New Documentary EXPOSES Bidens’ Secret Chinese Business Affairs

A new documentary was released this week that threatens to expose former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden’s secret Chinese business affairs that include working with the Chinese military – that have been kept a secret for many years, until the recent discovery which will finally be made public.

Entitled “Riding the Dragon: Uncovering the Bidens’ Chinese Secrets,” the documentary was produced by Lightspeed Pictures in association with Blaze TV. The report features New York Times bestselling author and president of the Government Accountability Institute, Peter Schweizer, and can be seen by subscribers of now and viewed by the public later this week.

Schweizer’s 2018 book, “Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America’s Progressive Elite” included an investigation of the Bidens sketchy behavior, including Hunter Biden’s ironic board position at the Burisma, the now infamous Ukrainian gas company spotlighted in the news so many years ago.

During the final year and a half of the Obama administration while his father was vice president of the United States, Hunter Biden served on the board of Ukrainian energy firm Burisma Holdings while Joe Biden was in charge of Ukraine policy. There are at least six lawsuits and many, many FOIA requests related to Hunter Biden’s business with the Ukrainian Burisma Holdings as well as the Chinese BHR Partners.

But that is not the only behavior of Hunter Biden that is being watched. Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said that the Bidens’ travel records will also be scrutinized, “Given the Burisma-Ukraine-China influence peddling scandals, Hunter Biden’s extensive international travel during the Obama-Biden presidency, including at least 5 trips to China, will raise additional questions.”

The newly released documentary, however, includes more details from Schweizer about Hunter Biden and his private equity firm’s suspicious, lucrative business deals with the Chinese government.

“This isn’t just another story about a politician’s kid getting rich,” the film’s trailer says. “Hunter’s new firm started making investment deals that would serve the strategic interests of the Chinese military. This is the remarkable and largely hidden story of the secret financial relationship between the Biden family and the Chinese government.”

Schweizer told Glenn Beck Monday in an interview about some of the details that were not divulged in the trailer. He said that his investigation found information indicating the Bidens cooperated with the Chinese partners to bypass laws allowing them to acquire companies that benefitted the Chinese military in the technology space. He also indicated that these business dealings may be the reason that Democratic nominee Joe Biden has not been critical at all of the communist government in China.

“The question is why [is Biden not critical of China]?” asks Schweizer. “To me … he became much more soft on Beijing when his son started getting very lucrative, exclusive deals courtesy of the Chinese government.”

The new documentary became available to Blaze TV subscribers on August 31 and will be released to the general public in 8-10 minute “Chapters” on the Blaze TV YouTube channel throughout the week.

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13 thoughts on “New Documentary EXPOSES Bidens’ Secret Chinese Business Affairs”

  1. And this is why the speaker of h. wants the oval office. . Put a date and time limit (to be counted) for these mail in ballots. They want to interrupt the electoral vote.

    1. Watching Blaze T.V was educational, informative, and loaded with the secrets of the DEEP STATE OFthe BIDEN FAMILY. Reminded me of the Clintons collusion with Chinas electronic systems and Russian Uranium sale. God please help us!!!!!

  2. All of the Biden’s should be jailed for REASON AGAINST THE US, and throw away the keys along with all of the Nazi-socialistic democrats in DC

  3. If you have the time to investigate the Bidens it is a pity you don’t instead investigate Trump’s ties to Russia and why his son has taken the 5th with regards his finances.

  4. Corruption, theft and betrayal – all of this is famous and will remain in history for all 8 years of Obama’s rule. In 2012, Obama, not knowing that the microphone was still on, announced to the then Russian President Medvedev that he will bow to Putin after will be re-elected for 2nd term . Hillary Clinton sold uranium to Russia and stole the money. Biden sold himself and his son to China and Ukraine. John Kerry sold our country to Iran, with whose leader he established family ties, selling his daughter in marriage to his son. These thieves, corrupt officials and robbers are ready to seize power and continue to plunder America again.

  5. The Biden family has a long (and still on going), history of corruption and criminal activity. We need someone on a national scale to list all of this history for the American public to see. At the same time, we need these same people to correctly identify just how many slaves the Kamala Harris ancestors owned in Jamaica, I have heard various numbers from 60 to 80 total.

  6. Why don’t we simplify show how corrupt Biden is. Remember when he was in Ukraine and he threatened to take the money the US was giving the Ukraine to fight the Russians if they don’t fire the prosecutor that was investigating Hunter Biden. That sounds like a quid quo pro to me A threat for PERSONAL GAIN. My plane leaves in twenty minutes and IF HE IS NOT FIRED. Now if memory serves me right – didn’t the democrats try to impeach Trump for exactly the same thing! oh.. Biden is a democrat. The laws don’t apply to creepy Joe. The Bidens to this day still have interests in Chinese banks. No wonder the Chinese endorse Biden. Biden hides in the basement with Harris who is standing over Biden with the paddles yelling “breath uou son of a b****”. Harris needs to keep him alive until the November election. If Biden dies before actually taking office in January it will be a cat fight between Harris and Pelosi. You can’t make this stuff up. This election would/will make a good movie. Suspense,lying, cheating, name calling, fraud (did I ,miss something)? Mark November 3 on your calendar – I promise it won’t be dull. you will have mystery, suspense, drama – I’m telling you anything can happen. Check the internet daily for your score card, things are changing hourly. Vegas is probably going nuts with the odds

  7. Love the comments and exactly how I feel! My head is swimming with all the info,so it’s easier for me to agree with u guys! I can’t write anymore! Ur great!

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