Abortion groups often couch the procedure in terms that don’t mention a baby at all. They are “pro-choice”, support a woman’s right to choose and use language that depersonalizes and dehumanizes the baby — calling it “tissue” or a “fetus”. One abortionist is not hiding behind terms like these at all; instead, he used the term “baby” and proudly stated that he regularly snuffs out the life of infants in utero.
LeRoy Carhart was being interviewed by a BBC reporter for an upcoming television special called “The Abortion Wars.” He shocked the host and crew when he repeatedly bypassed the left-accepted terms and used “baby” instead. He was describing the procedure and proudly discussing his process and kill count. Carhart was speaking to BBC reporter Hillary Andersson, and she seemed shocked by the number of times he referred to the death of babies as a routine part of his practice.
“It’s interesting you use the word baby, because most abortionists won’t use that—they’ll use the word fetus, because they don’t want to acknowledge –” she said began to ask, but was interrupted by Carhart.
“I think that it is a baby, and I use [the word] with patients,” he said. “To the fetus is makes no difference whether it’s born or not born. The baby has no input in this as far as I’m concerned.”
He went on to baldly state that the abortion process includes killing a baby, and that he has no problem with this. While this is a true statement, most abortionists will not admit to it and prefer to hide their work behind softer terms and language. Carhart, unlike others in his profession, clearly defined the work he is doing and stated that babies have no choice in the matter.
Andersson seemed shocked by this departure from the normally accepted terms that hide the grisly facts of abortion and make it sound as benign and simple as a visit to the dentist for teeth cleaning.
“And you don’t have a problem … with … killing a baby?” she asked, giving him a chance to backpedal into the preferred language. Instead of taking the escape offered, Carhart reiterated his role and activities:
“I have no problem if it’s in the mother’s uterus,” he replied.
When asked how far along an infant could be and still be aborted, he refused to answer, even when the reporter suggested 38 or 30 weeks (in other words, a full term infant).
Carhart’s callous and outspoken behavior about his work as an abortionist have made headlines in the past. He has referred to babies in utero as “meat in a crockpot,” and suggested his toolkit contains saws and drills as he graphically described taking a life.
Carhart has been under investigation for his activities in the US since 2016, since an unusually high number of his patients had to be hospitalized after his late term abortion procedures.