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Leftists: Kamala Harris UNFIT for Office Because She Owns a Gun

According to the Pew Research Center, three out of every 10 adults in the United States say they own a gun. 2020 Democratic presidential hopeful U.S. Senator Kamala Harris, California, is one of them. While millions of Americans would believe the Senator is simply exercising her Second Amendment right to bear arms, one USA Today contributor feels Harris’ decision to own a gun should disqualify her from getting the Democratic presidential nomination.

In a controversial article, Peter Funt likens the Senator’s position on firearms to that of the National Rifle Association. Funt alleges Harris is keeping alive the idea that a “good guy with a gun” is the best method to stop armed and violent criminals in their tracks according to TheBlaze. The progressive contributor began his article by saying, “When it comes to gun ownership in America, presidential aspirant Kamala Harris has shot herself in the foot.”

Funt went on to state, “At a time when Democrats are toughening their positions on gun control and seeking to make it a core issue in the 2020 campaign, the California senator has conceded that her personal relationship with guns is unique among the major Democratic presidential contenders. She owns a handgun, a campaign aide told CNN.”

Continuing with his piece, Funt said, “This under-publicized revelation (that Harris owns a gun) comes as Harris is getting a lot of ink for being tough about guns. Her words are fine, but for a progressive like me, they are undermined by that handgun. And I can’t be the only one who is disturbed. Keeping a handgun for personal safety is a bedrock conservative view.”

Harris informed voters in Iowa that she has a handgun for her personal safety. The Senator revealed that she began owning a firearm when she was a prosecutor who sometimes dealt with dangerous criminals. A spokesperson for the 2020 Democratic presidential nominee said the gun stays locked away now. According to the Pew Research Center, Harris isn’t alone. The non-partisan American fact tank reported that 67 percent of gun owners said protection is a major reason why they own a firearm. However, in his piece, Funt argued that personal safety isn’t a valid justification to exercise one’s Second Amendment right to bear arms.

The progressive contributor remarked, “But Kamala Harris doesn’t seem to have the courage to concede that owning a handgun for protection is a bad idea. Instead, she has given voters a real choice: Back candidates who care enough about gun control to not own handguns, or support the only major Democratic contender who has one and won’t throw it away.”

Although she owns a gun, Harris has taken a hard stance on firearms thus far in her 2020 presidential campaign. Recently, during a CNN town hall, the Senator vowed to take aggressive action to carry out gun control if she wins the White House. Harris promised to take executive action to accomplish her objectives of an assault weapons ban and universal background checks if Congress fails to pass gun control legislation during her first 100 days in office. According to Fox News, Harris “would unilaterally mandate background checks for customers purchasing a firearm from any dealer who sells more than five guns a year.”

Dealers who break the law would have their licenses taken away. Harris’ additional executive action “would prohibit fugitives from purchasing a firearm or weapon, as well as close the loophole that allows some domestic abusers to purchase a firearm if their victim is an unwedded partner.”

On a recent airing of “Fox & Friends,” Fox News’ Katie Pavlich blasted Harris’ proposed gun control initiatives. Pavlich stated, “As we’ve seen in the past with Democrats and a number of other Democrats on the campaign trail now, when they say ‘common sense’ or ‘reasonable gun safety laws,’ they’re actually talking about gun bans.”

The conservative commentator went on to say, “gun confiscation, gun control by executive fiat, taking away the Second Amendment rights of Americans through tyrannical executive orders without any kind of due process. That doesn’t play well in places like Ohio and Michigan, even Wisconsin.”

Regarding guns, Harris is in quite a conundrum. Because she owns one, some progressives like Funt aren’t going to want to have anything to do with her. With her hardline stance on gun control, she risks alienating moderates and gun owners in the Democratic Party.

~ Conservative Zone

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15 thoughts on “Leftists: Kamala Harris UNFIT for Office Because She Owns a Gun”

  1. It’s no coincidence that gun control advocates use Political Correctness to impose their beliefs on others, even fellow believers, like Kamala. They don’t want individuals to be able to protect themselves from their own government, or even those in their own party. Seth Rich is the best example of that. A Democrat working for the DNC, shot twice in the back, left lying on the sidewalk, with nothing stolen, but the police calling it a “botched robbery”. Of course, even if he had a gun, it probably wouldn’t have stopped the cowardly shooter from shooting him in the back. We don’t have eyes in the back of our heads, right? Which makes it very important to choose the right party to belong to in the first place. for Seth, being a Democrat, and trying to expose their corruption, appears to have cost him his life. For Leftists, politics is about life, and death. If you don’t agree with them, they prefer you dead, eventually. Kind of like Muslims, aren’t they, who want non-believers to convert or die? What a coincidence? Or is it?

  2. Well, if getting killed ignobly by a violent assailant while being unarmed furthers the cause, then its worth it, isn’t it?

  3. Every last one of the DemRat candidates is a super hypocrite. Those worthless commie maggots are all surrounded by hired guns to protect them.


  5. now go ask all other dem. poloticians if they own a gun, and if not how many have armed guards. Funt is an idiot, self protection is the exact justification to carry and exercise your seond amendment

    1. If the truth was known I would wager many more of the worthless liberal, communist, muslim democrats also carry guns, or in the case of muslims explosives.

  6. Senator Harris the GUN OWNER—What a fucking hypocrite!
    The Democrat candidate takes great pride that she gave homeowners a $25 billion settlement “win” in 2012 as proof that she’s a warrior for the middle class — but the deal she helped negotiate delivered NEXT TO NOTHING for victims while failing to hold the banks accountable. Indeed, while Harris describes the deal as a success, it failed to help THE MAJORITY of foreclosure victims actually keeping their homes. Harris misrepresents this mortgage settlement with her lies and distortions. But consider this about a slut who gained her political position on her back as the mistress to San Francisco Mayor, Willie Brown, a man 32 years her senior and whose marriage she destroyed. Her corruption does not end there…With the New York Times quite vocal about her disgusting law breaking in 2015, it is curious how silent the press is now about her ugly conduct. Does Senator Harris stand by her actions as the Attorney General of California where the prosecutors under her control, according to the New York Times in 2015, “failed to take on prosecutorial misconduct.” The profile noted in 2015 her office was called out for “defending convictions obtained by local prosecutors who inserted false confessions into the transcripts of police interrogations, lied under oath, and withheld crucial evidence from the defense.” WOW! And this Trollop thinks the American people in middle America will ignore this disgusting level of corruption as she defecated on the defendants in California, our laws and civil rights? We already got a view of her belief in “Due Process” during the Kavanaugh hearing.

  7. I have no issue with Kamala Harris having a gun. I do have many issues with her sleeping with a politician to further her career, hersupport of many Anti-American ideas and the fact she said the first thing she would do if elected would be to take away everyone’s guns. Kamala Harris is another Democrat Hypocrite who doesn’t need or deserve to be POTUS.

  8. KamalaHO needs to get rid of her gun and her Secret Service protection!! Now, continue your run for Presidency without your protection and see how it feels!! YOU, KamalaHO will NEVER BE

  9. Kamala Harris isn’t even eligible to be President, because she wasn’t born on US soil. When are the overseers going to do their job & tell these people that?

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