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Kavanaugh vs. Biden: How Pelosi Changed Her Mind About ‘#MeToo’

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi added her name to the list of high-profile Democrats who announced their support for Joe Biden for the party’s presidential nomination Monday, even though he has a credible allegation of sexual assault that has come to light.

The Democrats are suspiciously quiet about accusations from former Biden aid Tara Reade, who worked for the former Vice President when he was a senator from Delaware. In fact, Pelosi’s dismissive comments on the claim are in stark contrast to her extremely vocal opposition to the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh in 2018 for a seat on the Supreme Court after he was accused of sexual assault.

At the time, Pelosi accused Senate Republicans of seeking to cover up any past misconduct by Kavanaugh by limiting an FBI investigation into the twenty-year-old allegations against him. Pelosi was also very vocal with her support for Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, the woman who accused Kavanaugh of sexual assault during his youth. Blasey Ford offered testimony that included no substantiating evidence beyond a vague recollection of a house party she attended as a teenager. Nevertheless, it was all Pelosi and other Democrat elites said they needed to hear.

“Courageous women risked their safety and well-being to speak truth about this nomination,” Pelosi said when the Senate confirmed Kavanaugh’s nomination. “Senate Republicans chose to send a clear message to all women: do not speak out, and if you do – do not expect to be heard, believed or respected.”

Pelosi also announced at that time that she intended to file a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for the “transcripts of interviews, instructions from the White House, and any communications to the FBI from Senate Republicans regarding the scope of the investigation” – saying that these documents were “important to set the record straight.”

Pelosi, as well as many top Democrats have either not commented on or downplayed the claim by Reade of the attack in 1993, and Biden’s campaign obviously denies the harsh accusation.

Denial and deflection seem to be the preferred method of operation by the Democrats. The only thing that has been said by Pelosi about the sexual assault accusations against Biden was on April 17 of this year when she told MSNBC that she is satisfied with Biden’s denial of the sexual assault claims.

“Yes, I am,” she said. “I am very much involved in this issue. I always want to give the opportunity that women deserve to be heard. I am satisfied with his answer, yes,” Pelosi said.

It is to be noted that there has been no comment from Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, the Democratic National Committee, nor any of the women Biden is said to be considering as a vice presidential pick, which indirectly speaks volumes as to how these people operate and the hypocrisy involved.

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32 thoughts on “Kavanaugh vs. Biden: How Pelosi Changed Her Mind About ‘#MeToo’”

  1. Nazi Pelousy should be IMPEACHED for not doing the job she is being paid to do by the American Taxpayers.
    All she does is waste time and money pursuing her Petty, Political Agenda. She is actually much worse than Killery.

  2. How can a woman do this to another women just a few years later. It is disgusting the way the Dems are two faced. Every woman Democratic or Republican should be Outraged. This is not about party lines.

  3. If there is one thing to be learned from Pelosi, it’s her view of right and wrong is in direct proportion to state of politics at the moment a question is asked. The hypocrisy of her and, her party has become patently obvious, but her especially. The Kavanaugh confirmation? The FBI vetted Kavanaugh seven times including the last time when Democrats absolutely insisted on yet another, no credible evidence from either Ms. Ford herself, not the supposed witnesses, who either wouldn’t corroborate her account or did not remember the event taking place at all. But even with the lack of evidence, the shear outcry for those insisting that women must be believed with or without evidence to back up their claim, was loud and long. Now then, this latest, granted, the allegations against Biden has not been proved, but, the silence from those outraged groups, too and including Pelosi, is deafening. Where is the cry that she (Ms. Reade) has the right to be believed. Where is #Me Too, where are the women’s groups beating on the SCOTUS doors screaming for justice, where are the Democrat Senators saying, I believe her, even before the evidence was in, where is outraged Hollywood crowd? My my, how the worm has turned.

    1. That’s because it’s never actually been about morality or the rights of the aggrieved to be recognized and heard. It’s a hideous parlor game of the lowest, most base kind of politics.
      But isn’t it curious how often it is the Left who attempt to deploy their disgusting tactic?
      Touche’ !

  4. This just goes to show how bad the double standard that the dems live by is. A crime is a crime only when committed by a conservative, but, let one of their own do something that is much worse, and it is just fine and dandy. They need to practice what they preach. With them, it is “do as I say, not as I do” they see themselves as being above the law.

  5. ……..she is satisfied with Biden’s denial of the sexual assault claims.

    “Yes, I am,” she said. “I am very much involved in this issue. I always want to give the opportunity that women deserve to be heard. I am satisfied with his answer, yes,” Pelosi said.

    Just read this excerpt from the article and tell me Pelosi is lucid. The woman is soooo past her expiration date. I say go home to your $12 ice cream in your $25,000 freezer and leave the running of the country to the competent.


  7. What did you expect from TREASONISTIC Traitors who should be in FEDERAL PRISON? . . . commitment to the TRUTH? She will ONLY stick to it for HER advantage if it gets her a vote – but WON’T EVER get mine. She’s a HYPOCRITE who will turn on you in a MINUTE, selling you “down river”. One Wary and Disgusted Patriot. Team Trump and his allies 2020.

  8. How in the HELL does she stay in office. Please someone put a cap in her Ass and send her back to that fucked up city she represents.

  9. pelosi is as incompetent and corrupt as biden is. she makes her party look really bad. because of people like her, i will never vote for a dumbocrat again. she does look more attractive when she wears a mask. just a shame that the mask doesn’t cover more

  10. And all the democratic woman in congress play to this level What kind of intelligence do they have . We need to have them swear when taking an oath when elected that their practice s are fair and just for all people we are all created equal and deserve to be treated and respected . As we pay their salaries. Also there huge pensions should be taken away and leave them with social security like the rest of us . So as they wouldn’t squander away our benefits we have all worked hard for

  11. Oh and unfair practice . Our businesses would be shut down . Immediately. How is it the rest of our leadership sits there and demands nothing better. Where is the leader ship for the law of our land the Supreme Court not getting control of this misconduct. And all of this unfairness even in the media What a scam On we the people

  12. The Democratic Party is changing it’s name. It will now be known as the HYPOCRISY PARTY. It’s in the honor of the current Speaker of the House, Senate Minority Leader, and a number of misc. Members of the House and Senate. The former Democratic Party was not the same Democratic Party of old. It’s more like the old Republican Party was, made up of liars, crooks, thieves, and two faced leaders. The new Democratic/Hypocrisy Party is now made up of millionaires, billionaires, power hungry people, two faced, dishonest liars and crooks. The voters know which category the various leaders fall into, usually more than two. For example, look at Representatives Pelosi, Schiff Omar, Waters, Murphy and Tiaib. In the Senate we have Senators Schumer, Feinstein, and my favorite Senator Romney, the back stabber of the Senate who doesn’t know which party he belong to. Where is the honesty and integrity that we expect our elected Senators and Representatives to have. Now, we have a man that has been accused of sexual misdeeds but is being protected by some of the same people named above, these are the same people that wanted to hang a Supreme Court Judge without any proof of misconduct, and for that matter, used made up lies and events to have a President of the U.S. impeached. It seems the so-called Democratic only knows how to spend taxpayer’s money, come up with investigations and commissions over nonimportant events in the middle of an emergency. and who, if they don’t like something, goes on a paid vacation instead of doing the people work, thus locking up the Government. A party of soiled brats is what they can be considered.

  13. She really meant believe all women when they are advancing the liberal (socialist) agenda.

  14. The problem with politics today is that Political Correctness only applies when the Socialist Democrats use it. It may have been Political Correct to accuse Kavanaugh of rape without any true crime report at the time it was claimed to have happened, but it is not Political Correct if a fellow Democrat is accused of a sexual crime without a report as well. At least the woman’s claim has been backed up by witnesses in Biden’s case. This is clearly a double standard. “A woman should be heard” only applies when Democrats can use it for political Gain. Has anyone considered that the Biden’s accuser was a woman working for Biden and most likely a Democrat? This means a Party’s member should not be heard. We seem to have two different concepts of governing in the US. One applies to US Constitutional Correct governing and the other applies to Political Correctness governing. We constantly hear terms like “far left”, “far right”, “middle right”, or “middle left”; but in reality theses are only political terms that have nothing to do with following the US Constitution to the letter of the law. They are terms that allow politicians to do what they do and having nothing to do with Rule of Law, that all US Citizens are required to comply with. The moment a politician claims something is “the right thing to do” they are abusing our US Constitution Rule of Law. The ONLY WAY SOMETHING CAN BE “THE RIGHT THING TO DO” is when this thing becomes Rule of Law through our US Congress. Political rhetoric is not Rule of Law, but sadly, the voters trust our lawmakers to be truthful to them; thus Political Correctness sounds like Rule of Law to them. If voters have had Civic in our schools, they would have known the difference between Political Correctness and Rule of Law. Each and every US Citizens should understand that, when anyone abuses our US Constitution, they are abusing The Law of the Land.

  15. Nasty Nancy sure does speak a good show . To bad she doesnt think the same way when it comes to anyone blaming a delusional democrat . Old joe is a pervert and she knows it . When trump picked the judge he wanted nasty Nancy was for the lieing women , then when that hooker said about trump they gave her the key to the city . But now with old joe these 9 women are all liers i won go there with old billy we all know how that ended . All she said about beliving women went right out the window . Funny how that works out that way

  16. Yes, Nancy, believe the Ford woman to ruin Bret Kavanaugh. Believe Joe Biden because he is running for President. Ford obviously had a nightmare that she later was convinced was a repressed memory of an actual event. Kavanaugh was put through hell because of it. Reade reported the actual sexual assault by Biden and there is a record of it on file. Biden remained silent until that report could be located and then it convenientl;y disappeared, so now he can say there is no report because it never happened. Do you see how truth is manipulated for political purposes? Do you honestly believe that congress will ever put Joe Biden through the kind of ordeal that Bret Kavanaugh had to endure? Will he be voted into the office of the President of the United States? People get the government they deserve.

  17. Those people who held custody of that report should be required, on pain of life in prison without chance of parole, to produce the report or totally reveal the truth of who took it. We can not continue to let such situations go unrepaired and ever have justice and legitimacy in our government of the United States. The harms to this nation have already gone beyond counting !!!


  19. Biden, if elected with last less than one month and then the VP will have the job. Look for Pelosi and Schumer to control
    who will be the VP. Biden is incapable of being the President. His brain is scrambled eggs. He is a sick man.

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