The biased mainstream media and liberal extremist celebrities have yet another thing in common. They are all facing the threat of massive civil lawsuits after maligning Covington Catholic High School students.
Attorneys representing Covington Catholic’s Nick Sandmann are reportedly preparing documents to be sent to numerous celebrities, media organizations and individual journalists who wrongfully slandered the youths. Sandmann became the primary target of the alleged libel and slander when a Native American activist confronted him in what most people view as an attempt at intimidation.
The liberal, fake news media seized on highly cropped videos to push the false narrative that Sandmann and the high school students were aggressors in the incident. Broader views from footage available to the media and celebrities show that the students were targeted by activist Nathan Phillips and other aggressive adult protestors. The youths showed no signs of bad behavior, but their wearing of MAGA hats prompted hate speech from celebrities and so-called journalists in the mainstream media.
Anti-Trump celebrities took to social media and on-air resources to level grotesquely false accusations against the minors. The reckless behavior has reportedly put the teens in harm’s way as threats of violence caused the Catholic school to close its doors for security reasons. Other reports indicate that the students were “doxed,” a form of social media targeting that publicizes names, addresses and other personal information about people targeted for reprisal.
According to a news report by Breitbart, these are people reportedly on the potential list that could face a defamation lawsuit. It’s a pretty long list:
- Sen. Elizabeth Warren
- Kathy Griffin
- Alyssa Milano
- The Washington Post
- The New York Times
- Cable News Network, Inc. (CNN)
- The Guardian
- National Public Radio
- Atlantic Media Inc.
- Capitol Hill Publishing Corp.
- Diocese of Covington
- Diocese of Lexington
- Archdiocese of Louisville
- Diocese of Baltimore
- Ana Cabrera
- Sara Sidner
- Erin Burnett
- S.E. Cupp
- Elliot C. McLaughlin
- Amanda Watts
- Emanuella Grinberg
- Michelle Boorstein
- Cleve R. Wootson Jr.
- Antonio Olivo
- Joe Heim
- Michael E. Miller
- Eli Rosenberg
- Isaac Stanley-Becker
- Kristine Phillips
- Sarah Mervosh
- Emily S. Rueb
- Maggie Haberman
- David Brooks
- Shannon Doyne
- Kurt Eichenwald
- Andrea Mitchell
- Savannah Guthrie
- Joy Reid
- Chuck Todd
- Noah Berlatsky
- Elisha Fieldstadt
- Eun Kyung Kim
- Bill Maher
- Warner Media
- Conde Nast
- GQ
- The Hill
- The Atlantic
- Ilhan Omar
- Jim Carrey
The attorney representing the Sandmann family appears to be taking no prisoners after the youth, and his classmates were wrongfully attacked on a national level.
“They know they crossed the line. Do they want 12 people in Kentucky to decide their fate? I don’t think so,” attorney Todd McMurtry said. “There was a rush by the media to believe what it wanted to believe versus what actually happened. For the mob to just go tear apart, a 16-year-old boy is inexcusable.”
McMurtry won’t be alone in his fight to restore the good name of his client and the other Covington students. High-powered Atlanta law firm L. Lin Wood has also been enlisted. The firm has successfully represented people wrongly accused of bad acts such as a falsely accused Atlanta Olympics bomber and the family of JonBenet Ramsey.
Although high-profile civil litigation remains the only viable recourse to restore the boy’s good name, McMurtry and the Covington student’s family are not just looking for a payday. It’s clear that unless some punitive result occurs, the biased media and liberal celebrities will continue their horrible assaults on good Americans who don’t share their views. But changing, or perhaps taming their attacks is part of the legal team’s thinking.
“We want to change the conversation. We don’t want this to happen again,” McMurtry added. “We want to teach people a lesson.”
The legal team reportedly plans to send letters to the parties who impugned the teen’s integrity and wrongly stained his reputation. Many anticipate that after some correspondence with the zealots who attacked the Covington students, settlements that may include highly visible public apologies and financial damages could be reached out of court. The remainder could face protracted and embarrassing civil litigation that could negatively impact their employment and careers.
~ Conservative Zone
A lot of the coverage was false and extreme. On the other hand, the boys were heard saying things like, “Go back to the reservation.”
The Black Israelites or whoever they were indeed were irritating, but they didn’t attack anyone. The boys should just have left. The fact that the Indian went up to the boys and beat his drum, does not excuse calls for him to go back to the reservation. Don’t think they will win this suit.
I do agree the coverage was over the top and jumped to conclusions. It should have been more circumspect.
I doubt it will get to the courts but a lot of dollars are going to flow. There is no reason for the boys to retreat, there has been enough of that already. Its time for citizens to stand their ground. The drum beaters could have just as easily gone around instead of forcing a confrontation.
R u spreading more fake news? Have seen nothing that they told him to go back to the reservation. This is where the crap starts with false comments like this
MY COUSIN WAS THERE & RECORDED the event………..She said that those Covington “boys” were trying to agitate the Native American, they also used obscene words……..They stood in front of him and tried to keep him from continuing with his tribute to a statue……….THOSE IDIOT KIDS should be keel hauled……..They are the ignorance of today’s youth….
REALLY!?¡¿ I mean REALLY!!??¡¡¿¿ Who`s your cousin!?¡¿ Why isn’t your cousin responding!?¡¿ Fake Cousin!?
I don’t know why your cousin is hiding this information – you know CNN and the rest of the fake new organizations would instantly put that on page 1. You are not believable.
LIAR!! My “LIAR” comment was intended for Von Potter.
Why should the Students have to retreat their position? The Native American and the Black Israelites were the instigators . You are excusing them? The students and their parents were then threatened and intimidated-for the actions of the Indian and Black Israelites. who were actually the aggressors . Maybe if the Fake News is sued each time then they will do their due diligence
come on really. they were waiting for the freaking bus. LIBTARDS are all the same, make the innocent leave and shut up.
I am 100 % behind this law suit and anyone that isn’t is a WPOS!
I know this will not erase the insensitive remarks these people made but, they definitely should have to be held responsible. Too many times in today’s world we do not hold people responsible. I hope Nick Sandmann and all the other boys who were involved in this incident are able to move on.
The bigger picture here is the loss of objectivity of the media.
let all those who jumped on the attack band wagon, should face the same punishment. All people who bring forth fallacious charges!!
A big Thank You, to the fine Legal Team representing these kids.
Teach those on your list, and others, to get the facts before opening their big mouths.
Way to go! These people will not stop the crazy rush to judgement until someone stands up to them. Please don’t back down or be paid off. This kid was wonderful. If It had been me with someone that in my face I would have punched him and went after the other “Adults” who taunted the kids.
I hope they all have to reach deep into their pockets. This was and is child abuse…..
I hope Nick wins so big that he bankrupts all them.
Nick has to win, lets all pray that they prosecute everyone of those Liberal Media networks and the Hollywood morons, who are the dumbest group. This is child abuse, and those morons like Sen. Elizabeth Warren
Kathy Griffin, & Alyssa Milano, should be locked up in a mental institution. Lock up the fake INDIAN WHO LIED, AND ABUSED UNDERAGE CHILDREN. The Diocese should keep there mouth shut, after all the child abuse that went on all these years, sue the priests and everyone involved. It’s a disgrace that the Anti- American Democrats in Congress are all idiots.
Another media person, at the beginning was ; Anna Navarro
Every single person on that list should get fried. Those kids didn’t do a thing but those high handed liberals think they can say and do what ever they want with no consequences and the politicians on that list should be kicked out of office because they don’t care about anyone but their vindictiveness
Luisa Gregg Alyssa Milano Compares Trump Voters To KKK; Says MAGA Hats Are The New “White Hoods”—–You DUMB ASS—-You have no facts there is nothing that Trump said or did that would make a thinking person believe that Trump is any of the things that the left accuses him of being. Trump is infinitely better President than Obama was and his voters are far more informed and rational than the TDS suffers on the left……SHUT YOU UGLY DUMB ASS UP——-READ THIS:——Luisa Gregg, OPRAH——-encourages blacks to vote for Democrats because their ancestors were denied the right to vote——DENIED THE VOTE BY DEMOCRATS——The Democrats were the party of the KKK, JIM CROW LAWS, and enacting Welfare to destroy Black Families and make them dependent on the government forever—President Trump has lowered black unemployment more than anybody else ever has. I LOVE MY FREEDOM.——-Dear Oprah, I respect you, but you need to move forward, and forget the past, and have all people to make choices for a BETTER LIFE. LOVE.—She also supported Obama who actually caused great harm to Black Americans as have the Democrats for years. You should be ashamed shilling for the Democrats to give them more power at the expense of Blacks and indeed all Americans. I LOVE MY FREEDOM.
It’s about time someone is calling for accountability for willfully slander and libel against these two students! Even their own diocese chose to criticize before knowing all the facts. Shame on you!
Luisa Gregg
Luisa Gregg DEMOCRATS——- is not in their best interest. The purpose of the news Media is not to inform us on what’s going on, it is propaganda. It exists to attack Conservatives, and normal people, and to cover up the sins in crimes of the left. I LOVE MY FREEDOM.
Hear! Hear! It’s about time that these people were held accountable.
There is no excuse for the willful misconducts of these adults.
Hatred of Christians, especially patriotic Christians, is obviously their only justification for mistreating children.
Maybe this will stop a bit of the rush for judgment against anyone and at least afford them the presumption of innocence until proven guilty if that is the case. Shame on all the “know everythings” to include the “PC Police” who try to determine what everyone can say or do even if it was 30+ years ago.
I am disturbed that things have come this far in our country so that measures such as this lawsuit seem appropriate. However, it does seem it will take something like this to stop the conclusion-jumping leading to extensive slanted reporting that seems designed to spark and prolong anger against folk who, after the facts became more widely known, turned out to be far more “victim” than “perpetrator”. When I saw the first reports, I was taken aback at what appeared to be an attack by the “white boys”, but felt this to be so grossly wrong that I was certain there was “more to the story’. Turns out, there was a LOT more to the story. But when additional facts came out seeming to vindicate the boys, did any of the attackers back off their vitriol? Yes, a few of them did seem to. But most of the media only seemed to double down on their attacks. And, I feel the issue of “doxing” someone needs to be addresses, as well. This is patently exposing someone to danger of unknown types by unknown parties. It’s time to lower the our collective emotion, and if a lawsuit is the only way to get some folks’ attention, then so be it. (IMHO)
Its about time something will be done to the fake news media, celebrities, people in office, protestors and anyone else who had a hand in lying about these kids and causing a lot of trouble that could have brought terrible consequences to these kids and their families. Go all the way in prosecuting all those people involved, make an example of them so others will stop doing these terrible things. These were kids, minding their own business and this indian and black knights started on them and then the rest of the IDIOTS jumped in, why so these ignorant protestors could be in the limelight. Take these Trump haters, trouble making Liberals to the cleaners. This has to STOP NOW.
I wish the students the best they should get the Fake News Networks for billions and they should be shut down for pushing lies and fake news. I do not believe who ever issues their licenses is not doing their job and fining them and closing them down. They are dividing the country with lies and fake news.
It is time for the media to be responsible for their rampant stampede to crush people with their BS. The Chuck Todds of the world cannot just wake up one morning spewing whatever garbage they want to grab a headline and ruin someone willy nilly. If you are going to be in the business of bashing someone come with your pocketbook open because you should pay for your sins!
We do not fight against flesh and blood but, against powers and principalities of the air. All of these accused are tools of the power of evil being used by the evil one to attack and slander anyone who they see as having a position contrary to the desires of the evil they follow. It is their mission to drive righteousness from the face of the earth. In the end, although the wrong seems oft so strong, GOD is the ruler yet.
Since when did the fake people in Hollywood who spend their lives “imitating” other people become the “moral” authority in this country?? Why don’t we turn it around folks? We put the fakes in Hollywood with our patronage. Let’s withdrawn our financial (tickets, movies, etc.) support and attention and let them get back to normal mindsets. They don’t run the world unless we let them!
I see lots of out of court settlements….These kids are going to be RICH!
God bless those boys. Thank you for sticking up for what you believe in. We can’t be
intimidated by the likes of Dillary Clinton and Wizabeth loren. Also god bless all you
republican women. You rule and always will. Dillary and Wizabeth with there venomous
voices and speech give women a bad name.
Perhaps this will restrain vile leftists during future events to prevent vicious attacks on innocent conservatives by celebrities and leftist media. After all, were talking about children here. Perhaps if they learn there are very serious consequences for their actions, they will learn their lesson. Failure to pursue this and be successful may eventually lead to consequences no one would wish for.
I hope they are awarded no less than $1,000,000 from each individual named and much more from each of the rest.
I will take a different approach, of course, not to lessen all that has been said. Besides lawsuit money, these perpetrators need to be sent to jail for a very long time, so they can think about what they did and not cause anymore wrongdoing to innocent Americans. You need to take away from these people, the life that they dearly love. We need to dig deep to get their attention and let them know that they are not needed in society anymore. These people distort all the rights and freedoms we have been given to use properly. For their actions, they don’t deserve to take advantage of the very rights and freedoms they are destroying from innocent Americans. Their infringement on the rights and freedoms of these students cannot go unpunished, or swept under the rug. They NEED TO SERVE TIME for the CRIME……………….
In general, I’m not one who believes all the silly things people sue over should be allowed into the domain of the Courts.
This is a valid lawsuit that SHOULD definitely move forward against every single person, group or network listed above. Such a profound example of how Truth was withheld for political purpose. I hope these kids are awarded everything they sue for and the leftwing nut jobs & Fake News get hit with such consequences they finally zip their lips unless they speak truth.
Come on people!!! The man was a radical activist and not being peaceful. He just wanted notoriety. I hope this case makes an example of the hate group, anti-American media, out of control so called stars (who are merely trying to reboot their careers), and dumb liberals who follow the crooked lead of the Democrat Party.
I understand that President Trump cannot file such lawsuits but I wish his children would retain this same attorney and go after them for the attacks they’ve endured for the past two years.
Take the evil ones down (all the liberal defamers) and “cast them out”!
Good. I hope the lawsuit is successful. Journalists, pundits and partisans should be held accountable for their actions.
I hope they get justice but the only way you can stop the fake news is you stop mine their papers and watching their newscast on TV if they can’t sell papers and sell time for advertisement on their channels they will go out of business so the only way you could stop it is just don’t watch their programs and by their papers it’s entirely up to everybody out there
Go for it young people, hit them big and hit them hard! Especially all the fake news nutworks!
The news media is causing so many problems in our country. They rarely,if ever, reported anything negative about Obama. I think he is totally anti American. He blamed everything that was wrong in his administration on Bush. He is the cause of increased racial tension in our country. Chuck Todd should go home, he does not even try to hide his biases. President Trump does not ever get one bit of positive news media. He could help Mother Tresa across the street and they would report on it negatively. The liberals and the news media are ruining our country. If this continues there will be no USA. We are headed for a civil war. When God has no place, but gays, Muslims, blacks, etc., etc. have a say, something is wrong. I have no problem with any of them, I have no problem with God either. The blacks make up just over thirteen percent of the country. Three percent of them commit fifty percent of the murder, rape and other violent crime in this country. US Department of Justice stats, fact check me. I worked for a State Department of Health. I wrote grants for over thirty years. The thirteen percent get more than eighty five percent of the grant money, millions. They get money for education, housing, healthcare and many other things. Taxpayer money. Fact check me. I wrote for several million myself. If the liberals and the news media does not stop, we will lose our country and our freedom. Do any of you believe our military is going to kill the very people the defend? Do any of you think our military believes the media? People better remember why we left England. Say you want a revolution? Keep doing what you are doing liberals and media. Bill Clinton did some horrible things while he was in office and the media treated him better than Trump.. Hilary rightfully should be in jail and the media treated her better. I could go all night.
Suggestion: One million dollars punitive damages against each of the above smearers…to EACH and EVERY boy there.