Sen. Kamala Harris’ statement that she practiced law to “protect people” rings hollow as evidence emerges that Sen. Kamala Harris had personal reasons for failing to investigate Herbalife when she was Attorney General of the state of California.
While the FTC was investigating the company and prosecutors in San Diego were urging her to do the same, then-AG Kamala Harris opted to simply ignore Herbalife as doing so would benefit both her and her husband.
At the time prosecutors in San Diego asked Harris to investigate Herbalife, she was not only the Attorney General of California but was also running for Senate. She received a campaign donation from Heather Podesta, the ex-wife of Tony Podesta and head of the Podesta Group. The Podesta Group had been working for Herbalife since 2016. Herbalife later hired a top Podesta deputy to serve as its own government relations official. Heather Podesta’s own lobbying firm began working for Herbalife shortly after sending Harris a donation, earning $250,000 for lobbying work on Herbalife’s behalf. Harris’ husband, Douglas Emhoff, was working at the law firm Venable, which was representing Herbalife at the time.
Not surprisingly, Harris never mentioned that there was an enormous conflict of interest in her decision to avoid investigating Herbalife. In fact, to this day the senator from California has never given an explanation for avoiding an investigation into a pyramid scheme that is known to prey on economically disadvantaged individuals. Instead, her campaign has sought to justify her actions by pointing out all the other large companies and business interests that she targeted. While it is true that Harris has gone after big banks and Corinthian College, it can be assumed that these institutions were not donating to her Senate campaign or employing close relatives at the time.
The Herbalife debacle isn’t the only unsavory scandal from Sen. Harris’ career. When she worked as a San Francisco District Attorney, it was brought to her attention that a crime lab technician who testified on behalf of the prosecution was unreliable. According to California law, Kamala Harris was obligated to make this information known to defense attorneys; however, she failed to do so.
When a superior court judge harshly rebuked then-DA Kamala Harris for her unethical behavior, she attempted to blame the police department and even slander the judge who ruled against her. However, as the scandal unfolded, Harris was forced to dismiss 1,000 drug-related cases even though she originally thought that only about 20 cases would be affected.
She used her romantic relationship with former SF mayor Willie Brown to become District Attorney for San Francisco in the first place. As Willie Brown recently told the San Francisco Chronicle, he dated Kamala Harris in the 1990s and then boosted her career by appointing her to two state commissions and helping her with her DA election race.
Harris’ unethical behavior is being brushed under the rug and excused by those who want to see her take on President Donald Trump in the 2020 election. However, there are so many scandals surrounding her career that they are becoming increasingly hard to ignore.
The Herbalife debacle clearly shows that Sen. Harris clearly puts profits and personal gain above helping the poor that she claims to be so concerned about. However, as the senator from California is almost certain to discover, past misdeeds have a way of catching up with a person, especially if the person in question opts to run for public office.
Her decision to ignore Herbalife has earned her the dislike of Hispanic activists who could be instrumental in helping her gain the support of Hispanic voters. Sen. Harris now has to explain to voters across the nation why she not only failed to investigate a company that the FTC, FBI and other state attorneys general were investigating, but also why she hid the fact that she had a conflict of interest in the whole matter.
~ Conservative Zone
Isn’t it amazing what skeletons are in the closets of Democrats. Harris is probably one of the worst.
Also, she is a POS. Look what she did to Kavanaugh during the hearings along side her dumbass democrat buddies on the committee. She is not a POS. She is a COMPLETE POS.
She does have a lot of baggage from her past. Her ‘romantic’ relationship with Brown was more than a simple relationship…she’s more than 40 years his junior & he was married at the time and they flaunted their ‘relationship’ in the face of Brown’s wife at public events and Brown used his influence to further her career. In many respects, she’s another Clinton.
liberal,socialist,communist democrats have no ethics so it wasn’t a conflict of interest for her as she and her husband were getting richer!so no conflict for her
Harold Bartlett: Don’t feel bad. Discus won’t allow me to post anything either. That’s the problem w/all these liberal
news media. They don’t want to report anything that will hurt the liberals who are running for some high office or thinking about running! It’s about time those ”millions who vote democratic”, ought to open their eyes & see what they’re getting for “their vote”. They certainly aren’t getting anybody who is looking out for their good cause, only
getting trash like Harris, Omar, Cortez, etc,etc.
She does seem to fit right in with the day to day normal Liberal democrats lying and cheating their way to the top
Kamala Harris can be bought???? Corporations, Men, businesses???
Kamala does the Swallows with her mentor, Brown!
Once a lying, cheating adulterer, always one…A lying, cheating DA also..check these articles….a new killary has come alive to try and deceive the public….
a bi g phony have they figured out yet if she is a legal citizen of us there seems to be a bit of confusion on that subject
Harris is typical corrupted DemocRAT and they love those type of politicians because they can hold it against them and use it when ever they need to. Coruption is rapid in the DemocRAT Party and Booker is another one. Bernie Sanders is a millionaire how did he make his money. I do not believe he could hold a job prior to becoming a Senator if that is the case how could he be a millionaire. Pelosi, Feienstien, Waters, Schiff, and the list goes on. POWER is what these horrible people want not justice and not being for the people but for themseleves and their famil, Joe Biden’s son got a big contrat witht he Chinese when over with his father on one of his trips. The corruption in the DemocRAT Party is running rapid and now they have ZERO ideas on how to help the citizens of this country so they flood the country withy murderers, rapists, ms13 gang members and terrorists to terrorize our own citizens. The DemocRAT Party is the DOJ and FBI career federal employees to commit crimes for their own benefit for their own POWER. Instead of looking out for the country. They are RATS.
Billv, you are right on this DemRats situation, I will also throw in a few Republicans too. ANYONE who do not respect our Constitution, should do deported. President Trump promise better, but the DemRats has descended into the trenches of vindictiveness and mailevoilence. DemRats the party of FALSEHOOD, HATRED, IMMORALITY AND DEATH. They are out to destroy the American Dream.
What about investigations of Archdiocese of San Francisco priests that she chose not to investigate and prosecute and the she refused to prosecute prop 8 voters approved even though that was her job as California Attorney General.
It will all be hushed because she is a socialist
The scandal involving Biden’s son Hunter was begun when Hunter and company accompanied Joe Biden on AIR FORCE 2 to China to do his dirty deeds for his financial equity firm. Taxpayers of the USA were screwed over again. Wonder why this corrupt fiasco is just now coming to light.. It seems Peter Schweitzer the author has a new book out about JOE and his corruption. The entire world will now be able to view the corruption of the demo-Marxist party who aspires to take over the USA and destroy the USA. Where was the FBI and Justice Dept from 2008 to 2016?
I reported the Biden China deal six months ago You should know I also reported John Kerry’s similar deal for his step son the poor kid only got a deal for multi millions keep up your good work
Harris only worries about advancing herself and does not care about the folks she was paid to defend and protect. She is LAZY just like Obama..She never prosecuted anyone if she and her husband could financially benefit from them doing nothing.. Kamela has worked her way to almost the top on DIRTY KNEES.
She is just like the rest of the Liberal Democrats ,Do what ever it takes to get to the top ,like SUCKING WILLIE BROWNS C_ _ K TO GET IN OFFICE, all Democrats are r WHORES,AND NOW THEY WANNA GIVE ILLEGALS OUR SSA FOR NOTHING , for sure THERE WILL BE A REVOLUTION
Facebook blocked me too from sharing this .
Wonder why MSM is not reporting this , OH , I forget they are PAID by “THE MOB”
I know am wishful thinker by choice, but it really would be nice if we had elections that were fair to all legal voters and not skewed in favor of any specific party. It would also be nice if a one time list of the proven charactor faults each candidate had was publish while the enficise of their running be based on what think, and how they would accomplish those goals. But I am not a Socialist thinking there is a Utopia out there all you have to do is grab it.
Yet the populace chooses to ignore all these wrong doings and call the rest of us liars. How sad they are so blind to this activity. Ignoring it just makes them as guilty as the politicians.
Kamala is a DEMOCRAT! What else do you need to know to conclude what a SKANK she is?
Wow, tried to share this on FB and FB won’t let me, It’s “Hate Speech”. Since when is letting the truth out hate speech….Liberals get Soooo offended..
There’s only so many hours in a day – they can’t get to ALL of Kamala’s scandals at once – Patience. Besides it’s not like Kamala is the ONLY Democrat involved in a lot of scandals.
If someone would like to correct this if it is wrong please do but didn’t the dishonorable ms harris shelter those rascally ms13 gangs while she was in frisco.. I seem to remember a family that had the father murdered by those thugs while driving on the freeway…
The fact that the “unbiased” media continues to cover up the (d)’s transgressions while making up stories about (R)s isn’t the big problem. The big problem is the right allowing this to continue decade after decade!
Rita: Then that kinda makes Harris a ”prostitute, since she can be bought. She goes to the highest bidder!!!!
I hate the fact that there is a different sets of rules! The rich, powerful and political, then the rest of us!!!!! Normal people would be in jail if they did half the stuff these people did and continue to do. Our country seems to be morally bankrupt! I can’t understand WHY we all sit quietly by. The Democratics seem to have the only voice, we as the SILENT MAJORITY must find our voice. What is it that keeps most of us silent? Work, family, FEAR? I remember a nun once told me “Empty barrels make the most noise”, well the “empty barrels” and their actions are DESTROYING our country. One way to have our voices heard is to VOTE!!! Another is to politely, firmly and calmly speak up. If we continue being silent, they have and will continue to divide and conquer OUR country. I’m ashamed to admit I was a Dem until they put HRC on the ticket. It was the breaking point for me. The poster woman for corruption running for president!!! The eye opening realization that there was and is NO moral compass in the Democratic party. I hope and pray the Republican party doesn’t take such a path!