Nancy Pelosi Wants the House the Choose the Next President

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is putting a backup plan together incase the presidential election doesn’t go the way she wants it to go.

If neither President Donald Trump nor former VP Joe Biden wins at least 270 electors in the upcoming election, the House of Representatives will vote by state delegation to select the next president. This poses a huge problem for Democrats because, even though they control the house, Republicans control state delegations by a 26 to 22 margin, with two delegations having an equal number of Democrat and Republican/independent candidates.

Pelosi seems to have just realized this and she’s urging her party to do everything it can to flip key seats in certain states in order to gain an advantage.

The Speaker is in for a fight. The GOP has, for the past year, been laying plans to flip house seats to gain a majority in the House of Representatives. It’s not as hard as it may seem given the fact that the Democrat Party only has an 18-seat majority.

Over three dozen seats are held by vulnerable “moderate” Democrats from red districts. These Democrats won their elections by a small margin, and promised voters that they would “get things done” in Washington instead of falling prey to political infighting.

However, in reality, the only thing the Democrat majority in the House of Representatives has done is conduct an impeachment circus and obstruct President Donald Trump’s agenda. These representatives now have to explain to their voters why they’ve failed to engage in productive work in the last two years.

Democrats also have to contend with difficult political realities. The fact that it’s a presidential election year will create problems for them as moderate voters are unlikely to split their tickets this time around.

Pelosi’s decision to hatch a desperate contingency plan is very telling. Remember: most major polling firms are still showing Biden on top in most swing states — as well as nationally. It’s almost like the Speaker knows something the rest of us don’t…

In some instances, house delegations can be won (or lost) by a single seat. In such cases, the nation would see massive legal challenges mounted against Republican representatives in states where no such challenges were ever mounted in the past.

As the presidential election itself could very well make its way through courts over the way that mail-in and absentee battles are handled, the nation could be in for a long end of the year.

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44 thoughts on “Nancy Pelosi Wants the House the Choose the Next President”

  1. Any earth tremors in America are not actual tremors but the ancestors of these Dems rolling over in their graves.

    1. Can someone please advise the wicked witch of the Left that she is looking more and more like the evil one that is mentioned in the Bible…..
      How this woman was ever voted into this seat is Beyond me. Please someone do something about this disrespectful, and completely ludicrous person that was given her current position. Talk about an obsession and an evil person at heart. This so called speaker of the house needs to be reminded and removed from here power. We have never seen such a disgusting and disrespectful person in the history of our government. #iImpeachNancyPelosi

  2. Just how does Ug think she will survive the kalifirnicate vote to return to the Rickety house she has built over the past 3.98 years? As a so-called staunch Catholic, a pusher for Abortion tho Will God and the voters let the Trash remain in our house rather than be taken out?

    1. 11:20am? Wow here in BAMA it’s 6:21 what time is conservative Zone in or are they on the Pelosi funny time zone sponsored by Jack Danials.

  3. Pelosi needs to go back to frag city and shut the hell up!! No one and I mean no one cares what she thinks or wants!! She needs to be replaced like yesterday !!!!!!!!!

  4. She needs to wear a full face mask, scares me every time I see the old crow bait .Her old man must beat her with the ugly stick several times a day.. She needs to retire now. .An old power hungry witch ,as well as Feinstine ..Twins???We are past due for term and age limits…vote Trump 2020

  5. Pelosi voters need to vote her out. Let someone who doesn’t want her own agenda in and someone that will support California and their issues.

  6. it’s about time they notice the trouble they have cause ha ha keep folowing pelosie she is very good in geting all of you to the her socilist job youre all a bunch of folowers like little kinder garden children.

    1. We here in the Midwest stand ready and with you if force is needed to right our country. My grandchildren WILL be free.

  7. This screwed up woman does not belong in OUR government let alone speaker of the house. She is one evil bitch and can’t for the life of her do anything above board. She is a f–king Marxist and our parents who did fight the big fight to keep communism out of OUR COUNTRY have to be rolling over in their graves. If her and her Satan’s minions don’t like OUR COUNTRY get the hell out we don’t want you here!!!!!!! I want my grand children to live in the same free country as I have. AND BY GOD THEY WILL!!!!!!!! PELOSI ONE WAY OR ANOTHER AND THAT INCLUDES BY FORCE YOU WILL BE GONE YOU OLD HAGGGGGGG!!!!

    1. Pelosi, Biden, Waters, Feinstein, Nadler, Schiff, Schumer, Hillary(writing a letter put her name up for Sec. of Defense!) they all need to be brought up before the court for Treason!! The other who simply need to be impeached & also charged with Treason by Terrorism, being that they came to our country as foreign immigrants! Then there are some that just need to disappear such as AOC, and others who are new to the political field with Communist beliefs & strategies!! They have all voted on the same bad issues & have all declared war against Our Constitution, caused chaos in our streets, destroyed our cities infrastructure, attempted to destroy our economy, are dismantling our local governments & our Federal Government Structure, which is reason for Treason!! They all need to either leave the country, give up citizenship or be denied of it, and be kept out of other countries by sentencing them to live at sea or the death penalty.

  8. You know it is extremely sad, and shows just how pathetic San Francisco is, when these completely ignorant people in Pelosi’s district continue to vote this Hag into office. I mean REALLY, a rock has more common sense than these fools in California.

  9. She may want the House to select the president, but that is not how it works. Heck, I want to have a billion dollars, but that is not how it works either. Get over yourself Ms. Peelousy.

    1. I know Polosi run Congress and she is running it in the ground, I know all of Congress don’t agree with her, If Congress don’t stop her,every Congress man or woman is going down with her, you can pull together and vote her out. Look how she changed everything to get back at the Rep. Since TRUMP took office Congress haven’t done there job. Just think how how much better it would be .she always trying to make up new Law . Some of you Congress has a voice , start using it.
      The people suppose to work together on both sides.

    2. The entire DNC today is an insane asylum run by the lunatics and that would be old Queenie Nanc and Schmucky. The add in the donors running the media right into the ground with their propaganda no one except those still eating the manure spread by the fake news and lying lunatic dim wits. And dim wits, aptly named but me, are exactly what they are. They follow this freaking moron queenie Nanc over the cliff. The nation including a large portion of this voters is sick of this lunatic party. Time for change and to move on with the MAGA agenda. This one beats the heck out of the fundamental destruction agenda Bozo started that the DNC still owns.

      Beat them at the polls and in court. And if that fails we take em down physically and end this joke. Enough is enough of this crap show the lunatics continue to put on! And as for the brown-shits of Soros, take em down by any means necessary. The fraud at the polls will be evident shortly after the voting ends. Just counting registered voter numbers and verifying those signatures should catch most of it and then watch the vote counters if they are dim wits. They do cheat and take in boxes of mysterious votes after the polls close every time especially in those tight races. McSally has had at least one senate seat stolen by Sin in AZ that way. Time to zero in on those pretend vote counters.

      Finally, the lack of no consequences via the DOJ and that special prosecutor is beyond all rational findings. There has been a monumental series of crimes committed by the bureaucracy and some obfuscating holdovers trying to cover the mess up and it is past time for those indictments, trials, sentences, and perp walks to serve their sentences. The nation is angry and it is not the dim wits, it is the silent majority and the majority of the country. There are no laws for some and not for select others. Justice has to be served and it should have been served months ago as a start. Barr and Durham don’t appear to be any better than worthless Sessions. We do not care who is burned but it is time to stake the obvious ones to that cross.

    3. If we throw this old, crazier than hell kook out of office, she’ll be forced to go live in her mansion in the “Toilet District” of SF. She really doesn’t want to stay home ……every time she goes for a walk around the block she has to sidestep human feces everywhere, she’s done a helluva job facing the realities of her own hometown. Have you been to San Francisco lately ?!! Such a beautiful city to look at…. now from a distance unfortunately, the city smells like urine and feces. And if the Pelosi woman stays in office much longer she’ll have the whole country looking and smelling like San Francisco. Good job Crazy Nancy. Please retire. Talk about the 25th amendment !!!!! She needs to be ousted, yesterday. She’s as dangerous to America as she is PURE EVIL. And in my humble opinion, she’s nuttier than the proverbial fruitcake.

  10. The whole nation needs to start paying that the stupid democrats can change their ways and do what they need to do for our nation. We as a nation need to pray to put MR. TRUMP back in.

  11. Is there something bigger going on that we the people need to know??
    How can these few Democrats run our country with impunity from prosecution and get away with it… They tried to impeach President Trump on BS charges yet they are openly breaking the laws on a daily basis and exposing themselves to the very charges they filed on our President!!
    Apparently they want division and a revolution! Can you all hear it??
    CHOO CHOO!! The train of change is rolling.,..

  12. Why do we have another pro-Biden moderator for the upcoming debate? Chris Wallace was so obviously bias in the last one! Why was he hounding Pres Trump to denounce white supremacists who haven’t been responsible for any riots, and not demanding that Biden denounce BLM and Antifa who have openly been rioting, looting, and burning and destroying American cities? And Harris has funded bail to release those savages to carry out MORE murders and destruction!! I’m SO tired of the bias press too! It’s been SO refreshing to have a President who is so open and takes the time to directly communicate with us! He didn’t need this job to increase his wealth, like Biden and Obama did. He agreed to be our President because he loves our country! He’s done more for us than any other president even though he had the crazy socialist democrats doing everything they can to block him and drag him down all the way! We MUST GET RID OF ALL OF THE EVIL CORRUPT DEMOCRATS AND TAKE BACK THE HOUSE!!! We need mandatory retirement of at least 80 for representatives making decisions! Get that demented old hag Pelosi OUT OF THERE! She’s so disrespectful of the office of President! She should be arrested for treason!


  14. I agree with ALL of the afore mentioned conclusions. Evil one Pelosi is CRAZY!!! The mislead people of San Francisco NEED to vote her out of office so she can go home and tend chickens or whatever it is that people of her caliber do.

  15. I am at a complete loss how this hag pisslousy got to be in charge she is STUPID and shows her ignorance every time she opens her mouth! you can bet that myself and my family will vote ALL dumbocraps out of office! come November and if she tries to interfere with the results she might be looking for a revolution if this B/S continues!!!!!!!!

  16. Possible idea, Civil suit Against Pelosi, Schiff, and Schumer for THEIR money since they have now been proved to know that the whole thing investigation that cost $30 million was not real. They should be held responsible for the money spent on Mueller investigation!

    1. To: Need Answers
      I totally agree with you 100%.
      Plus, let’s hit them with it one week prior to election day. Push it hard so they have no time help get themselves
      Reelected, nor have time to work up their false schemes against our beloved President. I wonder what else we could come up with to keep so busy as to allow them no time to address their own agendas.bof course they need to be true claims, not the buckets of crap they have thrown at President Trump,
      Amazing how he succeed in keeping his promises, while Nancy and her co heart have done nothing to help the Americans people. After all, during their off time by all the do is eat ice cream and drink beer on camera during an interview. May all these Democrats drown in the sweets they themselves created.

  17. AOC can be removed just as easily as pelosi. She claims to be well educated but couldn’t keep a job as a bartender. Must have kept herself busy as hell trading all them BJ’S for enough votes to get elected.

  18. Seems like the majority of women in the Democrat Party are all losers and the idiots who voted to get them elected should be horse whipped.
    Leader of the pack “wicked witch of the West” Nancy Pelosi has been in politics ripping off the country by selling favors to her “special interest” cronies for decades. How else would she have amassed $260 million dollars? She and Diane Feinstein, both from California, have been the big snakes in the swamp and need to be thrown in jail for treason and corruption. Vile Nancy has an ally in the State of California, her NEPHEW, dimwitted Gavin Newsome.

    Next you have the dumb bitch Alexandra Ocasio Cortez, with all her stupid ideas that don’t even make sense, trying to tell all of us that Antifa, BLM and white supremists are peaceful demonstrators and that it is okay for them to assassinate police officers, kill innocent children, burn down building and that looting is necessary because they just “need to get a loaf of bread” to feed their families. This stupid woman should be telling the police to stop the rioters with violent force and to take them out completely if necessary. They are breaking the law and all the millions of dollars in damages they have caused need to be rebuilt. Democrats running those chaotic cities need to be sued and made to pay for the damages. Democrats want the Federal Government to give them tax dollars to rebuild the destruction that they by their acts has been destroyed. IT IS NOT OUR HARD WORKING AND HONEST CITIZENS that are responsible. Dumb ass Ocasio Cortez should resign and go back to tending bar in some sleazy joint. Only problem is that the sleazy bars probably would not hire her.

    Next you have the communist corrupt Ilhan Omar who is constantly speaking out about destroying our country, paying a gang of thugs to go out and buy ballots so that she can win her post, and stealing millions in campaign funds which she fuels through her idiot husband’s account, not to her brother’s account, whom she married for illegal purposes. She swore to protect our constitution but she is actually a TRAITOR from Somalia that should have her ill gotten citizenship papers revoked and should be kicked out of our country. SHE IS A TRAITOR AND SHOULD BE TREATED AS ONE. Ilhan needs to go back to Somalia were she can wear her stupid looking turban to blend in with her commie friends.
    I have only scratched the surface of what is in the swamp that needs to be removed immediately but there are many, many more. Pocahontas, gay Chuckie Schumer, sleazy never tell the truth, Adam Schiff. The mayors and governors of the Democrat held states need to be removed as well. Good bye DeBlasio and Cuomo and all their cronies
    The complete do nothing team of the village idiot Obama’s cabinet needs to be brought to Justice for high treason. Biden, Holder, Hilary Clinton and her pedophile husband, can’t keep it in his pants, Billy, Susan Rice and the rest of the traitors in there club.
    We the people need to arm ourselves and be ready to act as soon as the Marxist left tries to bring down our President and Our Country. Time to clean out the swamp and those who give them the cash used for criminal protests. Nazi Soros and the other million/billionaires responsible and who want to see our country destroyed.
    We need to keep our country safe from all of the these crooked and corrupt politicians for future generations, Defund the Democrat party, not the police.

  19. She’s on an Old Lady’s Tantrum. When this begins to occur, the next phase is Dementia. Watch for it !!!!!!

  20. I believe the Bible is full filling more every day . The anti-christ is waiting for his/her call to power . Read you Bible folks & pray every day

  21. If anyone needs mental health checkups its Nancy Pelosi. She is exhibiting psychopathic tendencies and is angry all the time. Everything she does is against Donald Trump and that is not healthy. She acts as if SHE is the President of the United States of America. That alone is an indication of mental instability. We all should have her hospitalized for her mental health problems. We should demand it!

  22. I think when you all vote do not vote one Democrat in at all vote all Republican. Get the Dems out and keep them out. They don’t know what the hell they’re in there for. All there doing is putting our country in turmoil and spending money our country does not have and in the end, it’s the taxpayers that have to pay all this back. How far do you think we can stretch the dollar any further. We don’t even make enough to live now we split up two checks in the month just to pay bills. That leaves food out. And cut the county help out get these kids out there to work. That’s the way it’s supposed to be I worked so my mom and dad could have soc.sec. these kids should be out there working so there mom and dad will have soc.sec. when it comes there time for soc.sec. they’ll sit there with there finger up there ass wondering why they can’t collect soc.sec. Vote Republican all the way and do it in the mail go to the polls my husband and I are going to the polls this will be the first time he’s voted and my second time. If you have to stand in line for 2 hours so be it. Whats 2 hours when this is about our lives. And all lives matter not just BLM who do they think they are. And Pelosi they should string her up some where and dry her out to much ice cream bar eating. I think it froze her brain.

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