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Marco Rubio ROASTS Reporter for Mocking Him After a Trump Rally

Like many other supporters of President Donald Trump, U.S. Senator Marco Rubio made his way to a packed Orlando rally for the President on June 18, 2019. At the insanely popular event, Trump kicked off his re-election bid. While the President excitedly relayed his vision for America, Rubio sat in the audience between fellow Republican U.S. Senators Lindsey Graham and Rick Scott.

Apparently, Rubio’s presence at Trump’s rally amused New York Times reporter Michael Barbaro. In a tweet, the reporter for the left-leaning media outlet said, “Very strange, for those of who covered 2016 campaign, to see Sen Marco Rubio smiling and chuckling in this audience.”

Rubio refused to sit back and take Barbaro’s slight silently. According to TheBlaze, the failed 2016 presidential candidate responded by saying, “BREAKING[.] In an unprecedented move a Republican Senator attended a rally in his home state in support of the re-election of a Republican President.”

He coyly added later, “BTW, this is the same reporter who in 2015 after 3 weeks of meticulous investigative journalism uncovered that my wife had traffic tickets, I had a fishing boat & my home has big windows. And in 2016 he broke the story that I had some boots with [a] higher heel.”

Displaying the genuineness of his appearance at Trump’s kickoff rally, Rubio also tweeted, “As opposed to smiling & chuckling at a rally for a radical liberal candidate for President who will undo policies to confront China, reduce regulations & taxes, defend liberty in Venezuela & protect the unborn?”

Like numerous other presidential candidates have done before them, Rubio and Trump often sparred during the 2016 Republican Primary. But, after Trump secured the nomination, Rubio endorsed his former fierce competitor. Since the President took office in 2017, Rubio hasn’t been shy about giving Trump praise where he thinks it’s due. Unlike some of his less courageous colleagues, he’s also been quick to point out areas where he disagrees with the President.

Earlier this month, Rubio backed Trump’s plan to pressure the Mexican government into doing something about the immigration crises at the U.S. southern border by enforcing tariffs. Concerning the controversial concept, Rubio tweeted, “I don’t generally like tariffs either. But what alternative do my GOP colleagues have to get #Mexico to secure its southern border, use the Isthmus of Tehuantepec to screen northbound rail cars & vehicles & act on intel we provide on human traffickers?”

While Rubio stood with the President on tariffs, he enthusiastically disagreed with Trump’s decision earlier this year to declare a “national emergency” in order to construct part of a wall on America’s border with Mexico. The senior Senator from Florida was worried about the precedent the move might set. He also voiced his belief that the decision violated the U.S. Constitution, which gave Congress the authority to appropriate funds.

“We have a crisis at our southern border, but no crisis justifies violating the Constitution,” Rubio said. “Today’s national emergency is border security. But a future president may use this exact same tactic to impose the Green New Deal.”

In a statement issued before the President made the “national emergency” declaration, the Senator admitted he might end up supporting the decision, but he said it wasn’t probable. Rubio remarked, “I will wait to see what statutory or constitutional power the president relies on to justify such a declaration before making any definitive statement. But I am skeptical it will be something I can support.” At the time, Rubio’s Senate colleague from Florida, Scott, agreed with the President. In an e-mail, the junior Senator from The Sunshine State implored Trump to “Do Whatever it Takes to Secure Our Border.”

Liberals like Barbaro will continue to paint Rubio as Trump’s yes-man. But, the facts to back this fallacy up simply don’t exist. Since Trump’s improbable election triumph in 2016, Rubio has steadfastly stood up for the principled conservative values that made him so popular with many around the country early in the 2016 presidential race. One can only wish the country had more men and women like Rubio serving in Congress.

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