REPORT: Dems Are Preparing to Invoke the 25th Amendment — Against Biden

Former Bill Clinton advisor Dick Morris is warning that a recent bi-partisan move to repeal the War Powers Act and limit President Biden’s ability to strike foreign nations without congressional approval may have a hidden cause.

As President Biden becomes increasingly forgetful and this fact becomes increasingly apparent to voters throughout the nation, Morris asserts that the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives will “inevitably” use the 25th Amendment to remove him from power and install Vice President Kamala Harris as President of the United States.

Morris points to the fact that 30 Democrats from the House urged the President to give up sole control of nuclear codes so that he would be unable to launch a strike without consulting his cabinet or Congressional leaders. The request is unprecedented, and it’s suspicious when one considers the fact that House Speaker Rep. Nancy Pelosi introduced a bill late last year to set up a commission tasked with recommending the use of the 25th Amendment to remove a current President.

Evidence abounds that President Biden’s mental faculties are deteriorating. Pundits have been pointing out for weeks that VP Harris is taking the lead in foreign policy and holding meetings on her own with international leaders. The President’s handlers have not allowed him to give a press conference that allows reporters to ask questions and discuss concerns with the President.

What’s more, President Biden made the embarrassing mistake of forgetting the name of his Secretary of Defense even though the Secretary spoke just a few minutes before he took the stage.

Given these facts, it’s not surprising that a recent Rasmussen poll found that about half of all Americans question the current President’s physical and mental abilities. Even the liberal Washington Post is calling on President Biden to stop hiding from the press as much as he does.

Conservative pundits have warned for months that President Joe Biden was only meant to be a placeholder for Kamala Harris — or perhaps someone else. Some, such as Dick Morris, believe that Democrats are gearing up to use the 25th Amendment. Others say that the move could come in a couple of years to ensure that Harris would become president and be able to run again in 2024 and 2028.

It’s impossible to say what the future will hold, but what can be said for sure is that a growing number of people from both sides of the political aisle are openly questioning the President’s ability to do his job — and that’s a serious problem.

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47 thoughts on “REPORT: Dems Are Preparing to Invoke the 25th Amendment — Against Biden”

  1. Lotsa things happening in and around the Pretender and Crew along with admissions regarding “Shredded Ballots” that mysteriously disappeared after being shipped in from Long Island and miraculously reappeared in Shredded Form in a Dumpster in Maricopa County, Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm , Seems that no one knows how they got there or who put them there! Claims that they are from the 2020 Election are being made and why wouldn’t that happen, pray tell, what election would these ballots be from? Would the Supreme Court like a Garbage bag of these ballots to examine or is this just another Jedi Mind Trick to get President Trump’s Claims believed ??????

    1. Vinnie, don’t be SO closed minded…the 2020 election was a disastrously ill programed antic by liberals and is continuing by comments like yours. You KNOW it was a crooked election only to put a puppet into office for the direct purpose of getting Harris to be POTUS – ANYONE who believes otherwise is not only stupid but willing and actively selling out our nation because of politics alone. They are handing over our country to those bent on our destruction – and the beginning of that is already taking place…Vinnie, wait another 10-20 years and you won’t be able to even think for yourself…which it clearly appears you can’t now anyhow…STOP taking the word of WaPo and its baby blabbers words without due venting and research REAL world information…I grew up, worked & lived in DC area – saw this happening before…thank God SOME people were able to see through it all before and STOP it then…it needs to be done again!

    2. Vinnie don’t you watch the news or do you watch the CNN clown brigade that wouldn’t report the news if they had to. They are like watching a bad soap opera.
      There was numerous cases filed. There was voter fraud found! Biden/Harris are turning America into another South America. WE THE PEOPLE ARE GOING YO SUFFER!

  2. This is bad if in fact it is about to happen.. all Americans know it was coming but…this would be bad. Harris is not qualified to be president. Hell she barely made it as a senitor. The other country’s will eat her alive.. this means polo and Hilary will run the country…….

  3. Any one with half a brain new Biden was not qualified to be President. Biden was just a stepping stone to get Harris in place. Just how sick is that.

    1. This discovery should be brought to the news media not only in the newspaper, but also televised.
      The citizens have a right to know just how corrupt the Democratic Party is.

      1. You are so wright and Americans need to stand united and fight back. We can not allow this level of deceit and corruption to continue. The whole thing is horrific and those responsible should go to prison. This includes main stream media reporters, and Chris Wallace of Fox, and top Dems. Even with the suppression of the truth about Biden, he did not win the election. Politicians from the swing states played a huge role in this fiasco. But the guiltiest of all is the Supreme Court which did not perform its sworn oath of defending the Constitution. John Roberts was the worst but six others voted along with him. This will “go down in infamy” Historians, be sure to name each Justice that had no courage or wisdom. Americans need to do something about this highest court in the land. They are supposed to follow the Constitution not their personal political feelings.

  4. And Stupid People voted for Biden knowing Horrible Harris was poised to take Over she did not Even win in California. Hello

    1. If Harris was allowed to officially be in the Office of President as she does not qualify to be President by the “Rules” that are set out for being elected to the office of President; then as many states as wanted to withdraw from the United States could then join Texas and withdraw from the United States. Remember this would cut the United States in half from Mexico to Canada for vehicle travel. I’m for following the Rules set up already and not overlooking them to get a “Socialist” Democrat in the office of President.

    2. Listen people, if your blind and deaf you wouldn’t have noticed that Biden ha Dementia almost totally.

  5. kamala is not able to run this nation, no one wanted her in the first place even her own people. I say the real president should step forward, the one the people actually elected and has been proven to be Donald J. Trump

  6. The election was rigged. Everyone knows it. Put Trump back in office before the Democrats give our country away!!!

    1. This was a set up from Day 1, which is why Da Ho wasn’t worried about her pitiful 2% vote total among her own party and suspending her campaign before the first primary had even been held! The elephant in the room question is this, will Dem voters retaliate for having been played, or will their mental disorder of liberalism prevail and they’ll hold their noses and keep showing up tp vote Dem? I’m not optimistic about them getting their heads outta their asses. There’s also the fact that Trump’s personal conduct turned off a lot of stupid voters. GOP won down ballot but many of those same voters didn’t so much vote FOR Plugs as they did AGAINST Trump, regardless of the fraud that played a role.

  7. Biden should have NEVER been on the campaign trail in the first place. He was not mentally fit then and is not now. Another of Pelosi and Schumer’s tactics to have power. Both no all of them need to be expelled from office. But remember even if Harris takes office there is a big possibility that she will be impeached for her role in bailing out Rioters last year. Which then would leave us Power grabber Pelosi. The Supreme Court has let the American people done by refusing to hear the Fraud cases from the November election. If they would have done their job we would still have Trump in office and this country wouldn’t be the laughing stock. Demborats are such a disgrace to this country

    1. Question : Would it be possible to impeach Nancy Pelosi for HER refusal to have the National Guard in Washington to prevent riots while the Senate met to discuss the legitimacy of the Electors from the six “swing” states ? It is, after all, the duly appointed responsibility of the Speaker Of The House to provide/arrange for the security of The Capitol !!! There were credible reports in the possession of the authorities on the day before the riot occurred in Washington. Pelosi is THE ONE PERSON who refused to have the troops there, because of the “Optics” of it looking bad ; that Americans were so very incensed about what was being done by the Electoral College.
      ALSO, could Nancy Pelosi be impeached for her asking the Joint Chiefs Of Staff to not obey any order of PRESIDENT Donald Trump, to order a nuclear weapons attack on an adversary ; because Nancy Pelosi was calling the President “unstable ?” That particular act by Nancy Pelosi FILLS THE DESCRIPTION OF A MILITARY COUP !!!
      She attempted to step BETWEEN the duly elected Commander In Chief, the PRESIDENT, and his duly appointed subordinates, the United States Military, WHILE THE PRESIDENT WAS CONTINUING IN OFFICE !!! That act, by Nancy Pelosi, was a VIOLATION of the Constitution of the United States, by HER !!! It was a violation of our highest law, the Constitution, as an effort by the Legislative Branch to supersede the Executive Branch, in the Constitutionally APPOINTED duties of the branches of our government ! It was only by the good sense and proper loyalty of the Chief of the Joint Chiefs to tell Nancy Pelosi that she was WRONG and he WOULD NOT DO THAT !!! She THOUGHT, very mistakenly, that she had an opportunity to further damage the President, through her own influence. She was wrong to try it !!!

  8. It will not stop at getting Kamal! Peelousy will righteously prove the Indian/Jamaican ineligible, crown herself, pick HillBillary as veep, then resign. Voila CCS is IN POWER!

  9. Everything goes full circle and that includes America. The Founders were trying to save us from that when they gave us a Republic. We did not keep that Republic but instead morphed into a Democracy. The average lifespan of a Democracy is 250 yrs. So, unfortunately the American way of life will continue to change until it is unrecognizable to many of us. The very wealthy think they are safe from the changes that will occur. They are wrong. Living in a suburb of China will not be as great as they seem to think.

    1. The Democrats new he was failing his wire new he was failing she and the party lied to the country and the world that he was ok. They should all be prosecuted and a new election. Should be called. Something like this should require prison terms for all!!!!

  10. So what do we do about the destruction of our country?Everybody is talking about it but nothing being done about it. Seems to me our people in power are not upholding the constitution and taking the power away from the people Let’s get our power back.

  11. Why do the courts allow all this stuff the dems are doing to go unchecked can anyone including myself file papers against the dems and socialist ideaology

  12. None of this should ever come as a surprise. The 2020 Election in my view point was never Donald Trump against Horrible Joe Biden and “The Witch Kamala”. Everyone knows they hated each other in the Primary’s. And she was one of the first to drop out of the Primary’s because she had not slept with enough people to have enough money to pay for her campaign. IT WAS NEVER A TRUMP VS BIDEN CAMPAIGN rest assured!! IT WAS A TRUMP VS THE MEDIA CAMPAIGN. THE MEDIA HATED DONALD TRUMP BEFORE HE WAS EVER ELECTED AS PRESIDENT. And they definitely put together an agenda to fight him all the way. They knew they had a plan of attack to help the Demon Krats find a way to cheat to win the election. For example, just take a look back at all three Debates, Two for President and one for Vice President. You could never have had a more TOTALLY BIASED MODERATOR FOR EACH OF THOSE DEBATES. All they wanted to do iwas to attack Donald Trump and when it came time for a response from Good for Nothing JOE, or Trump tried to ask him a question, the “IDIOT” Moderator would quickly say that “we must move on to the next question”, completely knowing that Biden would put his foot in his mouth, or somewhere else…………. They treated Good for Nothing Joe and the Witch Kamla the same way. How these two people can put their Ugly faces in front of the American People knowing ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY, THEY LOST THE ELECTION BY CHEATING and now have the GUTS to stand before us and tell us we need to UNITE AND ALL BE ONE………….GIVE ME A BREAK, HOW STUPID DO YOU THINK WE ARE????? What is scary is that we have not seen near the end of this. The will plead the 25th Ammendment and Old Joe will be long forgotten in the Old Folks Home and we will be faced with two of the most wicked witches who ever stepped on this Earth Between Witch Kamala and Triple Witch Nancy!! Two totally pieces of POISEN. God help the future of this wonderful Nation we should all be proud of rather than having to put up with the horrible CRAP put before us. Let me close by saying, in respect to the OVAL OFFICE. SHE WILL NEVER EVER BE REFERRED TO AS PRESIDENT HARRIS BY ME AND TONS AND TONS OF OTHER AMERICANS. She will always be referred to as the “Witch Kamala”.


  14. Freedom loving Americans must get actively involved in local, state and national politics. Form groups of friends & neighbors willing to declare publicly their displeasure when elected officials overstep the limits of the power of their position. Make your voice heard, campaign for candidates who believe this country is good, and citizens have the constitutional right to speak and worship freely. The right to make day to day decisions without government interference or directives. The right to bear arms for our personal protection from all enemies whether domestic or foreign. The right to a fair, moral and ethical government motivated by love of this country and concern for her citizens. We need to get busy and involved to save this wonderful country.

  15. Freedom loving Americans must get actively involved in local, state and national politics. Form groups of friends & neighbors willing to declare publicly their displeasure when elected officials overstep the limits of the power of their position. Make your voice heard, campaign for candidates who believe this country is good, and citizens have the constitutional right to speak and worship freely. The right to make day to day decisions without government interference or directives. The right to bear arms for our personal protection from all enemies whether domestic or foreign. The right to a fair, moral and ethical government motivated by love of this country and concern for her citizens. We need to get busy and involved to save this wonderful country.


    WE THE PEOPLE (aka SILENT MAJORITY) had countless opportunities to have stopped this nightmare, but we chose to give the DEMOCRATS what they expected of us, to REMAIN SILENT! Thus, making us equally complicit in the fraud perpetrated against United States Americans!

    Isn’t it time you actually did something, took action? How much more damage needs to be done?


    BIDEN is completely UNFIT FOR OFFICE! And they both (BIDEN & HARRIS) have family members putting them both in a CONCLICT of interest position advertising and promoting their businesses and using their VP and POTUS both as an advertising self-interest, self-promoting position and it is ILLEGAL!

    People should write these numbers down and use them frequently even if you don’t think your elected officials listen, they are required to note your comments for the permanent record in their caller database for anyone to see.

    Then copy and paste this information into an E-Mail and send to friends and family asking them to make the calls, then forward on to their friends asking them to make the calls and forward on! WE NEED TO MAKE THIS GO VIRAL!

    Members of the House

    Members of the Senate


    Keep in mind: SILENCE = ACCEPTANCE

  17. I would not trust Biden to walk my little chihuahua. I would fear for my dog’s safety. And so he should be leader of this once-great republic and leader of the whole world? What stupid nation would elect such an imbecile to lead this nation and allow him, BIDEN, to turn this country into a third world nation, or worse? Just looking at pictures of the hordes of illegals at the border is enough to sicken anyone who has worked hard over decades, and saved for a good life.
    The demorats are so greedy for power. People like BIDEN, PELOSI, SCHUMER, and ALL the DENIERS should be made to pay for the costs of these opportunists: food, shelter, clothing, education, medication, housing, and more. These are our latest welfare people for life, and then WE SHOULD BE CALLED RACISTS??? SEND them ALL back to their countries of origin.

    And JILL BIDEN, an educator, seeks power so badly so that she can say she experienced being a temporary First Lady is a shining example of a dishonest and corrupt politician’s wife. Shame on them both for imposing such hardships on the REAL CITIZENS OF THIS COUNTRY!!!

    AND, we have our own disabled vets, the homeless, the sick– they are neglected and dismissed for ILLEGAL ALIENS WHO TAKE PRIORITY over them????

  18. I can understand why they think they need all that extra security around the Capitol. People are starting to see what our ‘elected leaders’ are doing to America.

  19. Camela was obamas pick before the first debate. He talked bad about uncle joe. One doesn’t need 20/20 vision to see through this house filled with smoke and mirrors.

  20. Understand now why they want to take away all law abiding citizens guns? So they can continue to shove these heinous laws and changes that go against the fabric of our country. Also, they don’t want 75 million armed Americans to suddenly show up at the Capital someday demanding they surrender and turn themselves in as traitors of the United States for election rigging, attempting to defraud the American citizens and proving they are unfit to govern as shown by the opening of the southern border, allowing illegals to enter our country who tested POSITIVE for Covid-19, suppression of facts, shutting down the pipeline, letting China off the hook for their their own benefit this and more shows they illegally change laws and commit treason while doing it. So what then? We the people make our own laws and make a citizens arrest for unlawful and treasonous acts against our country. All 75 million of us. That is why they want get rid of the second amendment. The doomocrats have no idea how close it is to happening. Or do they?

  21. This is exactly what will happen they will use the 25th then impeach Harris everyone knows who the Democrats want in the white House… Guess??? Hillary Clinton!!


  23. I said when he picked kamel toe for it was a set up. The Democrats had planned it from the beginning. They knew that she would not be elected but after the 25 amendment is implemented she would end up president. Bumbling biden didn’t pick her for vp anyway he was told to, so many are going into be sorry for voting them in. Everytime bumbling Biden speaks from the podium kamel toe is right there to babysit. This country is in for a rough 4 years. There will be a whole lot of crying from both sides and will try to blame it on everybody but themselves. You can already see it coming 70,000 jobs lost, gas prices on the at a faster pace next will be grocery priced going through the roof and recession inevitable. Good luck everybody hope this works out soon.

  24. The democrats kept saying that the 45th POTUS Trump will be the last president of the USA. Can’t you see there will be no more presidents but a dictator of the USA, now a socialist country. The Holy Scriptures state in the alter days there will be seasons but you won’t be able to tell one from another; there will be destructions, famine, wars and rumors of war. There will be one banking system, one world government, and one leader. We have new digital currency coming, banks are uniting together (better than people). Then will come the mark of the beast 666 upon your head no shopping or doing anything without this, this to is coming, first the vaccine card and when people are used to that then the mark comes. Then the one world leader. ANTI CHRSIT many believe he is already on earth and think it is obama. However, the saints won’t be here we will be transported to heaven, to all the evil left behind to destroy one another. Read the Book, Hebrew, Daniel, Revelation these things are true, many things within the Scriptures have already come to pass and now just a few more to fore fill the Scriptures. These things will happen, only hope are for those that REPENT and ask God’s Forgiveness and follow His ways not the evil that surrounds us in this world and deceives us in all ways. BLK+M, Antifa, anti groups are just a few ways of brainwashing our youth. Parents need to wake up before they lose their children to corruption. Now government is so big it is in all areas of our lives. CONTOL and POWER and MONEY is what they want, give them a little and they want even more. EVIL CORRUPTION well they might be happy now but they are in for an awakening when they face the Greatest Judge in Creation GOD HIMSELF and they can’t buy their way of entry into Heaven or talk their way out of what they have done, or use the excuses I can’t remember, or I didn’t know it was wrong. Eternity for them is the one they followed and basically sold their soul too satan the deceiver evil destruction The people who repented and followed Jesus will reign in Heaven for Eternity PTL for His Gracye and Mercy. REPENT don’t follow evil it will lead to destruction…………..

  25. Your taxes are paying for cities the Dems destroyed, ILLEGAL immigrants flooding over the boarder, teachers unions who are not actively returning kids to school, National Guardsmen surrounding the Whitehouse who are not needed there, paying for prisoner and illegal immigrant stimulus checks, and spending much more on other things that have nothing to do with covid relief. Everyone so excited about their 1,400 dollar checks. That should be a slap in the face to everyone. The parents that have lost their jobs to stay home and teach their kids, have been sick with covid, are paying higher gas prices now, the rents that have not been able to be paid, the landlords who have not received this rent and it goes on and on. Wonder what would happen if a whole lot of people didn’t pay taxes. What if on a certain day thousands of people flooded Washington with phone calls demanding all this crap stop before we lose the country we love. What if we the people actually refused to accept a senile person acting as leader of the free world and who by the direction of others is systematically destroying our freedoms and all that makes America great.

  26. We are fucked and we did it to ourselves. Only God can help us now! We need massive system wide strokes in all our politicians to have a chance of survival.


    WE THE PEOPLE (aka SILENT MAJORITY) had countless opportunities to have stopped this nightmare, but we chose to give the DEMOCRATS what they expected of us, to REMAIN SILENT! Thus, making us equally complicit in the fraud perpetrated against United States Americans!

    Isn’t it time you actually did something, took action? How much more damage needs to be done?


    Then copy and paste this information into an E-Mail and send to friends and family asking them to make the calls, then forward on to their friends asking them to make the calls and forward on! WE NEED TO MAKE THIS GO VIRAL!

    Members of the House

    Members of the Senate


    Keep in mind: SILENCE = ACCEPTANCE

  28. This entire opera we are witnessing right now was planned, right down to Biden’s “acting.” They needed his familiar name to seize the White House in a fraudulent election. He was told he would be the president for a quarter year or two. They already had the “Obama Cabinet” reinstalled and Harris shielded behind the Race Card. The player to watch is the cunning slimy Schumer. He is serving the real master.

  29. The people let Democrats take the elections by fraud, deceit, and lies accompanyied by media coverage coverups and lies about the truth of the events which occurred. Worse still is the fact that lower courts, state supreme courts, state attorney’s generals, and our own US. Supreme Court failed to do their jobs and uphold the laws according to the Constitution. So now all of America has a huge fustercluck and it’s only getting worse because the People will not rise up and stop the destruction that is happening.

  30. I have read most of the above comments and believe most hit the nail on the head . I can add a few thoughts that I think were missed . The elite have an unbelievable amount of money , and money equals power . Absolute power creates absolute corruption , absolutely . The C.C.P. is getting more powerful by the day , thanks to us . I recently found out that we import about 95 % of drugs from them . We made ourselves dependent on China , they have about 360 thousand students that are enrolled in our colleges and universities . Who do you think they are loyal too ? Not all are bad , but how many ? So what is the ultimate goal ? They want too take over the world , yes the whole world . They just gave us a preview of things to come i.e. , the corona virus . It is not inconceivable that there could be a more deadly virus they can unleash on the world . After all in order to control you must limit your subjects . Hope I am wrong

  31. Biden knew that he was used as a trogen horse from the beginning because he had the best chance of getting into the white house then any other dem. They intended on harris being the one in office and hopefully pelosi as vp all along. They fine tuned there election fraud technic since there mishap with hellary. I expect that bidens in person speach on march 25 is going to be the dems announcing the change of presidency and vp.

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