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President Trump’s Approval Ratings Low, But on Track to Win 2020?

Liberal late night talk show hosts and news anchors continue to have a field day with President Donald Trump and his supporters. The latest batch of nonsense coming from this bunch, outside of the response to Trump’s tweet about late night talk show hosts, has been about his dismal approval ratings.

Now, it is anyone’s guess as to which polls should actually be considered when it comes to approval ratings. Most of them are only as scientific as the check writer wants them to be. Nonetheless, the approval rating is a time honored tradition in media, used as a bellwether of the performance of the executive office. By most accounts, President Trump is not doing very well in the polls. Depending on the poll that you trust (or don’t trust), his rating is anywhere from 20 to 40 percent. This would mean that many conservatives, even hardcore Trump supporters, are not at all happy with his performance.

Despite this, these same outlets are reporting that President Trump is on track to win a re-election in the year 2020. How can this be — other than really opportunistic reporting that actually has no respect for the viewer being able to spot the obvious plot holes in a story?

These are liberal outlets reporting this seemingly impossible story – The Washington Post, the various New York liberal rags.

The first order of business is to determine why these liberal rags are focusing on 2020 in the middle of 2017. It would seem that a reorganization of priorities would be in order. Maybe these outlets should focus on reporting stories that actually have an impact on people’s lives today, rather than trying to find any way possible to demean and disempower President Trump. We know that won’t happen, however.

The second order of business is to figure out why these outlets would report what seems to be good news for the president. Most of them took the same line in their work. If the president simply maintains his current level of support with hardcore supporters, he will win in 2020 regardless of whatever the Democrats pull out of their hats.

Why give President Trump the accolade of implying that conservatives are not only the most loyal voters, but also influential enough to elect a president seemingly from the minority position?

The answer still lies in propaganda. The weird thing is that these mainstream outlets are using the truth to try to rally the troops instead of fake news pieces.

Democrats have yet to surface a candidate that could even hope to beat President Trump in an election. They have yet to learn from the mistakes they made in the last cycle. This is easy to see in the legislative process. Liberals in Congress and the Senate continue to run around like chickens with their heads cut off on major issues, relegating themselves to reacting instead of changing the discourse (think gun control). They have constituencies pulling them from all sides, all with different needs (think identity politics). The result is a truly haphazard legislative body of work that bases itself in destroying the productive initiatives of the opposition rather than presenting any viable plan to the American people.

Liberals are also properly reporting that more Americans than ever before are moving away from the extremes of the two parties. More Americans than ever now identify as independents, and this can lead to a stratification of voting blocs that allow a president to be elected without a majority on any side. These articles are a call to arms for hardline left-wingers.

Since taking office, Trump has seen most success from an administrative standpoint — not so much in the legislative arena. While Republicans haven’t been able to get a bill passed, the White House has still managed to cut regulations on businesses as well as take executive action on Obamacare. The process has definitely been frustrating, but the Americans who are getting jobs understand they’re already better off now than they were a year ago.

Do not be fooled by the liberal media as they report this new angle on President Trump. They are still on the same nonsense they have always been on – trying to divide Americans and unify behind their own banner to gain political power. Take the truth from the media and leave the rest for the birds.

~ Conservative Zone

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