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Monkey Virus Turbo Cancers Striking Down the Young and Boosted at Alarming Rates

Young woman sitting by a hospital bed and holding the hand of her mother dying of cancer

One of the leading cancer doctors in the world says he’s seeing alarming rates of young people dying from “turbo cancers” ever since the COVID booster shot was introduced into the world. Dr. Angus Dalgleish is the head of oncology (cancer) at St. Georges Hospital Medical School London.

Writing for Aletho News, Dalgleish says his colleagues in Australia and the US are seeing similar rates of fast-acting terminal cancers and also more cancer relapses in the wake of the mass vaccination program.

How much longer are the CDC and the FDA here in America going to continue denying that something went terribly wrong with these experimental shots?

Dr. Dalgleish says that cancer patients in remission don’t normally relapse unless they go through a traumatic life experience of some sort. If someone goes through severe depression over the loss of a loved one, or if they get divorced or go bankrupt, they’ll often relapse a few months later, and their cancer will come back. He says that’s not happening now, though.

Patients are just relapsing out of the blue. This is especially true in patients under 50. Dalgleish and his colleagues are noting that they’re also seeing a spike in young patients (under 50) suddenly being diagnosed with colorectal cancer. The American Cancer Society (ACS) just announced this fact in January.


Colorectal cancer is now the number one cancer in men under 50 and the number two cancer in women under 50. Prior to the COVID vaccines, colorectal cancer was only the fourth most common cause of cancer in people. The ACS says 6 of the top 10 cancers have seen dramatic spikes over the past year, and they expect an astonishing 2 million first-time cancer diagnoses in 2024.

Doctors in multiple countries agree that the patients dying rapidly from turbo cancers only have one thing in common: They all received the first booster shot, which was the third shot in the original series dating back to 2021.

Excess deaths have also continued to increase in heavily vaccinated countries, even though no one wants to talk about it. Data from the UK Office for National Statistics (ONS) shows that excess deaths among 15- to 44-year-olds have continued to increase from 2021 through today. The Lancet published an article in December showing excess deaths are up 11 to 15% among people under 25.

As Dr. Dalgleish notes, “What makes this all the more surprising is that negative deaths should be the norm after a pandemic as you cannot die twice!”

The medical literature makes it clear that the body’s T-cell response is suppressed after a person receives the COVID booster shot from either Pfizer or Moderna. The body simply can’t fight off cancer or other illnesses after that happens. Dr. Dalgleish also points out a fact that we’ve been reporting for a couple of months, which is that the vaccines contain DNA from a monkey virus called SV40.

SV40 is a monkey virus that is commonly used in non-mRNA vaccines. Researchers have found that the COVID shots, however, contain unsafe levels of this monkey virus DNA. Dr. Joseph Ladapo, the Surgeon General from Florida, suspects that the lipid nanoparticles that contain the vaccine juice are more easily able to penetrate the cell wall, unlike in normal vaccines. In addition to altering your DNA, which basically turns you into a mutant, SV40 could very well be triggering these turbo cancers in the young and boosted.

Does anyone have a better theory? Researchers at Harvard claim that the excess deaths among young people are being caused by “sleep disturbance.”

“Get a good night’s sleep, Timmy, or you’ll get a brain tumor!”

Instead of pulling the COVID shots from the market completely, which is what doctors like Joseph Ladapo and Angus Dalgleish are urging, the CDC is telling doctors that they don’t want to cause a panic among the unvaccinated. Sure, the vaccines might kill you from turbo cancer. But at least no one panicked!

Early awareness, diagnosis, and treatment might be able to stave off some of the excess cancer deaths that are expected this year. The CDC, however, doesn’t even want to tell anyone this is happening because they don’t want to cause a panic. If you’ve been vaxed and boosted, now would be a great time to get a regular checkup and have blood work done.

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14 thoughts on “Monkey Virus Turbo Cancers Striking Down the Young and Boosted at Alarming Rates”

  1. I just got paid 7268 Dollars Working off my Laptop this month. And if you think that’s cool, My Divorced friend has twin toddlers and made 0ver $ 13892 her first m0nth. It feels so good making so much money when other people have to work for so much less.
    This is what I do………>

  2. The devil is going to enjoy FUCKING ALL of YOU lying goddamn son of a bitches!!! BURN IN HELL, LOSERS!!!

  3. People like CandygramForMongo are pathetic! Guess their language skills are SO limited all they can write is juvenile words.

  4. The CDC and WHO did just what they were supposed to do. The people that produced the vaccine, they had it ahead of time. Bill Gates involved, and Fauci lining his pockets! Gates has been saying they want to reduce the population, well this is their first attempt. How can you prove it? I don’t know if you can. I still believe Bill Gates and Fauci should stand trial for crimes against humanity!

    1. You all left old Joe Biden that pushed the vaccine on everyone and wouldn’t let anyone travel until they had the Vax

  5. Dr,s over sea’s have been trying to alert people for the last at least year and a half,what they have been seeing in people’s circulatory systems after death,clotting of blood even in young people who has had the covid shot,and boosters are even worse then,but over here it got labeled as misiformation,now they cannot hide it anymore,New World Order,decrease the population easier to control,WHO,CDC,and more are in on it,all the Illegals coming through the southern border and there are a lot,dont have to take the covid shot,are these planned for the new,after they get citzenship,replacements?

  6. The CDC and the WHO did not do what they were supposed to do. You do realize who funds those organizations? Bill Gates,Soro’s. As soon as the first child died from a suspected vax injury they should have been halted. Never before has the government kept pushing a jab they knew caused injuries. Why? Look who holds the Covid patents and that will answer your question .

  7. Everyone involved with the covid and covid shots should be horse whipped then put under the prison. If old Gates and Soro are so worried about over population then they should kill then selfs and make it two less over.

  8. In my experienced personal observations, and by following RELIABLE media coverage,
    CandygramMongo’s ranting and raving IS NOT THE WORST example hat the “WOKE”
    dumb downed generation has produced …

  9. What does CandygramForMongo mean by his vulgar comment? He likes the vax, or not. Definitely is not clear to me.

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