During Barack Obama’s last failing days in the White House, he politicked for Hillary Clinton by claiming now-Pres. Donald J. Trump couldn’t restore American economic greatness. Many recall Obama saying something about waving a magic wand around to create jobs. Well, abracadabra?
But these days Obama wants to take credit for the very policies he claimed were fantasies. After Democrats across the board panned every single Trump policy, voted no on tax cuts and brought lawsuits against the administration, now it’s supposedly Obama’s magic wand. But, not every former Obama crony is in lock-step with the left’s revision of history.
So overwhelming have the economic results been that Obama’s former Trade Representative now backs Pres. Trump’s agenda.
“Many of the trade issues on which U.S. President Donald Trump is now focusing have been concerns for numerous White House administrations,” Obama-era U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman reportedly said. “‘Different administrations have had different approaches – I was part of another administration that had a somewhat different approach – but certainly some of the underlying concerns about subsidies, about [intellectual property] theft, about forced technology transfer, those are longstanding issues that a number of administrations have been concerned about.”
Froman served as U.S. Trade Rep from 2013-2017, and was recently selected to the Disney corporate board. The former Obama insider has also gone on the record indicating that Pres. Trump’s approach to reining in unfair trade comes from a position of experience and strength.
“He certainly has a very distinct approach to trade, and it’s something that he’s had a longstanding view on, long before he ran for president,” Froman reportedly said. “I think the rest of the world is paying attention to that.”
The former Obama crony’s remarks are likely to startle Democrats who are running into the mid-term elections desperately trying to claim the record-setting measures on unemployment, job creation, and rising wages are somehow a residual effect from the Obama years. But the numbers paint a radically different picture.
Few recall the ex-president’s first-term campaign pledge to renegotiate NAFTA. That’s because he never fulfilled his promised to address the unfair trade practices that helped siphon away American businesses and jobs.
It was an easy pledge to make while running against Hillary, whose husband implemented the destructive NAFTA agreement in the first place. But rather than keep his promise, the former president’s economy suffered 10-percent unemployment due to his job-killing environmental agenda.
Like Pres. Trump, Obama recognized the dangerous economic manipulations being pressed by China. He also reportedly waded into the issue, called a G20 Summit and pledged to double U.S. exports.
But preying on the economic novice, China ramped up exports and enjoyed a staggering 12-percent GDP growth above the U.S. By 2015, China’s factories put out more goods than the U.S., EU, and Japan combined. Under Obama, China moved ahead of the American economy for the first time.
The frightening reality is this occurred while Obama was trying to gain a competitive advantage. To call Obama’s economic policies a “failure” would be an understatement. They were a defeat from which no honor could be salvaged.
Still, Democrats kicking around the D.C. swamp are willing to pretend the booming Trump economy is nothing more than an extension of Obama’s eight years.
In July, Pres. Trump took a well-earned victory lap by announcing the U.S. GDP had hit 4.1-percent growth. Democrats, including Obama, said this could not be achieved.
“Once again, we are the economic envy of the entire world,” Pres. Trump reportedly said from the White House’s South Lawn. “As the trade deals come in, one by one, we’re going to go a lot higher than these numbers.”
But the left was quick to jump in and try and take credit.
“Yup, our economy is the envy of the world because Barack Obama steered us out of the Great Recession and set up structures and policies that reduced unemployment and raised GDP,” former Obama Undersecretary Richard Stengel reportedly tweeted in response. He previously worked as managing editor of the anti-Trump “Time Magazine.”
Despite political hacks like Stengel willing to say anything to stay in favor with the Democratic Party, former Obama officials continue to break ranks and support the MAGA agenda.
~ Conservative Zone
Reportedly? Why does this word keep appearing in this article? Is this weak reporting or fake news? Let’s hear some dates, times, events, sources, etc. That would be nice! Please take this as constructive criticism.
“Reportedly” means the guy in the next stall in the bathroom ‘reported’ it, or in the next cubicle at work. THis allows them to say anyhing, like Obama’s Magic Wand caused changes 2 years later. As more people see how failed the 8 years were, more are getting behind Trump, even Republicans. The top of both parties (the Old Guard) are much the same – they want more Big Government, raise taxes & spend money so they can claim credit for it. Trump lets us keep money we earned and spend as WE want, not as Big Government wants. THIS is why the economy is improving, jobs are coming back, GDP is growing at rates Obama said could not happen. If Obama said could not be done, how can it be the result of his policies?
Remember it is “Honourable to deceive the infidel”….and he continues to deceive the lame brained brainwashed 50% +/- that backed Hillary…they are pulling out all the stops again to try and keep the dolts voting their way come November…Red Tsunami everyone!!!
Obama – OR – whoever the hell he really is is famous for taking credit – almost as famous as he is for NEVER taking the blame.
Obama takes all the credit and no blame. He is a despicable human being… he should be selling watermelon in Africa.
Obama was an community organizer, and would never had any ability to manage a business and was totally incapable of running any government. Lets face facts, Obama and Bidden were the best at lies, and the best and denial when it required it. If you like your doctor, you can keep him or her, and you will see amazing decline in cost. Imagine the fake news never published that, but again the biggest donors to the DNC, RNC are phara companies. We can call this the never ending swamp. But Obama did many things that were unconstitutional with the pen, yet never did liberal press call him on his unlawful actions. Does any one recall when Obama, mic left on, declared he was the most powerful man on the planet, along with simply telling the Russian President that he would be able to do much more after the election, including funding and contributing American tax payers money to the equivalent silicon valley in Russia. Hillary did the reset, of course that was with national security of transfer of top military and technology transfer to Russia.
So how did Obama do?, Amazing what the 3rd reigh, which is the DNC do to benefit America,Nothing. Obama’s main goal was to transfer American wealth out of America and bring America to its keens, but could not accomplish this without the Clinton Machine and knowledge of how to secretly get rich from stripping America of its wealth. THEY SOLD OUT AMERICA FOR PERSONAL WEALTH, BOTH PARTIES ARE GUILTY OF THIS AMAZING FRAUD.
The sell out began many administrations ago…the sell off increased with this deceitful being and Sharia problems were added…When Jeb, the anointed one was literally blown away by the “red headed idiot” as Trump was referred to by ALL of the mainstream media who demeaned and denounced him on TV, the air and in print and no Republican could be found to even challenge him they turned to the DNC and they came up with Hillary….despite the best efforts of BOTH parties, ex-, and sitting president(s) and their controlled stooges in the mainstream media they were unable to get the “loser” elected….they increased the denunciations and vile rhetoric trying to derail the inauguration and are STILL trying to “get” the President…Never noticed any Russian transfers of technology but Obama was set to have Saudi Arabia produce the computer chips for the weapons systems of the army, navy and air force…let that sink in…The final push to dismantle the Republic was thwarted by an “idiot” and they are , short of ‘offing’ him, using every dirty trick to remove “the obstacle”….and again with their criminal cohorts in the mainstream are pulling out all the stops swing the vote in November.A Red Tsunami WILL drown out a feeble ‘blue wave’…
There was nothing good about Ovomit and in fact unfortunately there is nothing good with the entire so called Democrat Party today. It needs to die ASAP so that something better can emerge form its ashes.
The more I read about the Clinton’s an Obama’s why are they still walking around free as a bird. If you or I did what they have done they would have hung us from the highest yardarm. Go Big Red Thank you God for Donald Trump.
A lot of fulminating on this site, along with a lot of fervently-held but half-baked opinions, plus plenty of nastiness and hate. Facts? Not so much.
I know many of you will be mad at me but let me grace you with some facts, those pesky things from the world of reality: When Obama inherited Bush’s mess, the unemployment rate was 7.8. It went up to 10 at it’s highest before the brakes could be fully applied to the downward-spiring economy (Oct. 2009—9 months after he took office). When he left office the unemployment rate had dropped to 4.7. Nice. Currently, it’s 3.9. Very nice…and a continuation of the process Obama put in motion.
The Dow Jones industrial average at the inception of Obama’s administration was around 8000 points, When he left it was 18,000 and change. Nice. Now it’s around 26,000—a really nice continuation of what was occurring in the Obama era. Jobs—don’t have the exact figures but I do know that the rate of job increase under Trump, about which the rightwing is ecstatically crowing, is still not as high as the last 2 years of Obama’s administration.
Ooppps, sorry for the reality-check. I think the right-wing would get a lot more respect if they adhered to facts instead of opinions based on their partisan leanings.
Invite you to check all of this out; Google is pretty handy.
America does not need to be “made great again”! It always has been great and will still be great after Donnie the Dunce leaves the White House! Unfortunately, as long as he is there, he will be a laughing stock to the entire world!