Nancy Pelosi Conveniently Forgets She Didn’t Take the Virus Seriously At All

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi along with other top Democrats have often accused President Donald Trump of failing the American people by not taking the coronavirus and COVID-19 pandemic seriously enough when it first hit the U.S., but insisted that she did not underestimate the crisis at all.

Ironically, that is not exactly how CNN’s Dana Bash, host of “State of the Union” recalled it when discussed on her show on Sunday. Bash remembered that on February 29, Pelosi said that “there are no indications of widespread infections in the United States,” yet the hypocritical House speaker continues to insist that she did not underestimate the COVID-19 crisis.

“No, what we did was at that exact time was writing the first COVID bill, which we brought to the floor and passed on March 4, and it was about testing, testing, testing,” she said. “Because if you don’t test you don’t have a handle on what the problem is.”

Pelosi firmly stated that she has no regrets over her initial response to COVID-19, but then, as usual, she seized the opportunity to bash Trump and accuse the president of sending the wrong messages. When confronted with her previous comments dismissing the importance of the coronavirus, she denied any wrongdoing at all as usual.

“No, not at all. We had had four bills, all bipartisan, but they have not been implemented by the administration,” Pelosi said. “And no, we said testing from March 4. We were writing the bill to find out what the threat was to us while the president was saying delay, denial, calling it a hoax, and causing deaths.”

Pelosi’s hypocrisy has been well-documented. In late February, not only did she in fact downplay the issues, but she actually encouraged people to ignore the COVID-19 warnings and to instead go out in public in San Francisco’s Chinatown.

“It’s exciting to be here, especially at this time, to be able to be unified with our community,” Pelosi told reporters at the time. “We want to be vigilant about what is out there in other places. We want to be careful about how we deal with it, but we do want to say to people ‘Come to Chinatown, here we are — we’re, again, careful, safe — and come join us.’”

The very same day that Speaker Pelosi was inviting everyone in her home state of California to come to dinner in Chinatown, President Trump was busy dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. The president submitted a request to Congress for $2.5 billion in supplemental spending to help combat the disease and prepare for what it might bring to the U.S. We are still benefitting from that early action.

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27 thoughts on “Nancy Pelosi Conveniently Forgets She Didn’t Take the Virus Seriously At All”

  1. We all can see that Nancy Polosi. Is a hard core communist being rooted in Congress like a tick on a dog sucking the green blood economic life out of the United States and every American. She has proven to all she not even fit to continue to be in the political arena they end taking our taxs and stuffing it into there bank accounts. Becoming millionaires in just a few short years without term limits they have become our dictators

  2. Hypocrisy is a prerequisite to be a dimm. Peloser is queen of hypocrisy and shows no signs of remorse, only pathetic excuses as she enjoys her ice cream while Americans have been paying a huge price as a result of the virus.

  3. We are completely and totally lost.. not
    Pelosi.. the University’s are where this
    Insanity comes from.. the over educated
    Scum of the earth..

      1. She did say Trump was not going to be President. That you should take that to the bank.

        This is another one of those whores from Satan.

    1. Pelosi and her cronies are responsible as much as the schools. Congress can cut funding to schools that are not teaching but propagandizing.
      And it was Obama and Pelosi that funded Solyndra, a company that was given a half billion dollars and never produced a sellable product. Oh! And Pelosi’s son was on the board and was paid millions.
      Does that sound familiar to anyone? Remember the name Hunter Biden associated with Ukraine and China?
      CORRUPTION at it’s best folks and you want Democrats running the White House?

  4. Only in America would this “B S” politics be able to continue. These back-stabbing morons that call themselves Politicians would simply “disappear” or be wiped out in a Socialist or Communist country. America can’t afford the circus that calls themselves Democrats. The Liberals do nothing positive when it comes to supporting the President.
    Remember the President? Donald Trump is the man that overwhelmed the last election with the desire of the American citizens that are sick of the Liberal crap. A total rejection of Hitlery and her criminal activity.
    Why isn’t Hitlery in jail?

  5. What more can I say? All of you said it so well. If the Democrats get POTUS and control of both houses of Congress IMO America will never be the same. Welcome to North Venezuela

  6. Nancy is an embarrassment to her family, herself, the Dems, and the USA. How this woman can continue to blatantly lie for fame, fortune, and political power is beyond belief. Hope she redeems her soul before her judgment before God – if she even believes in God. Or is she God?

  7. Nancy Pelosi is a lower life form than pond scumb. She sinks lower than whale shit . She needs to cover that old snake face with a mask and shut up . Her credibility is zero .

  8. There’s not much you can expect from a TREASONISTIC Traitor like Senile Nancy Pelosi and her ILK . . . We HAVEN’T forgotten her LIES on this, or all the OTHER lies she and her Left Wing cohorts have told – there’s this “little something” called RECORDINGS that CONFIRMS their LYING ways. This is why These DEMOCRATS will LOSE the 2020 Elections in November. LOCK HER UP! One Wary Patriot. Team Trump and his allies 2020.

  9. March she was on video in China Town I. Her district saying come on down
    Eat out shop support Chinatown businesses.
    She was not afraid to join the mobs to torch the Historic Church In DC either.

  10. glass face piglosi, is merely a disgusting, hypocritical, finger pointing, lying, corrupt POS, who has gotten rich from the gov’t and stealing of tax payor money. i sincerely wish ill will on her

  11. I have ever liked that woman! She is such a phoney! Thinks she is Queen! She thinks she is getting away with murder, but you can see right through her! She sat quietly behind Trump, making little tears in his speech, so that as people were leaving, she made a fool of herself. The reason why the Dem’s don’t like him is because they fear being caught in their crooked actions! They also hate him because he LOVES America, and wants to make her Great again!

    1. Actually he was never impeached they filed articles of impeachment this is equivalent to charging him with crimes after their joke of a show listening to such irrelevant statements as “I heard someone else say he did” or ” it is my personal opinion that he did”.

      The house then under threat of having the whole thing tossed out because they refused to send the articles on to the senate unless their demands to continue the illegal admission of inadmissible hearsay , personal opinions and adding new witnesses after the stage it was allowed during the proceedings would be allowed to continue finally submitted them to avoid them being tossed out due to the house’s attempt at extortion.

      The senate refused to violate the constitution and followed it to the letter resulting in the only lawful result of charges filed based on no factual evidence found the president innocent.

      In other words there was NO IMPEACHMENT only an attempt to impeach for the president to have been impeached first the house had to pass articles of impeachment then the senate would have had to find him guilty under at least one of those articles. The senate did not find him guilty under any of the articles the house filed.

      Democrats to this day fail to understand that bringing impeachment charges to the senate that get rejected is not the same as impeachment.

  12. I think the thing to remember is that nasty piglosi and her cohorts, scummer, shitt, etc WENT TO CHINA ,RUSSIA and IRAN RIGHT BEFORE THE COVID-19 OUTBREAK!!!! Hmmmm!!!! COULD SHE BE RESPONSIBLE? TRYING TO BRING IT TO TRUMP AND PENCE SO SHE COULD STEP IN AS PRESIDENT??? Remember, if anything happens to the President and the Vice President, SHE GETS TO STEP IN!!! Let that sink in while you are remembering HOW HARD SHE TRIED TO IMPEACH HIM AND DID NOT GIVE UP UNTIL SHE GOT IT DONE????

  13. Nancy and her millions. living with her $24,000 ice cream freezer, inside of a high fence, in a guarded mansion, and is Congress doing what? She loves to blackmail junior Congress Men/Women so that she has power the power to eat all the choc. ice cream that she can cramp down her throat. The poor woman can’t tell the truth …… she just lets Schiff, Waters, Nadler tell all her lies, but makes it look like the poor saps do it on their own. She hates the average American, and will attempt to do anything to become President. I bet that just prior to the election, she kicks Biden where his balls are supposed to be, and runs for the President of the U.S.A. on her own. She’s worst than Hillary ever was, but more dangerous. She can’t be trusted to do anything honest and aboveboard, loves to crawl under the table and be sneeky about her activities. ALL THE WOMAN WANTS IS POWER, POWER, AND MORE POWER, so she turn our great nation over to the Chinese.

  14. Strange as I recall when Trump was trying to restrict travel from China and other Nations dealing with the pandemic the house rushed a bill through to PROHIBIT Trump from issuing such travel restrictions. The No Ban Act as they called it intent on removing Trump’s constitutional authority to put in place travel bans to protect this nation from terrorists and those carrying infectious diseases.

    This was Reported to House, Part I (03/05/2020) as H.R.2214

    This act would in fact as the administrations response stated.

    ““[The No Ban Act] would harm the national security of the United States. Notably, the President’s authority to restrict travel into the United States has been central to the Administration’s ongoing efforts to safeguard the American people against the spread of COVID-19,” the statement continued. “At a minimum, [the legislation] would cause dangerous delays that threaten the safety, security, and health of the American people.””

    The pandemic was the last thing on the minds of democrats in January, February, March etc. their only focus was on how to unconstitutionally seize the authority of the executive branch of the government and put control in the hands of the legislative branch instead. In fact until they figured that they could use the pandemic as an excuse to force mail in voting for the presidential election where they could easily tamper with the ballots they were fighting any actions like closings, lock-downs, social distancing etc. just to oppose Trump’s response to the pandemic.

    Now that they got a taste of absolute power under the emergency acts over the pandemic they are reluctant to relinquish that authority even when there are many states that are at a point where they can safely do so some of them never needed them in the first place based on the actual numbers of infected in those states.

  15. The corona virus was in the US before January as is started in China in August. Several travelers came from there before the news was out. How many got ill of flu like virus before January 31? My son and his entire crew came down with what they thought was just a bad case of the flu. I got sick too, and was treated for pneumonia. Not knowing anything about how I should have given up and died, I survived. I think the fear of this virus has a lot to do with who survives.

  16. Come on boys, & girls, the only time dear sweet Nancy lies, is when she opens her mouth. They are all scared to death, they know that it is only a matter of time, before the hammer of justice, comes down on their heads. They have all become rich, at the tax payers expense, while they were suppose to be working for all of us, the American people. You don’t become millionaires, on just your salary, you have to do things for people, like sell our uranium, to a foreign company, or send pallets of money, to a foreign nation.

  17. Apparently Crazy Nancy’s excessive Botox injections are having bad long term mental effects

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