Progressive activists who are furious over recent Supreme Court decisions and terrified of potential future ones are looking at numerous ways in which the Supreme Court can be reshaped to better suit their whims.
While many of these individuals acknowledge that the outlandish options they are considering could completely undermine the legal system of the United States, they are still willing to promote them in order to prevent the Supreme Court from interfering with their current and future plans.
The idea of packing the Supreme Court has been popular in liberal circles for some time. Activists started discussing it even before President Trump nominated Justice Brett Kavanaugh earlier this year. Liberals acknowledge that having a Democrat president and Senate pack the court is risky because a Republican president and Senate can do the same in the future. However, activists are hoping that continually discussing the idea of packing the court will intimidate conservative justices, on the court and cause them to rule in favor of liberal causes.
At the same time, the packing idea isn’t the only one that is being discussed in progressive circles. The Roosevelt Institute has listed five ways in which the Supreme Court can be made to bend to liberals’ will, and these ideas include limiting the jurisdiction the Supreme Court has over certain matters, placing term limits on justices, looking for ways to impeach certain Supreme Court justices and even ignoring Supreme Court decisions altogether.
Naturally, if Republican activists and a conservative think tanks were talking about these measures, the mainstream news media would be outraged. However, progressives have made a number of excuses for themselves to justify their plans to subvert the Supreme Court and prevent it from doing its job.
The Roosevelt Institute notes that four out of the nine Supreme Court justices were appointed by two presidents who lost the popular vote, ignoring the fundamental fact that the Founding Fathers set up the United States as a constitutional republic, not a democracy. The electoral voting system, maligned by many on the left, is meant to ensure that states across the Union have a say in who becomes president rather than having large population centers such as California and New York make the decision for the whole country.
Liberals also claim that their moves would “save democracy” from a government that is not carrying out the people’s wishes while conveniently ignoring the fact that Supreme Court justices are confirmed by the Senate, a body of representatives that is voted on by the people. Given the fact that the Republicans have not only held on to the Senate but even expanded their majority, it is clear that most voters are happy with their confirmation of the last two Supreme Court judges.
At least a few liberals are honest about their reasons for opposing the current Supreme Court. Todd Tucker, a legal scholar at the Roosevelt Institute, recently stated his concerns that the current Supreme Court would strike down aggressive Green New Deal policies that far-left Democrats hope to pass in the near future. Given the fact that these policies will most likely interfere with property rights, it is likely that they would be deemed unconstitutional; however, undermining the judicial system of the United States simply because one branch won’t comply with a single party’s wishes is a recipe for disaster for everyone involved.
The sad fact is that many liberals cannot handle the fact that many people in the United States strongly disagree with their positions. These activists are now not only looking for ways to force their agenda on the masses but are also seeking to undermine the system of checks and balances that ensures the entire country remains stable and successful.
~ Conservative Zone
President Franklin Roosevelt had that idea and he was told it is not ethical, against the law and un-lawful.
Progressive Socialists, leave the laws regarding the shape of it the way it is.
Progressives are not desperate they are deceptive.
Wilson and FDR were the beginning of the US of As down fall with their globalist socialist ideas. By the 1880s the Marxist followers of the author of the Communist Manifesto had infiltrated our Ivy League schools and therefore eventually our primary and secondary schools over the past several decades.
With pressure from the likes of Cloward and Piven, LBJ authored the modern day welfare programs like The Great Society, in the name of creating “the democratic social welfare plantation for the next 200 years”.
Biased law…is not law!!!
Whenever a politician ignores the true wishes of the constituents and pushes for or votes for undermining the constitution that they take an oath to “defend the constitution against ALL ENEMIES both foreign and domestic” they are committing treason!! At that time we the people (the electorate) have an obligation to defend our constitution against them!! We may need to impeach the treasonous reps and senators and must be prepared to defend our country against them and their socialist/communist agenda!!
Make no mistake Mr. Senator Swalwell, the armed American hunter (not including non-hunters) make up the largest army in the world!! Another amazing fact there are fewer hunters accidentally shot or killed during hunting season throughout America than are killed every weekend in Chicago!! That tells smart people that gun control is NOT the problem and never has been! The problem is Crime Control and the demonrats can’t figure that out, don’t want to acknowledge the true issues, nor go after the right group of criminals. The vast majority of us legal gun owners are NOT the problem, our weapons are not the problem, law abiding gun owners are not the problem! The problem is a party that wants subservient constituents they rule or govern. I’m so glad and proud that even as a union member I got out of the Democratic Party during Clinton’s first term!!
As a proud Marine and a proud Endowment Life Member of the NRA I will never submit to confiscation of any firearm I own! Nor will I turnover any weapon I buy in the very near future because of the threats we gun owners are facing daily from the gun grabbing, power happy, socialists/communists that for some reason (likely shame) call themselves Americans, or democrats!!
Semper Fi, bro! WQe’re approaching one of those times when, as Jefferson predicted, “the tree of liberty must be fertilized” Lrt’s remain loyal to our oath.
Just goes to show that when your side controls the media, and the other side does nothing to oppose it, you can do whatever you want.
Destroying the entire system in order to get their way.
If they do, it will be time for a REVOLUTION to put things back and remove them from power
The path is being laid for another Civil War. The last one was worse than the first (when we broke from England). A third would be worse still. Each one has divided the professional military, and another one would undoubtedly follow that pattern.
Trump opposes the liberal media , HE TWEETS SO THE MEDIA CANT CHANGE WHAT HE Says. MAGA
This would be a recipe for tyranny and perhaps that’s what leftists aspire to be – tyrants. But for the life of me, I do not know why a constitutionalist judge would change his or her outlook simply because the Democrats wanted to pack the court with aconstitutionalists. Democracy has many flaws which the founders tried to constrain. Yes, for the leftists like many leftists we have seen this century, it is one man, one vote – one time.
I tried so many times earlier to alert the American people about the true enemies of our sovereign Republic of the United States of America regardless of what aliases are/were used by them…. The Democratic Party “IS” the Communist Party in America even though Dwight D. Eisenhower outlawed the American Communist Party in 1954. Unfortunately, its members just didn’t disappeared; they simply merged right in with the already socialist party of the Democratic Party whose only interest is their lust for absolute power over the United States and its citizens as they claim that Americans don’t know how to run their own lives; and so they sucked the American people into the communist’s style of unconstitutional entitlements.
One has to follow the history of the Democratic Party in order to discover their true nature as depicted in “George Orwell’s novel of 1984,” and their bible of the “Communist Rule for Revolution” document on how to conquer and destroy Constitutional opponents.
And let’s not forget that the Democratic Party has been the masters of voter registration fraud even prior to the 1920s.