If you are a conservative American, you probably have mixed feelings about poll numbers.
After all, professional pollsters told you Hillary Clinton would most certainly be President of the United States right now. To say the number-crunchers got it wrong would be something of an understatement.
Hillary’s promoting her excuse book about “What Happened” and Pres. Donald J. Trump has turned the economy around, created opportunity for disadvantaged Americans and is poised to elevate his second judge to the United States Supreme Court.
Fortunately, What the poll numbers say these days seems a lot closer to reality.
72 Percent of Americans Say . . .
In the run-up to the 2016 election, Trump took the gloves off and called the mainstream media liars, fake news and biased. He has carried that message on Twitter, in speeches and said it to their face. Apparently, Americans widely agree with the president.
According to a recent Axios / Survey Monkey poll, a whopping 72 percent of Americans believe that the mainstream media knowingly and willfully engage in false and misleading reporting. Think about that poll number in these terms. If the mainstream media’s reporting were a final exam grade, they’d get a 28 or an “F” and flunk the course.
The poll’s numbers — naturally — have implication across party lines. But even those are not favorable to liberal Democrats that rely on the fake news media’s propaganda support.
Among Republicans, an overwhelming 92 percent agree that the media engages in false and misleading reporting. Independent voters denounced the media at a rate of 79 percent. Keep in mind, socialists like Bernie Sanders are lumped into this group. Lastly, even a majority of Democrats view the media as deliberately misleading the American people at 52 percent.
Telling Fact: Pres. Trump defeated the “fake news” media.
68 Percent of Americans Say . . .
A recent CBS News poll has the far left in a cold sweat heading into the midterm elections. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi rolled out a slogan that America deserves a “better deal.” It fell on deaf ears.
After eight years of getting their pockets picked and losing jobs to China under Obama, everyday Americans see the Trump Administration’s current deal as pretty good. The CBS poll highlighted that 35 percent of Americans say that Pres. Trump’s handling of the economy has a “great deal” to do with the astonishing uptick. An additional 33 percent concluded that his policies are “somewhat” responsible.
All told, 68 percent of Americans view the president’s economic policy favorably and 42 percent of those polled expect the economy to continue its positive trend for at least the next few years. Optimism is not what Democrats running on repealing tax cuts want to see in polls heading into November.
Telling Fact: Pres. Trump is winning on the economy.
87 Percent of Republicans Say . . .
The “resist” and “obstruct” left had hoped that a Trump endorsement would be the kiss of death for GOP candidates. In fact, a wave of early special elections were widely being promoted as a “referendum on Trump” by the fake news and biased media.
Republicans went on a winning streak and after each victory, the fake news media reported the elections as if they were some bizarre victory for Democrats. (See 72 Percent of Americans Say).
Not until Pennsylvania’s now-U.S. Rep. Connor Lamb ran an anti-Pelosi campaign did a Democrat unseat a Republican with full Trump backing. Since then, Trump-supported candidates have outpaced opponents at the polls and — more importantly — at the voting booths.
Much to the chagrin of the left-leaning pollsters that got the 2016 election wrong, Pres. Trump enjoys the second-highest party approval rating at the 500-day mark of any president since World War II. Standing at 87 percent, consider the presidents he has outpaced according to Gallup research:
- Pres. George H.W. Bush – 85 percent
- Pres. John F. Kennedy – 85 percent
- Pres. Dwight D. Eisenhower – 83 percent
- Pres. Richard Nixon – 83 percent
- Pres. Barack Obama – 79 percent
- Pres. Ronald Reagan – 77 percent
- Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson – 77 percent
- Pres. Bill Clinton – 74 percent
- Pres. Gerald Ford – 59 percent
- Pres. Jimmy Carter – 54 percent
- Pres. Harry Truman – 46 percent
Only Pres. George W. Bush enjoyed a higher party approval rating than Pres. Trump at 96 percent. Much of that all-time high favorability rating has to do with his response to the 9-11 Attacks.
Telling Fact: Pres. Donald J. Trump is expected to be the Republican presidential incumbent candidate in 2020.
~ Conservative Zone
The bigger news is the fact that President Trump can stack the Supreme Court!
Obama, and HRC, had Justice Scalia killed because they knew they were going to get elected, because they were going to rig their parties nomination election! So, with Justice Scalia out of the way, they were going to stack the SCOTUS! They had dead people votes, Felons in prison votes, illegal immigrants votes, and still managed to lose!
Power is like cocaine to the left, Nancy Pelosi, and HRC, would go down on a donkey in public if they knew it would give them the power!
Be alert, President Trump is in Danger from the left, they killed Scalia, and they hate POTUS Trump!
They did kill Scalia. They would probably by now have knocked off Thomas. Ginsburg would have already resigned. They would have stacked the court with Kagan types and this country would be no more. Trump’s election did more than any of us could possibly know. He is in danger but I think the only reason they haven’t gone after him yet is because they’re afraid that Pence would be worse. They may know something we don’t. These are defining times in America and if we can stop the progressives and liberals this country will rise to a level even the most optimistic patriot couldn’t fathom.
I could not agree with you more. You take the words from my mouth! And Rob … The same goes for you. Apparently WE are all REAL Constitutionalists, IT SAYS what it SAYS! The way it’s written? It’s specifically for a Freaking REASON. It’s being perverted by Rouge Judges and Lawyers!
We are Americans to the absolut core of our beings!
It’s Not about the party, never has been. This is NOT A FU*KING DERMOCRACY! I am tired of this country being called such by “IMPLANTED” NON-REPRESENTATIVES!
MOB rule is Democracy! SCREW THAT it’s the worst form of Government other than: Commie, Socialist, collectivist, ETC… ETC…
All the same shit different piles and all with the anti liberty, same Foul, Putrefied , Stench of Totalitarianism!
If these commies pull anyshit, exterminate them all!
I will die on my feet … before I EVER LIVE ON MY KNEES!
Semper Fi
C. J. Nuyen
The one thing I am left wondering is: Who are the 13% of Republicans that are not behind this President? And what would their reasoning be for not being behind him? SMH…..
Fr starters, McCain, Paul, Ryan, McConnell, Flake just to name a few
Right on target C.J. & the “mob rule” stench is all dem ass libturds bo’s cesspool, not a “Democracy” that bo’s treason & hilary crimes teamed with far left dem wannabe dictators have tried to destroy ! U.S. Constitutional Laws for 8 years have been violated by bo & his appointed cronies to create bo’s own totalitarian dictatorship from a muslim hell with illegal foreigners as bo’s new population of slaves with other NWO tyranny dictators ! The dems in 8 years of bo’s treason have declared war on U.S. Patriots & have to be stopped by any means .. !
Trump hasn’t been killed because lieberals know their lives won’t be worth a plugged nickle if he is killed!! Civil War will result and lieberals will be the targets!
The anti-American democrats and those democrats disguised as rhinos and their tool the bought out biased medias propaganda LIES as well as snowflakes, liberals and Hollywood are the party and people of Hate and anything anti-America and Americans!
The founding Father’s in their statement of purpose for creating the Declaration began with these statement’s!
We hold these Truth’s to be self evident, that all men are created EQUAL, that they are ENDOWED by their Creator with certain unalienable Right’s, that AMONG these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness??? Notice that they used the term – Among – indicating there are other unalienable Right’s Endowed to them by their Creator,RIGHT??? Holding with the first part that those RIGHT’S that were self evident TRUTH’S, we must also include that all men ( person’s ) are endowed with the Right’s to be Rewarded for their Service’s and contribution’s to the Art’s, Science’s, Invention’s, and Medicine, that Benefit the rest of the People, also RIGHT???
Therefore, as indicated by the enumeration of the specific offenses of those Right’sthat followed, it should be clear that all attempt’s by this Government to violate or IMPAIR those Right’s Endowed by mans’ Creator should be
considered to be Unconstitutional, Right???
The CONSTITUTION was intended tp establish UNIFORM JUSTICE throughout the United States to apply to all citizens equally and to insure the BLESSING’S OF LIBERTY to ourselves and our posterity( those who come after us ) as endowed by our CREATOR to all men ( person’s )[ among these ] meaning ( other right’s not mentioned ] Reasonably considred to be granted (endowed) by our Creator ( necess for our survival and security ),RIGHT??? The two were meant to be tied together ti insure the BLESSING’S of LIBERTY for the complete understanding of all citizen’s, RIGHT??? Therefore, all understanding’s ( interpretation’s ) must be considered by the SCOTUS before any decision’s rendered by them, be held( accepted ) by the people in a national referendum( national vote ) since it will affect the future of all citizen’s, RIGHT???
THE CONSTITUTION was intended to establish UNIFORM JUSTICE throughout the United States to apply to ALL CITIZENS EQUALLY and to INSURE the BLESSING’S of LIBERTY to ourselves and our Posterity ( those who come after us ) as ENDOWED by our CREATOR to ALL MEN ( PERSON’S ) [ AMONG THESE ] MEANING (OTHER RIGHT’S NOT MENTIONED ) Reasonably considered to be granted( endowed ) by OUR CREATOR ( Necessary for our survival and SECURITY ),RIGHT??? The TWO were meant to be TIED TOGETHER to INSURE the BLESSING’S of LIBERTY for the COMPLETE UNDERSTANDING of ALL CITIZEN’S,RIGHT??? THEREFORE,ALL UNDERSTANDING’S ( INTERPRETATION’S ) MUST BE CONSIDERED BY THE SCOTUS before any decision’s RENDERED by them be held ( accepted ) by the PEOPLE in a NATIONAL REFERENDUM ( NATIONAL VOTE) since it will affect the FUTURE of ALL CITIZEN’S,RIGHT???
Wrong! The president has the obligation to choose who sits on the Supreme Court. It is not done by a “national vote”. Justices change over time because of death or resignation but the Constitution remains and is not a moving document. Justices need to decide any case strictly on the laws written and not on the feelings of the general population as they can be manipulated by crafty and nefarious politicians or by people that don’t have America’s best interest at heart.
The purpose of the SCOTUS is not to make political laws or statements that meet the approval of the citizens–that’s the legislative branch responsibility. The responsibility of the SCOTUS is to INTERPRET and DEFEND the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Therefore, it shouldn’t matter what party the new justice will be from–what matters is that they can demonstrate that they know the law–specifically constitution law–and will continue to preserve, defend, and uphold the intent of it–period.
The democrats have lost all integrity in the past 8 years supporting bo’s treasonous abuse of power … ! There can be no trust in any democrat being with any part of U.S. Government … ! The dem asses are bo proven U.S. enemies … !
“We hold these Truth’s to be self evident, that all men are created EQUAL, that they are ENDOWED by their Creator with certain unalienable Right’s, that AMONG these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness…”
Amazing how the Leftists & Demwits have no understanding of how or why our Founding Fathers established the Electoral College, much less what this preamble means, in historical context. “All men” does NOT mean all bipeds are the same. It means that Kings (such as George) and their heirs are NOT appointed by god to rule over everyone else. Rather, that all men are equal in the eyes of god, and should be equivalent under the rule of law.
I’m proud to be an American, where at least I know I’m free; and I won’t forget the men who fought and gave that right to me; and I’ll proudly stand up next to you and defend her still today; cause theirs no doubt I love this land, God Bless the USA.
Those great words came from a great sergeant who defended and sacrificed for our Country. Let’s remember my friends that when we defend the Constitution of the Land and her Laws, we are defending what the Lord our God inspired our forefathers to set up. These rights must be protected and preserved for our children and for future generations that will follow.
God Bless America.
This all has the appearance of being a referendum on idiocy…one could suggest.
Thank God we have a President who is cutting the leftist hypocrisy and mainstream fake news to the quick!
In spite of a very negative news media Trump has second highest rating. So vote Republican and help make America Great Again!
I agree with the polls. The democrats have spent all their time blocking congress in their working for the American people and bashing republicans, instead of helping move America forward.
Just wish he would think about what he is saying when he responds to the media.
I know that the liberals, media and Democrats are headed towards America’s downward trend.
I blame it on lack of parents, schools, and the socialists that we are allowing into our Country.
Build that wall!!!
If our society is going to work the way it’s supposed to, it requires everybody to think and vote to help make good decisions. That’s what government by the people means. Maybe in other countries people prefer having leaders who make all the decisions, then tell them what to do — no need to think, no arguing allowed. People in America are allowed to protest peacefully. The right to assemble is guaranteed in the First Amendment because it’s one way for us to tell our leaders what we think. The trouble is when the protests aren’t peaceful, when property is destroyed or someone gets hurt.
Finally we have a president that is for the people. President Trump has already done so much to bring real hope and change that will benefit all Americans and the world. I defy anyone to tell me what Obama did to help the people and he did nothing for world peace. He and his administration were all about lies and corruption. I do believe God had a big hand in the2016 election. He said”enough is enough. Let there be Trump”!
GREAT COMMENT!! I agree with you 100%.
talk about phony reporting. This takes the cake. I can’t find a way to stop getting this garbage and that is required.
We finally have a president that feels and speaks the way most of us feel and think. But more than that, he has the guts to follow through with his promises to an extent never before seen in American politics. We are facing an enemy in the progressive left that have been tearing down this country systematically for many years and this may be our only chance to stop them and reverse the damage they have done. Also, stop wondering why the media seems to side with the liberal or progressive ideology. They are the progressive left. They are the true enemy. Not every person of course, but nearly all. They took over the networks and newspapers and even created social media in order to control the thought process of people that pay little attention and will repeat and believe whatever they hear. They refer to them as “useful idiots” for a very good reason. Most people are too busy trying to live a good and peaceful life and don’t want to believe there are forces that are working to control everything they do from cradle to grave. These are the people these power hungry elements are counting on. I think we’re seeing more and more people becoming aware and this scares them so they lie to the public through their media sources. They need to be stopped.
Our Great President Mr TRUMP is been attacked by All forces of evil in the camp of the demonRats . But We the Deplorables have the Big gun , “PRAYING” . I am asking to all of You to constantly talk to & pray to GOD the Father & Jesus the Son to protect & guide our President .
Lets do it to MAGA , & vote TRUMP’s type of Republicans everywhere all the time except paul ryan & mitch mcconnell .
mueller is not only corrupt , evil & traitor , he’s a thief , he’s after the money he’s cashing in & will streach it as long as he can .
Mr Sessions why are You NOT doing your job & fire rosenstein & mueller & all the other creepy crooks .
I don’t know about anyone else but I have never in my life seen a President who actually keeps his promises the way that President Trump has. I am not saying that he is perfect but he has kept most of his campaign promises. If anyone can name another President that has actually done what he said he would, I’d like to hear it. Otherwise the left can stuff a sock in it!
The communist a.k.a. Democrat party and the tentacle called the media, cannot win on truth because there is no truth in what they say, only lies and deceit and misinformation and disinformation. Skews me no not yester The communist a.k.a. Democrat party and the tentacle called the media, cannot win on truth because there is no truth in what they say, only lies and deceit and misinformation and disinformation. these people have always been slavers, and slavers have to have people who need them as that is how they control them by creating a need for this party which is a party of distraction for anything that isn’t Eliet!
Let’s put it this way if Obama did any one of this there would be parades.
No bias my ass.
This poll is great.But who see’s it ? I mean if the Radical Left Wing Media does not want the good people to see his polls.Then why is it good to post a comment.I am a hard nose believer in President Trump.And I want him to succeed in every way.And I pray to God that he will be this nations president for the next 6 years.My sister in-law,and brother are true believers that the president is an idiot.Why ? Because they get all of their news from the Radical Left Wing News stations like CNN,MSNBC,NBC,ABC,and CBS.How can people like this ever get the truth out to them.These kind of news outlets control most of the airways on TV,and news papers.It is what Hitlers Socialist German party did to the people during World War II. It is all Left Wing Radical Propaganda
Democrats, prominent ones, are saying that a ;strict constructionist’ judge, one who goes by what was written as it was written, and does not invent new rights, such as the right to abortion, will bring about ‘the destruction of our constitution’. Such patently idiotic and opposite of truth statements are showing exactly what liberal ideology is – the piece by piece reduction of our founding documents and our institutions of justice and freedom to mere ‘suggestions’, so that they can enact anything that fits their current agenda. It goes along perfectly with calling for the abolishing of ICE. They want lawlessness, poverty, and despair, so that they can push bigger and bigger, more and more tyrannical government ‘solutions’ to the pain that big lawless government caused in the first place. Its the only way they can remain in power.
Excuse me, but where in the heck is this thing run from? I just looked at the time stamp on my post, and it is SEVEN HOURS ahead of my local time. What???
All very true Raymond but despite the propaganda machines there are still more than half the country getting the real news. It is discouraging but the left is losing and watching the NWO pour their money into the radicalized dem wit party is very satisfying. The voters on the right and even the left now are totally turned off by the vitriol and hate the left projects including their elected idiots. They all on their own are turning the legal citizens away. Who could support raising taxes to support the free loaders and that includes the illegal aliens, the mooslime pretend refugees, and all criminals the Bozoites let loose in this country including those DACA freeloaders who are now grown adults? Open borders, and obstruction to even enforcing our laws and just plain hate for our country.
Even the kiddies are an obfuscating lie. They are not all with parents and this is what happens to criminals in the US. Parent break the law, kiddies go to next of kin or child services. But the real issue for the left is the catch and release days are over. Illegals are no longer turned loose to enter the US then NOT show up to be judged. They have been just disappearing. NO MORE DEM WITS!
Yup, if they keep this up their polls are going to be the least of their worries. And can’t wait to see the IG report on the illegal stuff with the FISA warrants and how far they will go on that. If we are a nation of laws, then everything I stated will be investigated, prosecuted and the criminals will be jailed. If not then we truly are a banana republic and had Hillary won we would truly be there now. I just hope it does not take the IG two more years to produce the results. Evidence is what it takes, evidence is what the Bozoites provided though unwillingly.
unless the democrat party, turns about we are headed to a second revolutionary war. no it won’t be a civil war, where the other side wanted to take all your guns away. the primary reason for the 2nd amendment, for the security of the united states and our constitution. to defend ourselves against foreign invaders and domestic sedition.
Remember to vote in November and don’t vote for these so called RINO’s either what we need is
conservatives that will protect our rights and not give this country away. Look what’s happening in the last week
to honorable conservative woman they can’t go to a restaurant with their families and enjoy a decent meal.
They can’t go to a Movie Theatre and enjoy a movie If they ever did that to my wife and I had a gun THEY WOULD HAVE BEEN DEADER THAN A DEAD DOOR NAIL BECAUSE I WOULD HAVE PROVEN SELF DEFENSE. Remember the line the only good communist is a dead communist. Now its going to be the only good SOCIALIST IS A DEAD SOCIALIST. Vote the so called
people out of office and start with Maxine Waters.
Trump 2020!!! MAGA!!!
Speak for yourself, I hated Trump the chump before he was president, and I hate him even more now that he is president. He’s a lieing conniving , back stabbing, insane stupid, dumbass fucking idiot, with fucking double standards. He is also a chicken shit fucking pussy, coward with a yellow streak down his back, proved that by being a five time draft dodger. Did you know that he is trying to get some bills passed that will cut Medicare by almost 500 billion a year, cutting Medicaid by 1.5 trillion, and cutting social security by 23% a month. That means e very body would be drawing 23% less every month on their social security. It’s so they can pay for their tax cuts they gave to all of their wealthy donor friends. The only good Republican is a dead one.
…hi maxine…you’re off your meds again, I see…hopefully your high blood pressure will do you in…you are a worthless waste of oxygen…not to mention completely stupid and ignorant…but I’m glad to see you’ve moderated your profane language…
We need a civil war and take out the demo/commies from one end of the country to the other end……fill the grand canyon with body bags…..
Vote for republican in November but make sure they are true republicans and not rinos, like Mccain,Graham, Flake, Murkowski Collins and every other rino that calls him or her self a republican.