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Media Fail: Trump’s Approval Improved During Border “Outrage”

While the mainstream media plastered photos of crying children on every screen they could, President Donald Trump’s approval rating continued to climb.

Despite the outcry over the Trump administration’s continuation of the Obama era policy of separating parents who break the law from children when they enter the country illegally, the President’s approval has gone up 5 points. This news comes from Real Clear Politics and shows an increase in his approval rating since early June.

Despite intensive efforts by liberal lawmakers, celebrities, journalists and activist groups, the president is enjoying an increased level of approval at the very heart of what some were terming a “scandal” or Trump’s Katrina. Instead of being harmed by the mainstream media and their cohorts, the president actually benefited from the extra publicity.

No group saw greater growth in support and approval for the president than Hispanic Americans. Those who went through the legal immigration process and those who are US citizens saw the greatest approval increase during the firestorm of coverage calling out the administration towards their continuation and enforcement of the Obama policies.

The policy of housing unaccompanied minors and those separated from parents who were detained for illegal activity dates back several years. 15 years ago, the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) became a part of the Department of health and Human Services. Once children arrive alone or are separated from parents, they need care, shelter, food and education. These needs are met at a variety of locations, and have been in place for years.

The recent outcry references the decision by the Trump administration to enforce laws; at the border, parents are often given the choice of returning home and not entering the country illegally or being processed separately from their children and reunited once their legal issues are addressed. Since some entering the country have criminal issues, adults and children have been separated to ensure safety; this process began under the Obama administration and continues to day.

Earlier this month, after the propaganda-based outcry over both authentic and manufactured images, the Trump administration took steps to expedite the processing of parents and reunite them more swiftly with their children. While this step helps the kids, who enter with their parents, it does not change the circumstances for those who entered the country alone and who have no family. These children still require care, food and shelter, but were often pictured in media campaigns as being “separated” from their families, despite arriving in the US alone and unaccompanied.

Much of the overhyped media focus has been on what was later confirmed to be hoax images, or images of children taken before President Trump was in office. For those viewing the news and expecting unbiased journalism, the attempt to skewer the president for the separation was obvious and instead of losing faith in the administration, many lost faith in the ability of news organizations to accurately portray the news.

As the president’s approval rating continues to rise, the mainstream media has shifted focus from the issue of separation and is waiting for something new to attack the administration with. Russia, Obama-era policies and other “Watergate” style inquiries have failed to damage the president’s popularity rating. Instead, the blatant attempts to subvert the news continue to backfire on the journalists and activists as the public is simply losing faith in the media’s ability to deliver honest and unbiased accounts.

~ Conservative Zone

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13 thoughts on “Media Fail: Trump’s Approval Improved During Border “Outrage””

    1. President Trump did more for America and the American people in one year than the previous three presidents did in 24 years!
      Donald Trump is my AMAZING PRESIDENT and like he promised, president for all AMERICANS! President Trump is the best president ever and the most brilliant leader in the history of the world!
      Keep America Great! Greater than ever before! AMERICA and AMERICANS FIRST!
      Actions speak louder than words and President Trump’s actions speak volumes for America and the American people!

      Donald Trump overcame adversity never before seen in the history of an American Presidential election and no one is going to stop him!
      President Trump is so right so often about so much, that it is unbelievable! He is an unstoppable genius!
      Sixteen Republican challengers couldn’t stop Donald Trump, the Democrats couldn’t stop him, adversaries in his own party couldn’t stop him, the lying liberal media couldn’t stop him, the thug protesters hired by the Democrats to disrupt his rallies couldn’t stop him, crooked Hillary, despite her underhanded cheating and attempt to rig the election with the help of then President Obama, the DOJ (Loretta Lynch) and the FBI (James Comey) couldn’t stop him, so why are so many wasting their time? He won’t be stopped! Trump/Pence 2020!

    2. TO SOLVE AMERICAS PROBLEMS MAKE THIS CHOICE WE THE PEOPLE’ HAVE THE POWER OF OUR VOICES AND OUR VOTES, TO VOTE OUT THE ENTIRE LYING,CORRUPT, TREASONOUS DEMOCRAT PARTY COME NOV 2018, VOTE TO MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN AND TO END ALL CORRUPTIONS IN Washington……. The Reason Democrats Are All Behind Mueller Witch Hunt Is Likely Hidden in the IG’s Clinton Email Report and It Will Make You Sick (child criminal abuse against children)

      337535680-full-david-brock-confidential-memo-on.pdf click on<<you will finally see who is behind all this violence against america and president trump real truth here long pages but read all please group called share blue

  1. The average person is a lot smarter than liberal media gives them credit for. God is opening people’ eyes to recognize what is true and what is not.

  2. Trump is providing more transparency than any President in the last 200 years!!
    WHY? Because the MSM takes every opportunity they can find to reveal everything that is going on within the Administration.

  3. we the real americans are behind trump 100% he,s the greatest president this country has ever had and ever will have. thenk you mr donald trump for doing such a great job for your country and me.

  4. We the people control the Media. Well how is that? We support them with their pay checks. How? They do not get paid or have a job if they do not make money. How do they make money. Advertisers pay the way. The advertisers look at how many viewers that they have to decide if they are going to do business with them. They lose people tuning into them they lose money for advertisers start pulling out. If no one turned on CNN then within the year they would not be any more. If people can not protect their country because of their own greed not to see the police report which by the way is not much news that is way it is told over and over 500 times a morning. If it is hard lets get a poll started to see which one the most of the people then boycott them and watch them go away. That will make the others take note not to be the next one on the boycott list.

  5. I can only imagine what President Trump’s approval numbers would be if he enjoyed fawning media coverage akin to that given so lovingly to Obama. The Obama Zombies in the main stream media are losing all but the alt-left who are running around with their hair on fire because of the president’s successes.

  6. The US of As citizens are a lot smarter than the far alt left thinks, if they can think for them selves at all. We can see through the smoke and mirrors, lies and fake passion. We had 8 years of Obozo the Clown and the socialist democratic “Hope and Change”. Trumps fight against socialism/communism is our savior. KAG. Build the damn Border Wall, NOW. Kick the commie UN out of the US of A.

  7. Good! The people are much smarter than the media gives them credit for. The media are the ones who are clueless!

  8. You know why the far left wing of the Democrat Party keep failing on destroying President Trump, is because just about everyone of the charges made against him are “out right lies, fake, false and phony and they all back fire against the Democrat Party”!!! The far left wing has lied so much like Hillary Clinton that they no longer know what is a lie and what is the truth anymore and the American voters do not believe or trust them anymore, period!!! A BIG RED WAVE IS COMING and the Democrat Party cannot stop it!!! Tough luck Democrats, but you have no one to blame but yourselves for it happening!!!! …..

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