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Joe Biden Calls Trump Supporters “Virulent Dregs of Society”

Joe Biden, who is seriously considering a run for the White House in 2020, recently went on the attack against Trump supporters, calling them “virulent dregs of society”.

The statement, which is reminiscent of Hillary Clinton’s “basket of deplorables” comment, was recently made at a pro-LGBT Human Rights Campaign annual dinner; even so, it has received little to no coverage in the mainstream media.

Naturally, those present at the event were pleased by the fact that he was willing to ardently speak out against the tens of millions of Americans who voted for President Trump for one reason or another. On the other hand, Trump voters and even those who do not necessarily support the president’s policies wholesale were alarmed by the fact that a leading politician from one of the primary political parties in the country would use such language against those whom he aspires to lead one day.

As he continued his speech, former vice-president Biden made it a point to apologize to his supporters for not speaking out enough against the Trump administration up until this point. He noted that he, along with former President Obama, wanted to give the Trump administration time to get off the ground, seemingly forgetting all the times that he and the former president have spoken out against President Trump and his administration in the last year and a half.

Ironically, former second lady Jill Biden made it a point to talk to the crowd about bullying, telling the attendees that there is nothing more unfair than a person who tries to make others feel as if they don’t belong. Her comments, like those of her husband, were enthusiastically received by a crowd that did not seem to realize that name-calling people based on their political affiliations is clearly a form of bullying that really should have no place in a country with freedom of speech, religion and affiliation.

Even so, the dangerous viewpoint put forth in Mr. Biden’s comments did not go unnoticed by those who put a premium on freedom. The Family Research Council noted that Mr. Biden’s statements clearly showed that left-leaning politicians had little or no regard for a large portion of American citizens, including many conservative Christians and organizations. Social media users across the nation expressed shock and dismay. Donald Trump Jr. noted that the comments marked a new low for Mr. Biden. Others noted that the former vice-president had managed to malign millions of voters while still others pointed out that the comment was actually far worse than Hillary Clinton’s “basket of deplorables” statement.

The comments are sure to come back to haunt the former vice-president should he opt to run in the 2020 presidential elections. Conservatives, independent voters and even some moderate Democrats won’t readily embrace a politician who uses such language to describe large number of Americans of all ages and walks of life.

Naturally, it’s not the only scandal that Joe Biden would have to deal with. There are literally hundreds of images and videos online showing “Creepy Uncle Joe” treating a wide variety of women and even young girls as personal playthings. The former vice-president would also need to explain the $1.5 billion deal that he and his son Hunter struck with the Chinese Government during the time that Joe Biden served as vice president.

Joe Biden’s recent comments not only show his true colors, but also make it clear that he is out of touch with a large portion of the American population. While the crowd he was speaking to put a priority on politically correct social issues such as embracing homosexuality and transgenderism, the overwhelming majority of the country is looking for responsible, mature leadership that will provide safety and economic prosperity for all.

Mr. Biden’s statements dismissing the feelings of the very voters that he will need to win over in a couple of years shows that he could care less about the average American. It could even be possible that he, like Hillary Clinton, thinks it may actually be possible to win a presidential election by solely appealing to liberal voters.

~ Conservative Zone

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69 thoughts on “Joe Biden Calls Trump Supporters “Virulent Dregs of Society””

  1. Joe Biden, Uncle Malaprop, will be forgiven for his many stupid comments because his followers know he has a weak mind and an immoral core!

    1. But those are the traits that demonorat losers like . It builds their self esteem to see an authority figure their own worthless lives are better than. They then can validate their arrogant egos and project everything that is wrong in their life on the filthy govt. Dont you know the socialist mentality is to ghetto others by dissing them to keep others down to either get you to do their bidding or run end around you. It has nothing to do with asserting skills or self determination

        1. Hey John, VP Biden is one of the many dreges of our Country. He never had a job that contributed to our economy. He’s a foul mouth senior statesman that needs to go home.

        2. The only reason Biden was ever V.P. was Obama and Soros needed someone stupid enough not to realize what was going on at 1600.

    2. Joe Biden speaks truth! Half of Trump’s most ardent and vociferous followers can’t even construct an intelligible sentence. And, just to be fair, Hillary is in the same boat. Both have too many folks blindly believing every word they speak as gospel! If as many people took the word of God over these modern day “political evangelists”, This world would have very few problems. I seriously believe the Real Deep State is using subliminal messaging to set the populace against each other so they will be able to impose their “New World Order” through controlling key political figures!

      1. sorry Fred,but your Joe Biden is an Idiot, same as You, your ignorance shines through! I voted for democrats all my life because i lived in Illinois, till i figured out the state was run by democrats, and all they knew how to do was raise taxes, and spend the money, and raise taxes some more. i voted for Obama the first time, i voted for Obama the second time, i kept voting for the same people and hoping for a different outcome, then…. i voted straight Republican, and things started getting better, now to be fair, it can’t get better right off the bat! but it took years for the Democrats to mess things up, so it’ll take a little longer for President Trump to fix things, like maybe another term, hows that Fred for a Vociferous trump supporter?

          1. And I second that emotion. I, too, am a registered Democrat. However, one day I woke up and realized that every major city and/or state run by Democrats were both financially and morally bankrupt. I haven’t been able to bring myself to vote for any Democrat ever since. And I ask for your prayers because I’m stuck living here in California and need all the moral support I can get.

    3. I certainly don’t want to be in a political party that bullies,and has millions of Americans that are virulent dregs on society.One that doesn’t have inclusion of everyone.One that is racist,homophobic,and bigoted.The party that is resembling The NAZI PARTY of Hitler.A party that kills millions of Americans.A party full of angry hedonistic control freaks that think they know more about nothing.That is why I am and will remain a Christian,Conservative,Republican.Biden you really should make speeches without words.

      1. GREG,

      2. Obviously you are a ranting liberal. Same name calling and void of any policy. Trump is making all of you look like the fools you are. Also the fascists you are. Antifa is such a misnomer. They should be called Fa because they are the ones beating up on innocent people and destroying property. You and your kind are exactly what trump voters voted against. No morals , principles or humanity shown from the left. Always running against something and never for something. Name calling and violence is all you have.


      it weren’t for President Obama we might not have done the intelligence community assessment that we did that set up a whole sequence of events which are still unfolding today including Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation. President Obama is responsible for that. It was he who tasked us to do that intelligence community assessment in the first place. CLAPPER’S OWN CONFESSION

  2. Joe Biden is a total moron and has no plans of running against president Trump. He knows he would be crushed so he is trying to muddy the waters much like the current fiasco to smear Judge Kavenaugh. People like Biden, Clinton and Obama have made the US and the Democratic Party look like a bunch of fools.

    1. Typical brainwashed Trump supporter comment! You can read just about any article or blog, it doesn’t even have to be politically relevant and find these same words in about 75% of them, blah blah blah, the Democratic Party is a bunch of fools. Can’t you hyper-conservative butt kissers come up with something new to tit-for-tat with the liberals or will you constantly parrot Trump’s inane comments. P.S. If you would keep your smarmy Trump or Hillary serving comments out of non political comment sites it would be greatly appreciated by those of us who would love to see the both of them blown to Hell and left there!! Unfortunately, neither of them is worth the powder it would take!

      1. The brain washed Democratic Party , now known as the New Amerikan Communist Party, has been hijacked by the communist LIBERALS. However, BOTH parties are corrupt and self-serving. The difference between the two are the Democratic Party is not made up of AMERICANS any longer, just COMMUNISTS. The Republican party are mostly AMERICAN corrupt politicians. I’ll stick with AMERICANS.

  3. Good old Uncle Joe might as well put a gun to his head and pulled the trigger. You would have thought that he might have gotten a clue from Hillary, you don’t insult millions of possible voters and win an election. I will tell him the same thing I told her, you can kiss my vote goodbye, not that I would ever consider voting for such an IDIOT anyway. We the People were sick and tired of him and his buddy Obama after eight years of their policies that just about ruined this Country.

  4. FB and the news media have ruled that all conservative articles have blocked content, therefore you can not share it. You can’t promote the truth. But Democrat crap is A OK to forward or share.

  5. I don’t think the Dems will be stupid enough to try and push a Biden presidency. He’s too old, and part of the old school status quo. They will pick some socialist in effort to get all of the young out there to vote. Trump should be more worried about who may primary him at this point.

  6. Democrats will say anything including bulling remarks to take control and finish tearing down America so the illegals and radical Muslims can take over. What they are claiming that the Republicans are doing in truth is what the Democratic Party of the New World Order of Socialism is doing right now.
    They have turned their backs on all Americans by standing and siding with the Illegals and Radical Muslims who has broken our laws and the democrats do not want them arrested, tried, convicted and in prison or hung for Murder, Rape, Robbery and Assaulting of all ages and sex of every American in this Nation. These include the Rapping of young children, who they claim have the right to do it.
    All and any politicians who stand with these dogs should be removed from office, tried for their crimes of Treasons and removed from the us, all clearances including secret, all passport collected, all money frozen and either serve life in Guantanamo Prison or hung for treason publicly, Well as all the criminals.

  7. Wow ! Some people just don’t get it or learn anything from experience.
    So I decided that I will not comments about his negative remarks as, I have nothing nice to say about Joe or his former administration.

  8. This ” virulent dreg of society ” pays taxes to support these anti-Americans who want to turn this country into another Venezuela.

  9. Mr. (boo-who) Biden and his buddy, Mr Obama, are going to go down in history as the most good-for-nothing pair to occupy the white house. The most I can remember about Mr. Biden during his career in Washington, is his going before camera to make stupid remarks along with name calling.

  10. Joe Biden is a Stain on the USA which is difficult to remove,so he is doing it all by himself,he is one stupid old Demoncrat right on par with the criminal Killary Clinton

  11. the worse words I think are moron and maggot …..joe biden is both… calling will never get you anywhere…..ask hillary

  12. You Joe Biden are a dreg of society and a PERVERT! Use your brain for something besides contemplating which girls and women to fondle which has been seen many times in videos… A picture is worth more then the hot air you blow out of your mouth!!

  13. Biden’s wife just described the whole democratic party as well as leftists and jo-jo didn’t seem to catch on. Apparently, neither did the audience. I can’t stress enough that the democrats DO NOT care about America or anyone but themselves. Everything they accuse the Republicans of doing, they are GUILTY of doing. They are backstabbing, lying, two-faced un-American, America and American HATING people. If you really pay attention to what they say at rallies and on tv, and what they say about ICE, illegals, raising taxes, you’d realize how much they HATE AMERICANS AND AMERICA!!! Biden is a loser and so are the dems and leftists.

  14. Uncle Joe, time for you to go back where you came from…under that heap of dung!…what a disgrace you are, and you are running for president? What a joke! You couldn’t win a run for dog catcher!!

  15. Well I am not sure whether to take JOE BIDEN’S Comment VIRULENT DREGS as an attack or a COMPLIMENT. The reason being that as GRANNY always said to call a person something you must be what you are calling the other person or you wouldn’t know that the other person is what you called them. So is JOE BIDEN A VIRULENT DREG or is he just a DIMWITTED DEMOCRAT TRYING TO LOOK AND SOUND IMPORTANT ?

  16. So just like Hillary , his resume is to represent only half of the country. The job description requires running all of the country. Sorry Joe. Maybe next time.

  17. I cannot imagine this buffoon as president. He has said some of the most ridiculous things ever. I believe he was the only reason Obama wasn’t impeached.

  18. This oblivious buffoon is an embarrassment to humanity. This ignorant moron actually doesn’t know what he is. He’s a plagiarist and lied about his law school standing. Claimed to be at the top 10% when he was at the bottom. This parasite hasn’t done one day of work his whole useless life. Incredible moron. Fortunately he’s 80 so thank god he’ll finally find a place to stay permanently….

  19. As one “virulent dregs of society” to the Deplorables of AMERICA I encourage all PATRIOTIC AMERICANS to stand up to the “Blue Ripple” and help President Trump to keep MAGA. After the DumboRATS DARK YEARS, the Bright Rays of the greatly improved AMERICA’S ECONOMY are very encouraging. ALL PATRIOT AMERICANS NEED TO GET OUT AND VOTE IN FORCE TO KEEP AMERICA MOVING FOREWARD. NO MORE DARK YEARS.

  20. Joe Biden, Many of us used to accept or ignore his lack of smarts, but once he caught the wadko virus from Obama he cannot be forgiven, He is dumber than ever has three feet in his mouth whenever he speaks, and ,keeps saying and doing dopey things. He has had an unimportant career, never voted correctly once since he had been in the senate and any advise he gave the other failure was incorrect as well. I used to feel sorry for him but he has always been his own worse enemy now he is Americas.

  21. I hope the American people will try one time to think of being people that have a higher power in their life , and vote for the success of the country as a whole and not for just a party. We’re all here for a reason so let’s try to make it a great country and be proud !

  22. That’s all the Democrats have left: name-calling.
    Their economic policies were a disaster. Their social policies were worse than divisive. Their race batting made race relations worse. Their conduct openly violated the law. What “numb-nuts” would vote to put them back in office!?

  23. Biden, Bernie Sanders, Ocasio-Cortez, Hillary and the rest will always be media darlings. The MSM will never fact check anything they say, or compare it to what they said yesterday. Liberal/progressive/Democrat zombies believe what those figures say in a current interview, and also act as though the past does not exist. Hillary is now on the media circuit as a champion of women, claiming women accusers must be believed. The hosts act as though Bill Clinton has never existed and Hillary never called his accusers ‘bimbos.’
    A neighbor tried to lecture me about how noble and wonderful Biden is. I mentioned he could do a search on youtube: ‘Joe Biden touching women.’ The neighbor later said he had no idea Joe acted that way, then he realized the MSM carefully edits those things out. Even in front of cameras, Joe cannot keep his hands off women. He strokes their hair, puts his hands on their necks, etc, etc. Women push his hands away, parents pull their kids away… Democrats always excuse it: “It’s just Joe being Joe.”

  24. Let me see. Trump has brought our economy out of the ashes, lowered the unemployment rate of all Americans no matter race or gender, crushed ISIS, made trade deals in favor of our workers, all but eliminated Obamacare by getting rid of the unconstitutional mandate that said if you had to pay for something you didn’t want, ended that terrible deal with the largest State sponsor of terrorism, which Obama made. Stood up to China, North Korea and Russia (Didn’t offer a fake reset button,). All in less than 2 years. Now let me see what good did Obama do in eight years?? Think think. Well no one can find anything which kept us safer, richer or prouder. We do know that he and his administration tried desperately to keep Trump out of the Whitehouse and have and are continually working to get him out. Hillary as it turns out has been dumping n cahoots with Russia to take down a canidate and a dually elected President. He and his whole administration should be indicted and imprisoned. They are the enemies of this country. The media also. Trump is right on calling the MSM the enemy of the people. MAGA..

  25. He will never be elected because of this type of attitude. The Democrats think that if they belittle the Republicans they will win them over. This alone shows the stupidity of the leadership in the Democratic party. It is time to get rid of the Democratic party all together! They are war mongers and don’t know their butts from a whole in the ground.

  26. It is amazing that those tossing barbs to Joe Biden can’t remember the past. You never saw the Democratic leadership ban together at Obama’s inauguration and vie to vote NO on anything he would propose during his coming tenure, something the GOP leadership did against Obama. Any “payback” nowadays makes me want to say “how’s does that feel you morons!” Trump has continued his diatribe against Democrats and even non-Democrats to try to ingrain hate in his (lame) followers minds.

    Trump is lacking culture, sensibility, character and integrity. I didn’t like everything Obama did, but I didn’t stoop as low as the far rightwing nutjobs do.

    Please, please, please grow up! Although I shouldn’t be telling you to stop. After all, you are energizing the groundswell movement that you will experience in November. Come on you lemmings, keep it up!!

  27. Joe Bite Me was picked to be the halfBreed’s VP for two reasons. He’s a known useful idiot and he wasn’t smart enough to be taken seriously….for any reason. What noteworthy accomplishments did he have in eight years as VP?…I rest my case.

  28. Pediphile Uncle Joe knows the jig is up! Going into over drive to CYA. Time to freeze his assets and hang him with a noose for his perverted acts against kids! Hang Joe, hang! Go MAGA!

  29. The fact that people who support the continuation of Democratic rule are so far left and more communist than Democrat. If you look at all the destruction in all states run by Democrats one wonders why people fall for their vicious anti American rhetoric. Look what’s going on in California, we were once the Golden State with everything going for it then the unthinkable happened. Democrats talked the people into making the legislature full time from what was then part time legislators. We fell for Jessie Untrue lies about it being more efficient. The state totally a one party Democratic-communist party we are really now bankrupt. I just finished reading the Official Voter Information Guide, what a nightmare. The first few initiatives are seeking authority to create billions and billions of dollars in additional debt added to our current debt ledger. To vote yes on the first five will continue their spending of our money to give away to their special causes. The only initiative that I will vote yes on is proposition six, repealing the unfair increases that Brown gave us in gas taxes, increased registrations fees and of course every Municipality says vote no since they lose the largest given them by Brown. We deserve the government we vote for, so if your not smart enough to know that the Democrats in Sacramento don’t have our best interests at heart then god help us we are headed for the poor house if we are not already there.

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