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Jim Carrey’s Pro-Abortion Virtue Signaling Backfired TERRIBLY

Hollywood celebrities haven’t been shy about how they feel about Alabama’s new pro-life law.

One such elitist effectively puts his foot in his mouth via a Tweet recently. “Dumb and Dumber” star Jim Carrey tweeted some personal artwork this past Saturday, depicting Alabama Governor Kay Ivey. Unfortunately for the star, his efforts to discredit and condemn the Alabama governor via cartoon has in essence helped prove the pro-life point.

Carrey’s cartoon depicts Governor Kay Ivey in utero being sucked out via abortion.

“I think if you’re going to terminate a pregnancy, it should be done sometime before the fetus becomes Governor of Alabama,” the tweet’s caption read.

As mentioned above, the politically charged depiction meant as an insult was actually received in an unexpected way by those on the right.

“Thank you for the truly accurate (and therefore horrifying) portrayal of abortion…sucking the brains of a PERSON because that person is inconvenient to you. You blessed the pro-life movement with this,” OANN host Liz Wheeler said.

“This is a pretty great depiction of an abortion: clinically accurate, and wiping out an individual human life,” Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief Ben Shapiro added.

“At least you seem to know how grisly an abortion is,” Culture of Life Africa founder Obinuju Ekeocha chimed in. “Your image is accurate down to the abortionist’s cannula suctioning out the brain matter of the fetus, sort of like a serial killer at work…you do know what abortion looks like. Bravo!”

What Carrey intended as a jab at the governor was unexpectedly used by the pro-life movement to prove its point. The act of saying that someone’s existence is not convenient for whatever reason and therefore feeling killing them is okay is at the heart of the pro-choice movement. This was displayed by Carrey when he jokingly stated that an abortion would have been a good way to murder someone he doesn’t like.

Jim Carrey is just one of many Hollywood elitists who have tried to virtue signal to their progressives friend slike this. However, Carrey’s actions went above and beyond. He communicated in cartoon form that he believed that the governor deserved to die for her abortion beliefs and political actions. Thankfully, the pro-life movement was able to take advantage of this tactical error.

~ Conservative Zone

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