In 2018, Democrat Stacy Abrams ran a spirited gubernatorial campaign against Georgia’s former Secretary of State, Republican Brian Kemp. Although she was endorsed by many high-profile celebrities including Oprah Winfrey, Abrams lost her bid to become the first female African American governor in the United States. Unbelievably, months later, Abrams apparently still thinks should be the governor of the Peach State.
Regarding her failed bid to become Georiga’s governor, Abrams made some stunning remarks at a recent Houston fundraiser hosted by Annie’s List. According to Fox News, this organization advocates electing progressive women into political offices.
At the event, Abrams stated, “I’m here to tell you a secret that makes Breitbart and [Fox News host] Tucker Carlson go crazy: We won. I am not delusional. I know I am not the governor of Georgia — possibly yet.” The “yet” tacked on at the end of Abrams’ statement hints the former Minority Leader of the Georgia House of Representatives might want to give beating Kemp another shot in 2022.
As justification for her continued resistance to accept the outcome of the 2018 governor’s race, Abrams labeled Kemp “an architect of voter suppression that spent the last eight years knitting together a system of voter suppression that is unparalleled in America.”
According to Texas Tribune reporter Patrick Svitek, the lawyer and romance novelist remarked that, “we don’t have to concede elections anymore, because when we concede, we are condoning systems that are used to oppress us.” Fox News reported that Abrams said in March of this year, “I did win my election. I just didn’t get to have the job.”
In a video recorded by The Texas Signal on May 3, 2019, Abrams revealed that any future run for office won’t be preceded by a concession. The former Minority Leader of the Georgia House of Representatives commented that typically “if you want to run for office again you’ve got to concede the election so that everyone knows that you’re a good sport.” She added, “I am not.” This tidbit of information garnered applause from the audience.
In 2016, when asked during a debate if he would accept the outcome of the presidential election, President Donald J. Trump said, “I will look at it at the time” according to Fox News. Democrats, including 2016 failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, lost no time rebuking Trump for his intriguing comment. Clinton said, “That’s horrifying. This is how Donald thinks, and it’s funny but it’s also really troubling. This is now how our democracy works.” Fox News noted, “It is unclear if Democratic Party leadership will be put off by her refusal to accept the election result, less than four years after many Democrats expressed horror at then-candidate Donald Trump’s statements that he may not accept the results of the presidential election.”
Since her defeat in 2018, Abrams has pondered running for both the United States Senate and the presidency in 2020. The romance novelist has also been floated as a possible vice presidential pick for 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden. In January of this year, Abrams delivered the formal Democratic State of the Union response to Trump. Just last week, the failed Georgia gubernatorial candidate vowed she won’t run for the United States Senate in 2020. As for making a White House run, she remarked that she was “going to continue to watch how the national conversation around the presidency unfolds.”
While Abrams may or may not run for president in 2020, she is “launching a crusade for voting rights” according to Townhall. Regarding her new venture, the Washington Post reported, “Abrams’s command center is now Fair Fight Action, a nonprofit organization she formed in December to increase access to elections and combat what she describes as Republicans’ systemic efforts to suppress voting by people of color. The organization, where at least four of her former campaign aides work, has filed a federal lawsuit over the election, lobbied for legislative reform and released videos featuring Abrams.”
It remains uncertain whether Abrams will become a lasting figure in American Democratic politics. But, one thing is for certain. She’s cementing her status as one of the sorest losers to ever taste the bitter sting of an election defeat.
~ Conservative Zone
She knows she lost. Isn’t it funny how anything that they accuse President Trump of doing or planning to do that is wrong, turns out it’s done by the dems. If you want to know what the dems are doing, just look at what they blame President Trump or conservatives of doing.
It’s the same old story of the kettle calling the pot black.
Stacy & Hildabeast should run for office
As a team. Both losers.
This dufus lost the election and her mind. She was no where near winning. Harvesting votes after the election was not allowed and she was cheating in a number of ways. Just because Oprah holds your hand doesn’t make you a winner! LOL
Keeps the Crats going I guess. What else has she and they have.
good thing ole stacy didn’t win,the state of Georgia couldn’t afford to feed this fat cow !
This woman has all of the characteristics of a petty tyrant. We already have enough petty tyrants in office, so her loss is good for the state of Georgia. We would have seen tirade after tirade as she tried to bully everybody to her agenda. We do not need demented agendas in public office. A sore looser will always show their true colors after the fact, so we can only hope that she will fade into the shadows, as is her due.
This fat ugly gap toothed garbage pit should be spending time with a metal cunselor.
When is the “Circus” going to leave Georgia? It’s a beautiful state…. Nice to be in…. Most folks are friendly… Would retire there in a heart beat…. EXCEPT FOR THE STUPID POLITICIANS! (Both in State Government and the CLOWNS in National Government… Poor old Rep. Cummings!)
I hope with all my heart they tab that snaggle-toothed moron as the VP candidate. That will swing quite a few undecideds to the GOP.
i have heard that jim carey did NOT need a script or any rehersal time when they filmed dumb and dumber ..All h e had to do was be himself !Carey Is probably certifiable ..But this fat,snaggle toothed moron gives him a good run for the gold !
Most of the DEMs have gone CRAZY since Hillary lost. It is SAD for America.
Delusional is only half of it. After all, Oprah threw her weight behind her, and that should have guaranteed a win. How can she say she won? She must live in Fantasyland.
She is the second Hilliary Clinton or just a dumbbell N———-!
Stacy wants on the ticket that is why she did not seek another political office. She wants VP position. She thinks she deserves it.
The constitution clearly states US CITIZENS are allowed ONE VOTE in an election measures that prevent ILLEGAL votes by NON CITIZENS and those using the STOLEN identity of others living or dead is not voter suppression it is ENFORCING the CONSTITUTIONAL laws regarding who is LAWFULLY allowed to vote in this nation.
The HYPOCRISY of this claim of suppression is the same arguments can be made regarding the laws ensuring only they can access their bank accounts since claiming that laws preventing the use of their stolen information to get money from their account is SUPPRESSING people’s right to “earn money”. After all that is the same logic behind claiming that requiring the SAME ID needed to prove your id to cash a check be presented to prove your id to vote somehow SUPPRESSES anyone’s right to vote.
another loser communist!!!!!
She’s the nigger version of Killar KKKlinton.
Miss Stacy
You must go back and look at the rules of election!! The main rule is: if you get the most votes then you win!! If you don’t, then you don’t win! Pretty simple, right?? If you lose, then YOU ARE NOT THE GOVERNOR~! Really, it is just that simple. Big a big girl now and just accept your losses!!!
Two frumpy fat broads thinking they won a contest somewhere. Hill and Stacy.
Hope Hill can find another pity pot for her GA buddy. Well, maybe not, It is wood tick season.
uhm……….. that’s cuz Spacey is a moron
This is your black hillary. They don’t understand the truth. They think if you keep talking things will change.
What they do not realize it’s they have proven to AMERICA is they are EVIL STUPID CRIMINAL BITCHES