While Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is viewed by many in the Democratic Party as a rising star who can mobilize party activists and help the DNC win back Congress, others are sounding the alarm about Ms. Ocasio-Cortez far-left, quasi-communist platform.
Instead of gaining votes, her views on issues such as gun control, capitalism and immigration could turn off voters who may have been inclined to vote for a moderate Democrat candidate or at least one who is not continually expounding on the many so-called benefits of socialism.
Former FBI Director James Comey, who recently made news for telling the American people that anyone who loves the United States should vote Democrat in November, desperately pled with the DNC not to move further left, noting that there are plenty of people in America’s middle who want balanced, ethical, sensible leadership. Former senator and VP candidate Joe Lieberman went one step further and, in a recent editorial in the Wall Street Journal, blasted Ms. Ocasio-Cortez’s socialist positions.
Lieberman has urged Rep. Joe Crowley, who was defeated by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in a recent upset primary, to remain on the ballot as the candidate for the Working Families Party so that New Yorkers in his district can vote for him in November. While it is unclear if Rep. Crowley will follow Mr. Lieberman’s advice, it does not appear that he has, as of yet, removed his name from the ballot, a fact that has resulted in Ms. Ocasio-Cortez blasting him for refusing to accept “the will of the people” who voted for her in the primary election.
Leading Democrats may not be as blunt as Mr. Lieberman in their criticism of a woman they consider to be a rising star in the party, but many have expressed concern nonetheless. A number of Democratic representatives in Congress have called out Ms. Ocasio-Cortez for her lack of class in attacking Rep. Crowley shortly after her primary win. Others have noted that her confrontational manner may help her win points with the electorate, but won’t do much good if she is elected to Congress — where she will be forced to work with other members of her party and even Republican in a meaningful way.
Still, others have criticized her for attacking her own party by backing insurgent, liberal candidates who are challenging sitting Democratic lawmakers across the United States. Others, such as center-left think tank Third Way, are calling on moderate Democrats to make their voices heard so that voters know that the entire party is not moving to the far left. Think tank members include current Democrat senators as well as Democrat representatives in Congress.
While it would seem that one single socialist candidate for Congress can’t do much damage, the fact is that Ms. Ocasio-Cortez’s rise to stardom has created a great deal of fallout. Even experienced Democrat politicians have noted where her support is coming from and have adopted far-left stances themselves in the hopes of appealing to voters both now and in the near future. Her calls for a single-payer healthcare system, extreme gun control, a federal Job guarantee and the abolishment of ICE are being taken up by other members of the party even as many other Democrats call for the DNC to retain a more centrist platform.
The inevitable split is sure to do the party a great deal of damage — not only in the midterm elections, but also the upcoming presidential election in 2020. If the party accepts the far-left platform embraced by Ms. Ocasio-Cortez, it will alienate voters who want socialism and all the pain, suffering and hardship that inevitably comes with it. However, failing to cater to the growing number of far-left activists in the party who are backing politicians such as Ms. Ocasio-Cortez, Bernie Sanders and other progressives will cause a rift that may result in these activists staying home on election day or voting for progressive liberal candidates from third parties.
~ Conservative Zone
The Fascist Democrat/Leftist agenda:
– endorses Open Borders/Sanctuary Cities
– endorses BLM
– endorses OWS
– endorses MS-13
– endorses ANTIFA
– endorses CAIR
– endorses The Muslim Brotherhood
– endorses Sharia Law
-endorses rewriting history
-endorses destroying the constitution
– endorses Inverted virtue
– endorses Disarming you
– endorses Social chaos
– endorses killing Babies
– endorses Genital confusion
– endorses Social/economic warfare
– endorses redistributing your wealth
– endorses raising your Taxes
– endorses Weaponizing government agencies
– endorses a Fascist/Socialist/Islamic World Government
A Liberal Thief By Any Other Name Is Still A Thief
ROFLMAO……..just brings a tear to my eye. BWAhahahahah. It’s been long overdue.
When has conservatism ever been what they pretend it is? Seriously, it’s never been about “small government.” It’s always been about a draconianly intrusive government that seeks to micromanage the lives of everyone but “the right kind of people,” leaving the rest to exist as little better than second-class citizens or worse. It has never been about “liberty,” either. Except, again, for “us.” Oddly, traditional conservatism wasn’t about guns, that’s relatively new. It has always been about un-Constitutional religious extremism.
The idea that conservatism is even about “tradition” is even more spurious. Everyone, conservative or liberal, wants tomorrow to be pretty much like today and yesterday, or they want it to be better. Conservatives, however, want that goodness only for themselves. They couldn’t give a damn about anyone else. Even their ballyhooed “charity” is aways about buying the subservience of the less well off through religious exploitation and the commitment of extracting “tithes” from their “converts.”
Conservatism, in reality, is nothing more than the ongoing attempt to justify selfishness and the overwhelming need to bully and abuse.
In a period of 60 years, two generations, this party has not only abandoned it’s principles, but also the working people of this nation.
Democratic Party is the #1 Homegrown Anti-American Terrorist group in the USA and many of these Traitor/Cowards and murderers sit in Congress. Remove them one way or the other it dose not matter just get their terrorist-treasonous asses out.
Proud Veteran tired of these cowardly socialism shit head in congress
The main reason we voted in a businessman not a politician. Cortez is a politician.
A businessman earned his money the hard way..hard work.
That is the American Way.
It does not matter when, or who is implementing socialism, it has never, or will ever work for the betterment of the majority of the people. Only the few who take control of the masses benefit from the people’s suffering and lack of freedom. The latest example is Venezuela. Take a moment and read about it. A shameful transformation of a once prosperous Great Nation. Is that what the American People are wishing for?
Socialism has been for the people, not the socialist(ruling class).