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Number of Human Traffickers Arrested at Border SURGED in 2018

U.S. Border Patrol officials are reporting that there has been a 200 percent increase in the number of human smuggling-related arrests at immigration checkpoints in Southern California this year.

Human smuggling is a huge human rights problem that affects countries all over the world. It is something that the United States has a duty to try to stop. Although migrants usually enter into human smuggling situations voluntarily, they are often abused and extorted.

Human smuggling operations are often run by large criminal organizations. Their number one priority is making large amounts of cash. They generally don’t care about the well-being of the people that they are transporting. As a result, traveling conditions for migrants who are being smuggled is usually very inhumane. Migrants are often jammed onto overcrowded boats or trucks. They may perish in deserts or suffocate in barrels.

Migrants in human smuggling situations are extremely vulnerable to human trafficking. Human smuggling and human trafficking tend to overlap. Pregnant women, minor children and the elderly have all been preyed upon by migrant smugglers. People who are smuggled often owe large debts to their captors, which makes them extremely vulnerable to abuse. Often, migrants’ lives are jeopardized. Smuggling situations may involve rape, assault and murder.

In a horrific human smuggling case in 2017, 10 migrants died when they were locked in a semi-trailer in scorching heat with no air or water. This happened in San Antonio, Texas on a day when the summer heat caused temperatures outside to rise to 101 degrees Fahrenheit. Inside the truck, it was brutally hot, and there were more than a hundred people jammed into the tight space. The smugglers had crammed more than 100 in the truck to maximize profits. Unfortunately, 10 of the migrants paid the ultimate price with their lives.

To put a stop to situations like the above incident, The United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is committed to aggressively investigating and pursuing increased penalties against human smugglers. The agency also vows to work hard to dismantle organized human smuggling operations.

Fortunately, it seems that ICE’s efforts have been successful. Border Patrol agents stopped a total of 210 human smuggling attempts at checkpoints in the El Centro Sector in California along Highways 86 and 111. According to U.S. Customs and Border Patrol, there were only 68 human smuggling arrests during the same period a year ago.

Among those arrested was Juan Carlos Avalos-Padilla, who had an extensive criminal history including a conviction for attempted murder in 2010. He had served seven years in Riverside, California. Another notable arrest involved Ivan Partida-Valdez, who had been previously deported many times for aggravated burglary. In addition to human smuggling arrests, Border Patrol Agents also seized more than 1,300 pounds of methamphetamine.

~ Conservative Zone

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19 thoughts on “Number of Human Traffickers Arrested at Border SURGED in 2018”

  1. Wonderful they are arresting them, but now they become America’s problem, bullshit. We have to demand that all of the protections and loopholes be removed from our immigration laws. It should be a very simple process, if you are illegal, you get deported immediately, no hearings, no courts, you are NOT ENTITLED, get the fuck out!

    1. BUILD THAT WALL..VOTE RED NOV 2018…If it weren’t for President Obama we might not have done the intelligence community assessment that we did that set up a whole sequence of events which are still unfolding today including Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation. President Obama is responsible for that. It was he who tasked us to do that intelligence community assessment in the first place. CLAPPER’S OWN CONFESSION

  2. Arresting them is very good. Give them the old heave ho and drop them into the ocean at 37000 feet so we don’t have to feed them and give them medical care and job training for the next 30 years. Call it deportation but remove these scum from the land of the living. Say a prayer over them and then say adios.

  3. I just want the boarder patrol. Workers to know i am so thankful u are keeping our county. Safe & sercure at the boarder not letting any ilegal people in who should not be here u are protecting. Us & our familys …. Just know there. Are many Bible Believeing. People who pray. For ur safety Daily. !!! I am one ….May God Bless u all !!!

  4. Once again FB is blocking your content. They will not allow me to share this article with my friends and family because it contains “abusive content”.

    1. I just shared it. Rather than clicking the FB link I just copied and pasted it myself. If you read the blocked notice carefully you will see that it really isn’t FB blocking you, at least that’s what they say. However, I trust them as far as I can throw them.

  5. Arrest them and send them back immediately. Tell them to make their own countries GREAT Again. Are they such cowards that they want us to fix everything. Won’t happen. Just send them back. No standing at our doors.

    1. Don’t even let the ones that get to our side of border stay . Herd them back to their side & tell them to stay home or go to the Mexican side & live the best they can !!!!!!

  6. Nothing like a well-aimed bullet to solve the problem once and for all. When the message gets around that we aren’t going to mess with them, then, just maybe, they’ll start getting the message and will stay out of the USA!

  7. Our politicians think multiculturism is more important than those who put them in office. They want another Europe & 3rd world country.

  8. please stop calling them migrants – they’re criminals, plain and simple

    immediate and summary deportation! no papers? no legal aid, no hearings – bye bye

    1. Andy, I agree. Take away all their free stuff and jobs and they will soon go back home and the new ones wont have an incentive to come. Take the ones that are here already, round them up, and deport them to Europe. They love their open borders.

  9. So far, the open borders people have prevented us from completing the wall, but even when it is finished, we can’t just forget it. They will tunnel under the wall, remove the razor wire, or find new ways to smuggle contraband through check points. I know it is expensive to keep prisoners in prison, but it is a felony to try to re-enter the country after being deported. If we give all illegals cought trying to re-enter the maximum sentence the law allows (and make them serrve the full sentence) word will get back to them and a lot fewer will try re-entering.

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