After enacting the most extreme policies in the nation, New York recently passed a law that creates a backdoor for abortion advocates to infiltrate Catholic churches and pro-life organizations.
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed Bill 660 into law that forces churches and pro-life non-profits to now hire abortion advocates. The governor already signed legislation that allows abortion doctors to snuff out the lives of babies who survive the usually deadly procedure. The Democrat’s latest move appears to be designed to further undermine efforts to save the lives of unborn infants.
“An employer shall not: (a) discriminate nor take any retaliatory personnel action against an employee with respect to compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment because of or on the basis of the employee’s or dependent’s reproductive health decision-making,” the legislation reportedly states.
The new law is a not-so-subtle delivery lie that provides abortion extremists a pathway into anti-abortion organizations via employment. Churches and non-profits can now be sued for millions under the New York law based on hiring discrimination. Abortion activists are expected to begin filing applications in an effort to insert abortion advocacy and bankrupt non-profits that hold true to their values.
“No government has the right to tell pro-life or religious organizations they must hire someone who doesn’t agree with their core mission,” Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) senior counsel Ken Connelly reportedly said. “Gov. Cuomo’s message to pro-life New Yorkers is loud and clear: The abortion agenda of Planned Parenthood trumps the lives of the unborn, and anyone who disagrees will be forced to bow to the state’s orthodoxy by force of law.”
The ADF is currently representing pro-life organizations such as CompassCare pregnancy center, First Bible Baptist Church, and the National Institute of Family and Life Advocates in a lawsuit designed to protect them from being overrun.
“CompassCare offers comprehensive information and free medical care, practical resources, and hope to women experiencing unplanned pregnancies,” ADF Legal Counsel Denise Harle reportedly said. “Every woman deserves the support she needs to make the healthiest choice for everyone involved in her pregnancy. But New York’s new law forces CompassCare to contradict its own beliefs and to employ staff who endorse abortion — a decision that harms women and ends innocent lives. No one would force PETA to hire employees that hunt on the weekends. CompassCare deserves that same courtesy and equal freedom under law.”
Gov. Cuomo continues his charade of being both a Catholic and an abortion advocate as if the two were not mutually exclusive. In his gubernatorial addresses, Cuomo pretends to be a practicing Catholic, as many New Yorkers are. But his actions have ushered in the heinous abortion-on-demand laws that remove born alive protections and allow doctors to murder infants outside the womb. He thumbed his nose at the pro-life lawsuit, knowing he has inserted liberal activists in New York’s court system posing as judges. A spokesman for the governor reportedly said the lawsuit is “frivolous and quite frankly ridiculous, and we expect it to be dismissed by the court.”
At first blush, the liberal governor will likely win the early rounds in court. But pro-life advocates have a long-standing reputation for going the distance, and this case could reach the U.S. Supreme Court.
With President Donald Trump restoring integrity to the high court following liberal Obama-era appointees, religious rights have enjoyed something of a resurgence. When religious and secular rights have come into conflict, the court has ruled that secular rights cannot overall Christian values. The likely outcome of forcing churches to hire people who are opposed to their Bible-supported mandate is likely to fail. The country is already starting to hear the once-stifled voices of people who have come to the revelation that abortion is, in fact, murder.
“The fact that they were unwanted was no longer enough justification for me to kill them. The sad thing is that I still referred for abortion. I still believed abortion was a woman’s right. I just sort of thought it was the lesser of two evils, and it took God a long time to completely change my mind,” former abortionist Dr. Kathi Aultman said after giving birth to her own child. “I thought, ‘Oh my gosh, I’ve killed a lot more people than Ted Bundy, but it wasn’t illegal. And that was when I became pro-life.”
If the New York law stands, the American public will hear far fewer pro-life voices. That’s because the left’s long-game is to secure majorities in anti-abortion non-profits and cause chaos in Christian churches. New York’s law is a calculated attack on life.
Whatever happened to separation of church and state? New York has sunk to a new low.
Here’s a news flash they did both Cuomo and Gillabrand Anti God, Anti Gun ,Anti American/socialist/communist.
The Catholic Church needs to deny the sacraments to Cuomo and ex-communicate him.
Rise up NY. Vote this POS and his murdering politicians out. Have recall elections and remove them.
You’re conflating two entirely different subjects. In war it is kill or be killed. In abortion, except for unusual circumstances, it is kill for convenience. The picture may have been in poor taste but does not equate to murder.
Is the guy convicted of taking a photo standing next to the corpse of someone he has just killed pro-life?
It is time to Baker Act Cuomo and other “officials” that are totally against humanity.
It’s past time to challenge the 50+ years in which “non-discrimination” has been legally exalted above Liberty. Discrimination is NOT even a constitutional principle, as is Liberty. Liberty is our right as individuals (persons and entities such as a business or church) TO discriminate – to make decisions without government coercion. It was declared an unalienable (Creator-given, not government-given) right. Ergo, government has no authority to deny individual Liberty. But that is what “non-discrimination” laws have been doing, denying individual liberty to discriminate. Governmental discrimination is the only form that ;should be prohibited. Today’s “non-discrimination” laws have become the equivalent of Jim Crow/segregation laws (government, not mere individual, discrimination against Black People). Non-discrimination laws that prohibit individual discrimination are anti-Liberty. They must be challenged and not obeyed.
Hey Cuomo. Not only are you wrecking our country. Your murderous ways are going to damn to the hottest part of Hell. I feel bad for you governor. Your judgement day will be here before you know it.
Governor HOMO at his finest
Crazy NY BS. People move now to save your sanity. This is going to cause hate crimes. Next That stupid Gov. Will start closing churches.
What a great way to make money. As a pro-lifer I can apply for a job at planned parenthood and if not hired I can sue for discrimination. Well, when I win my case I will donate the money to pro- life causes. Sounds logical to me. Move over, Cuomo. You have said there is no room for conservatives in your state well we have decided there is no room for you in New York. You are a disgrace to the state and more importantly to you father. GET OUT NOW!
Yeah, I always thought Cuomo was a turd that did not get flushed and guess what ? I was right !
you insult turds who make for good plant fertlizer
The New York gov is the anti- christ any way you look at it. Communists close churches infiltrate their ideology on on people and make them conform. The communist left wants to ban freedom of religion and speech. The gov is soooo stupid and so are the liberals in New York
The Nations needs to pass the Life begins at conception Act into law. Then the unborn baby becomes a person and is protected by the Constutition like all other persons and abortion then becomes Murder by the constitution as it should be.
The Democrat party has become Satan’s party. They make abortion illegal when God Jesus said you are not to commit murder. They made Homosexuality legal when God said he abhored it and destroyed two cities and their populations because they practiced it. Just as they did abortion.
God’s Judgement is hanging over america for such things. One day the Sword of His judgement will fall on the USA for such actions. Just as if fell on Sodom and Gomorrah! !
Robert Nichols
the “when does life begin” argument is a red herring
dead people do not pro-create, dead eggs cannot be fertilized and dead sperm cannot fertilize – life began billions of years ago and continues via reproduction
a new human comes into being at conception and the premeditated taking of innocent human life is murder, regardless of the legal definition or murder
These people that are coming against CHURCHES like this need to be IMPEACHED and SUED into POVERTY for Trampling on our 1st Amendment rights. Team Trump and his allies 2020 – KAGA (Keep America Great Again).
William Reheusser, your comment is perfect.
Our forefathers came to this country for Religious Freedoms…… And look what the far left socialists/ communists/ what ever you want to call them are doing. What other rights are we losing if these far lefties keep getting elected. All you need is one in charge … they make a decree. Poof. Your freedoms are gone.
I’d say, that they should be ashamed of themselves.
But, then again?
The Communist/Liberal/Democrats, have no shame.
Along with, no conscience, no self respect, no compassion, no ethics and definitely, no character.
Of course, the government of New York has done abhorrent things. But , more abhorrent is the people who elected them. They were elected in free unbiased elections. Weren’t they? Do they then reflect the opinions of their constituency?
Cuomo shows his utter hypocrisy in claiming to be a Catholic while supporting the obscene legislation that allows babies that survive abortions to be killed, and now, forcing the Church and other pro-life organizations to hire people who openly advocate abortions– that would be like forcing the NAACP to hire Ku Klux Klansmen! It’s time for the Church to do what it should have done long ago: publicly and officially excommunicate the craven Cuomo– and any other faux-Catholics who advocate such evils. And also bring the hiring issue to court, indeed to the Supreme Court.
“or on the basis of the employee’s or dependent’s reproductive health decision-making”
wording in law is everything, taking the life of an innocent human being has nothing to do with ‘reproductive health decision-making’ – the two are entirely separate at every level
Crazy Andrew, he will never be President.
The three headed Andrews, Cuomo, Gillum and Yang, the monster created by the Dems., each head hitting the middle at ounce.
I forgot, Chris, the little baby of the four .
To USA, keep Voting for people whom believe in PC and are Liberal Communist Democrats like this asshole Cuomo and watch America continue to be destroy within USA it’s like the asshole in England that allow a Muslim to get out off Prison because they believe they had changed his Islam Jihad’s, wake up USA and World people don’t change just because you push for PC as a way in changing people to think differently get over it. The same as California Liberal Communist Democrats with the Homeless Crisis they beileve in doing nothing I am surprise they haven’t blame on President Trump.
The fake governor of NY, Andrew “Garbage” Cuomo and his brother Chris on CNN have sunken to a new low to kill the unborn. These Fake, phony, fraud’s now endorse MURDER by hire. As a NYS resident I will now be looking to move to a life friendly state. New Yorker’s must stand against the legislature, courts, Governor and MSM to take down the Liars in office and the media. Dump the democrats ho love murder.