Long-Secret Mueller Memo Vindicates Trump – No Obstruction of Justice

A leftwing Soros dark-money group called Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) has been suing the Department of Justice for years. They’re trying to obtain a long-secret memo from Robert Mueller’s Russia collusion witch hunt.

These moonbats have such a bad case of Trump Derangement Syndrome that they’re the ones who have been spreading the conspiracy theory – for years – that Mueller was a secret Russian agent who was helping Trump all along. That’s healthy.

Anyway, that memo has finally been publicly released, and it backfired spectacularly on CREW. Instead of implicating Trump in a crime that Mueller covered up, the memo outlines the fact that the Mueller team knew their “obstruction of justice” claims against Trump were BS all along.


The memo was written in 2019. It explicitly stated that Trump should not be prosecuted for obstruction of justice, because his criticisms of Robert Mueller were VALID. Trump’s attacks on the Mueller probe were motivated by legitimate frustrations and therefore not a crime – according to the Mueller team itself. They said that in writing to former Attorney General Bill Barr. (Funny how Barr never mentioned that.)

This memo concludes that Trump couldn’t be prosecuted for any of his statements about witnesses or the investigating team, without intruding on his legitimate authority as the chief of the Executive branch. As many of us said throughout the Russia collusion hoax, Trump had every right to criticize the Mueller team or even to fire them if he felt like doing so. He was the boss! And we elected him to be the boss. If the chief executive is not in charge of the Department of Justice which is under his authority, then no one is.

That’s why we elect presidents. They’re supposed to run the Executive branch. To claim that it’s obstruction of justice to complain about the DOJ or any other Executive branch agency is to claim that we did not legitimately elect Trump. And we did. By a lot. Twice. Is a president allowed to criticize the Department of Agriculture? How about NASA? If the employees who work under him in any agency are stinking the place up, Trump has every right to tell them to get their act together and criticize them.

Because we ELECTED him to be the boss.

Here’s what the assistant attorney general for the Office of Legal Counsel Steven Engel and Principal Associate Deputy Attorney General Edward O’Callaghan wrote in the memo, dated March 24, 2019:

“Having reviewed the Report in light of the governing legal principles, and the Principles of Federal Prosecution, we conclude that none of those instances would warrant a prosecution for obstruction of justice, without regard to the constitutional constraint on bringing such an action against a sitting president.”

This tells us a couple of things. First, Mueller lied to Congress when he delivered his report. He sat there and testified, “Oh, golly gee, here’s all the obstruction of justice ‘evidence’ that we collected, but it’s not up to me to make a determination on whether to impeach Trump for it. That’s up to the Congress!”

He knew darned good and well that HIS OWN TEAM had determined there was nothing that Trump said or did that rose to the level of obstruction of justice.

Second, it tells us that the DOJ knew that charging Trump with obstruction of justice would be so far out of the ‘standards and norms’ of our country that it would be absolutely unprecedented in US history. It would be like… oh, I don’t know… raiding a former president’s home for documents that the government mailed to him after he left office or something.

You can just imagine what the moonbats at Crew are thinking now that they’ve finally gotten this memo released and it once again exonerates President Trump. “See! That PROVES that Mueller was working for Putin all along!”

Bill “Bag of Donuts” Barr could have released this memo three years ago, but for some reason decided not to. If Trump had known of the memo’s existence, there’s no doubt that he would have declassified it and released it. Instead, we had to wait three years to even learn of its existence. Oh, and by the way, how’s that Durham investigation coming along, anyway? Any day now, right?

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29 thoughts on “Long-Secret Mueller Memo Vindicates Trump – No Obstruction of Justice”

  1. The Omission of Truth is Exactly the same as Lying but until it is brought out into the open,
    it is not Punishable! (Obstruction of Justice?) People who are suspected of “Wrongdoing” are Still Innocent until Proven Guilty according to the Blindfolded Lady holding the “Scales of Justice”

  2. Today’s Demorats = Just a Bunch of Continual Liars !!! They should all be sent to prison not only for their lies but also for the money taxpayers have spent on all of their baloney !!! TRUMP 2024 !!!

    1. Exactly – it just proves once again how good President Trump really is! He did a marvelous job as President of the United States with all the high ranking (mainstream media) democrats hanging on to him like clink-ons!
      He is a a blessing to our country who’s tried to clean up the DC swamp; boy is it hard, but he’s got millions of us supporting him. Democrats are swirling in a sea of lies!

  3. I’ve known it all these years. The asswipe democrats all belong in prison. Or in a grave that’s what I would like to see myself. I’d really like to be the one to put a bullet in them the EVIL M.F.s.

  4. Robin I totally agree, in the ground is the only way to be rid of the devils disciples!!! I’m not an American, but I would happily stand next to you extinguish their disease!!!

  5. Really disgusted with almost ALL Dimocrats for, as a block, being totally devoid of all patriotism and love for this country.

  6. I love the repudiation of evil to the point of a stirring patriotic heart accompanied tears of joy embraced by the sunlight of a new day ! For our country, may it continue in the Sacred Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, amen.

  7. I do not like the Democrates I think they are trying take all our rights away and make us a controlled country like China and Russia. They only know how to tell lies . and spend our tax money. They are all doing lots of [legal stuff and breaking our laws and should be put in jail for life and shot for treason.

  8. If you ask me now, this election was stolen by these rotten democrats and we still need to get to the bottom of the election “2000 Mules”

    Come on America, we need you. These people in office need to be voted out?

  9. I hope trump comes back as president and gets rid of all the swamp. They disgust me. Should all go to jail.

    1. Too bad Trump didn’t just do it when he came into office, He should’ve fired every single obozo minion that was in all variety of positions of our govt.

    1. Jimmy, please void this type of comments that is the reason Republicans and Conservatives get marked as Crazy patriots/. The evidence against the SWAMP and DEMOCRATS speaks for it self, SUPPORT and ENDORSE IT

  10. I believe that a part of the American people’s that have ostracized President Trump before, during, and after leaving office owe him an apology. They and the USA’s version of Russian Oligarchs- billionaires like Bezos, Gates, Zuckerberg and the others who rob the common people of voting power should swim done the drain. Rev. Carlos

    1. I get it Rev Carlos! I totally agree but know that there is a Spiritual War between Good (DJT) and evil (demwits) and right now the evil is very strong! But with so many Good people supporting President Trump, the tide will soon turn! The Elections next month will show “who” controls the House and Senate and hopefully the Elephants win out! The demwits are panicking because if Conservatives win, well it makes no difference what the President wants if he’s a liberal — he won’t be able to pass any legislation without the House and Senate votes.
      With all the anti-democrat sentiment flowing throughout America, I don’t see how anyone but Donald J Trump will win the next Presidential Election!
      Prayers and Positive Thoughts for our Nation and those who “love” it, not use it like the demented demonrats!!

      I do love the idea of making those idiots APOLOGIZE to President Trump!! That would eat their insides big time while Conservatives GRIN big time!

    2. Rev Carlos, understand what you are saying but you have a name on your list that should not be Bezos. The name that should on your list is George Soros! He is beyond belief1 Give US citizenship by John Kennedy in the 1960’s! He likes to kill people – anyone he does not care! If you want to talk about someone that needs their citizenship revoked it is him! Hungary does not want him, and he should not be allowed to have anything to do with making US money to improve his wealth! He has two sons that can make him look like an angel – when he is more like Hitler! He is a bad person all the way around!

  11. I’ve been waiting for years to hear that certain Democrats (and even a few rinos ) have been found, washed up on some lonely beach somewhere with mysterious holes behind their ears. Strangely enough, the list in my mind keeps growing. It appears that this has already happened to several individuals who have apparently gotten too close to certain persons in (or formerly in) the power structure. My oh my.

  12. Can I say something I voted for Donald Trump twice I think he is the ONLY one that can possibly pull America out of this mess besides Ron Desantis which I thought about how awesome it would be if Trump got President and Desantis Vice President. But if we would pray for repentance for our Country and ask God in heaven to have mercy and hope that God would give America another chance. All Christians should get on our knee’s and pray constantly for God’s answer until the election is over and we see where we stand.

  13. America needs to stand up now and say we’ve had enough. Its our time to take back our country. We need to take down the evils in our country now.we all know who they are.

  14. It is disgusting that criminal democrats have not been arrested and held in jail until prosecuted and given stiff prison sentences to prevent any similar crimes from happening again . Many of them deserve death sentences for treason but life in prison cells with crazed blood thursty murderers would be proper punishment for the damage they have done to the USA.
    It would be justice if each politically involved criminal democrat or other political criminal was cell buddies with a Hannibal the Cannibal or a Jeffrey Dahmer type and a Bubba . It is fun to think a Dexter kind of guy could insure that justice is served .

  15. We are their employers, lying to us is and should be a crime!

    It should be a felony for any elected, appointed or hired government official or their spokesperson ( or candidate for office) at any level, to lie to or deliberately mislead the public! Punishable by the immediate removal from office and 5 years in prison!

  16. Perhaps we should update the alphabet soup name by recognising good old georgie boy Soros’ financial grubby fingers all over the “pie” – So – SCREW now becomes the updated moniker for Soros’ little escapade into yet more screwing up of the USA.
    Can anyone remind me who approved his “Citizenship” ???
    Hell is missing an important “guest” – perhaps the Good Lord will now oblige and point Georgie Boy in the right direction for a change !

  17. I think the comments sum it up…but you guys missed the biggest ones of all! By the end of the next two years these woke, leftist criminals will have succeeded in keeping the southern border open and giving all who come across your and my tax money to obtain their votes! We are talking about millions of votes here folks, more than we can presently conjure up from right of center! Is it possible to hold a national referendum with the proposition that funds given to these illegals can only come from taxes paid by Democratic and leftist voters? And while I am at it…is anyone doing anything to stop the degradation of our schools, religions and other freedoms? Not much from what I can see. It has always been my opinion that you fight the enemy with the same tools and tactics they employ! What about a Sensible American Movement employing the same tactics and misallocation of monies that BLM, the leftist political machine and Congress has used for years…ad nauseum!

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