Michigan County Has More Registered Voters Than People Who Can Legally Vote

A Michigan voter filed a lawsuit Tuesday against Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, the Bureau of Elections Director Jonathan Brater, and other officials, saying that the voter rolls in at least 16 counties in the state have not been properly maintained, leaving them vulnerable to fraud in November’s election.

Republican Tony Daunt, who is very active in the Michigan as well as the county parties, alleges that the voter registration rates in these counties are “suspiciously high” due to the fact that voting records have not been purged to remove ineligible voters – including those who have died, moved, or have been convicted of felonies.

“Retaining voter rolls bloated with ineligible voters harms the electoral process, heightens the risk of electoral fraud, and undermines public confidence in elections,” Daunt’s complaint said.

The lawsuit cited data compiled by the Honest Elections Project, which includes information from the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2014-18 American Community Survey as well as the latest count of registered voters from Benson’s office.

When the information was examined, the discrepancies were undeniable. In fact, in one county, the number of registered voters actually exceeded the number of people of voting age.

“Comparing the registered voter count to the 2014-18 American Community Survey reveals that Leelanau County has a registration rate of 102%,” the complaint says. It is also notable that in the other 15 counties in the lawsuit, that percentage is above 90 percent.

Daunt fears that the failure to remove all of those ineligible names from the voter rolls may result in voter fraud. It is a very serious situation in any local, state, or federal election. We know from the 2016 presidential election where President Trump won Michigan by only .04 percent, that even the smallest of voting discrepancies could severely impact an election.

The lawsuit that was filed last week asserts that Michigan has an obligation to resolve this issue under the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA). The NVRA allows individuals to notify state officials of voter registration record problems, and to sue them if reasonable action is not taken within 90 days. Daunt’s attorney, William Consovoy, sent a letter to Benson and Brater in February and said that they have still not bothered at all to take appropriate actions to maintain accurate records in the state.

“Defendants’ failure to maintain accurate voter rolls violates federal law and jeopardizes the integrity of the upcoming 2020 election,” the complaint says.

There are intense legal battles and controversy in many elections in various states throughout the country over voting issues. Leading up to the November election it is predictable that Americans can expect to see accusations and realizations of voter fraud grow as election day approaches.

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20 thoughts on “Michigan County Has More Registered Voters Than People Who Can Legally Vote”

  1. I would suggest that if these areas can not clean up voter roles then they must revert back to old policies before each election. Voters must be registered in the precinct they are voting in, must come in person and must show ID. Of course I would prefer this in all elections. There is nothing racist or discriminatory about it. Furthermore there should always be backup….paper ballots. Of course democrats will hate this because it eliminates a huge amount of voter fraud.

  2. Distract people with a manufactured race war and pandemic, and you can institute your voter fraud programs without anyone having time to investigate! Simple, eh?

  3. 2020 will be the WORST election EVER, in terms of voter fraud, in US history, with all of the shameless Democrat efforts to win an election that is unwinnable without massive FRAUD. It is the end of ANY POSSIBILITY that the Democrat Party can even survive, such open LIARS they have become.

    1. You’s is a ridiculous argument. Citizens within each voting jurisdiction have a right & RESPONSIBILITY to vote, but that jurisdiction MUST do everything they reasonably can to ensure that the roles are accurate, and voters are legitimate! Currently they FAIL!

  4. The most notable and to my knowledge largest volume fraud actually found is the election judge in Philadelphia who entered phony votes for Democratic candidates when no one was looking. The value of positive ID there was absolutely zip. The value of ID in the prevention of voting fraud is far too limited to be worth much. “Much ado about nothing” to quote the Bard.

    Steps can be taken to ensure ballots cast by mail are valid. When I was young, the State allowed removal from the rolls if you didn’t vote in two consecutive national elections. I missed two and when I went the following election and couldn’t vote, I was extremely irate, lucky I wasn’t thrown in jail. I was allowed a provisional ballot and provided proof I had maintained residence with utility bills.

    The point is it’s not good to snatch away a person’s opportunity to vote. Mail-outs to generate responses to certify that voter still lives at the address are as week as the two election thing. Anything that keeps a voter from voting is a serious constitutional problem. We have a bigger problem with voters not voting than with voting fraud..

    1. You are either very naive or disingenuous. The idea that a person can grab a handful of ballots and walk into an elder care facility and fill one out for each person and then go hand it in is happening. lose ballots are ripe for fraud. If anyone wants to vote now, all you have to have is an ID. If you are not on the rolls, thy use your id to show you live in the precinct and you vote. If you cannot even produce that, then you don’t have any business voting. It is a right AND a responsibility to vote in this country. Rights are only available to those who show they want them.

  5. Voter fraud is very real. In CA police found 20% of arrested illegals had a voter I.D. card. Duh? Did they vote? Who knows.
    CA gives out drivers licenses to illegal alien. Illegals cost the state of CA over $20 Billion per YEAR per a Stanford University study, talk about DUMB. Does anyone really honestly think that illegals are not voting in mass in our elections?

    It’s time for the Supreme court and State courts to put an end to this travesty. It’s amazing that illegals, the poor, the illiterate, and homeless can come up with identity documents for food stamps, government handouts, drivers licenses, health care, credit cards, bank accounts; but NOT for voter I.D. Come on people. Get real…. Enforce voter I.D. and force purge of voter roles.

  6. President Trump is right – mail-in ballots lead to voter fraud. The Demos and fake news media will do anything to get rid of Trump – cheating and committing fraud to the highest levels. No one should be able to vote unless in person with identification and a voter’s registration. Period. Frankly, I don’t want to hear about the coronavirus. Use a mask and 6′ distancing. We’ve got to have a fair election! We have to protect our country!


  7. The democrats have shown their hand, if we don’t put a stop to them now it will be impossible to do so in the future. This voter fraud is just one of the many examples of this truth.

  8. Friends of mine all through Pennsylvania are receiving piles of Michigan voting ballots in the mail. No reason. The GOP better CLAMP down on all voting sites’ machines. The DNC has always Pre-loaded them with Democratic votes. They also must track mail-in ballots extremely closely.

  9. I have voted by mail for many years. I have to fill out verification every year. My ballot arrives with my voter ID on it. I have to sign the envelope and mail it all in. I feel very secure in my vote. I’m disabled and could not go to vote so I’m very grateful for the mail vote.

  10. Michigan has a county where there are more registered voters than there are voting age citizens-they also have several more counties where the registration rate is at least 90% of voting age citizens registered. According the Judicial Watch there are 1,100 counties in the US where the number of registered voters exceed the number of voting age citizens. Each of these counties offer the opportunity for voter fraud (I think JW said that these counties account for 1.3 million voters who simply do not exist). And, this is the count after JW sued Los Angeles county and had 1.75 million voters removed for the same reason. According to JW there are as many as 3 million dead people still registered to vote and there are states that have several hundred people who are registered to vote who are 105 years old or older. On election day, after the polls close, all of these people arise from the dead and they all vote (Democrat, of course). This notion that these people vote after the polls close is driven home by the story of Domenick DeMuro, a Philadelphia election judge. He was caught voting these ballots, after the polls closed. In some elections, he was responsible for as many as 25% of the votes cast. When the Democrats say that they want mail-in ballots, because they want every voter to have a voice, they aren’t talking about us, they are talking about the dead voter, the non-citizen voter and the voter who is registered in more than one country or state.

  11. Serious problem. Not 100% vote in any election, so if these rolls are not, and they definitely aren’t, cleaned up continually, voter fraud is easy. I seriously support voting and providing Id. Illegals can not and should not vote!!!!

  12. You’s is a ridiculous argument. Citizens within each voting jurisdiction have a right & RESPONSIBILITY to vote, but that jurisdiction MUST do everything they reasonably can to ensure that the roles are accurate, and voters are legitimate! Currently they FAIL!

  13. Face it, the democRATs cannot win a honest election. Pelosi knows this so she is pushing the easiest way to voter fraud, mail in ballots. It has already been proven how many of the mail in votes are fraudulent and how many are perpetuated by those who count the votes. If you don’t vote in person you will be counted as a democRAT vote.

  14. Pelosi needs to go. I wish I felt we can have an honest election this year but it won’t happen. Too many illegals voting, counts wrong, all these ballots going out to people to vote and mail back. And one statement I heard was people are afraid to stand in line at the voting places because of the virus —-five it a rest —-look at the beaches, the downtowns — they are not “social distancing” etc., no masks, etc. Voter fraud is so easy to accomplish with all the other distractions going on in the world. Pelosi cannot even get off her knees without help—-whatever reason that was that she was down on them to begin with. To make some point I suppose. No honest election this year.

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