as the revolving door at the White House creates an image of weakness. But, while Trump may be taking some political hits in the short term, a beefed up Justice Department with an attorney general that won’t cower to political pressure is definitely a long-term win for the president.

~ Conservative Zone

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16 thoughts on “Jeff Sessions is Out — Here’s What that Means for President Trump”

    1. AMERICA JUST WAKE UP TO TRUTH …….the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result, so why keep on voting for evil, corrupt ,lying, violent democrats who wish only to destroy america??? <

  1. Those that serve at the pleasure of our president had better stay focused and provide results. The American people deserve this and our president will see to it as he has shown. President Trump is building the strongest team possible and at this juncture in time, America needs it. God bless president Trump. KAG

  2. Sessions did not want to do any more than he had to do safely and not make waves. “THE LIBERAL WAY””Now that I have the job I can kick back and MILK it” This is becoming the way of the American worker ! LAZY JUST WANTS THE PAY CHECK BUT DOES NOT WANT TO WORK FOR IT, WANTS TO BE THE BOSS AND DOESN’T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THE JOB. WELCOME TO THE AMERICAN LABOR FORCE

  3. Don’t know & don’t care how you slice it or dice it.( Jeff Sessions ) Threw Our President under the bus , the man should be ashamed . You would think he is and was supporting the Democrats by sitting on his ass . If he would have stepped up and done the job President Trump put him in to do , then he could have went out with his head held high instead he is leaving with his tail between his legs. So tired of the do nothing people we put in office !!

  4. Perhaps now the unredacted secret papers that reveal the evils perpetrated against President Trump and the American people by the previous administration and it’s puppets will finally be released and the sleeping sheeple will wake up and demand justices which means many “powerful people” both inside and outside government will finally be looking through jail bars and our Republic can move forward to bring peace and prosperity to America and perhaps the world. (We were given a republic by our founders, not a Democracy, and we are in the process of reverting back to the original constitution and it’s republic.)

  5. everything that is not their way and only their way is “red meat” I can give two craps what they think and what they do. They will never stop perverting the straight ways of the Lord. I will never ever bow to them or their evil ways. So, keep acting like spoiled little brats. what else is new.

  6. Sorry Jeff Sessions was way too soft on liberal communists. You can not “go along to get along” with “(Socialists/Communicrats)”.
    The only way to deal with them is shut them off. If you compromise with them as we have done since 1932, you always lose on principle. The only compromise Socialists will approve is always to their advantage.
    Check the record !!!!!!

  7. Interesting that Facebook is not allowing a Share on this article! It must not fit with their Leftist Agenda! Facebook is becoming more like The Old Communist and Nazi News organizations by only allowing that, which only advances the Lefts Agenda!
    Anyway! It was way past time for Sessions to go. In my opinion he was the direct creator and cause of the Mueller Investigation, because he either didn’t have the guts to stand up to the Democrats or he was working with them. By recusing himself,”Stupid Move!” He allowed a Democrat Operative,”Rod Rosenstein,” to have Ca rte Blanch control over allowing Mueller an open field to go after whoever he chose. This was no Russian Investigation, it was a way to help the Democrats to continue their agenda to get rid of President Trump. It was obvious, after the Fusion GPS deal, that this was a set up and should have been halted as soon as this Democrat move was discovered, but because Sessions recused himself,intentionally! It was left up to Rosenstein and he had no intention of stopping this ruse, because his agenda was to hang President Trump out to dry! This has been nothing but a 3 Ring Circus! It was also intentional to continue right on through the Mid-terms,in order to place as much doubt on Trump as possible in order to sway the election to the Democrats favor.

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