Joaquin Castro, a Democratic Texas representative and the campaign chairman for Julian Castro’s presidential campaign, recently took to Twitter to publish private information about Trump donors in his own district.
Rep. Castro’s tweet contained both the full name of each supporter as well as the address for their businesses. It’s hard to imagine this was done for anything other than to discourage his followers from doing business with them. At a time when political tensions occassionally turn violent, critics have also pointed out that these people could now be in very real danger.
Rep. Castro states that the Trump supporters he is doxxing are “fueling a campaign of hate” by giving money to a campaign that “labels Hispanic immigrants as invaders.” Clearly, Rep. Castro is referencing the horrific recent shooting in El Paso that left more than twenty innocent people dead and scores injured. However, it is also clear that Rep. Castro is ignoring the fact that the Dayton, Ohio shooter was an avid leftist.
Needless to say, it would be considered unthinkable for a Republican politician to dox local residents in his or her district for simply giving money to a Democratic opponent. What is more, if a GOP politician were to ever publicize the names and private information of Democratic Party supporters, the mainstream media would run the story as front-page news until the politician resigned from office. Sadly, it seems its now fine to harass law-abiding individuals simply because they happen to give money to politicians that left-wing activists don’t like.
Thankfully, not everyone thinks that doxxing President Trump’s supporters is a good idea. In fact, the overwhelming majority of the people responding to Rep. Castro’s tweet expressed strong disagreement with his actions. Many pointed out that attacking people simply because they give money to your political opponent is nothing short of fascism.
Others called on the FEC and other governmental authorities to investigate Castro, while others noted that the individuals named in the tweet can sue the congressman for harassment. While a few people said that they would no longer do business with the Trump supporters listed in Rep. Castro’s tweet, far more said that they would make it a point to patronize these businesses.
Doxxing people should be illegal. Every single person in the United States should have a right to privacy as long he or she is not breaking the law. Giving to President Trumps’ re-election campaign is certainly distasteful to many people; however, it should not be considered a criminal offense that results in a person losing his or her job, being threatened, or even being assaulted.
Unfortunately, far-left activists are so busy trying to advance their agenda at all costs that it seems that they have forgotten about important details such as First Amendment rights, decency, common courtesy, and ethics. Trump campaign communications director Tim Murtaugh is absolutely right in demanding that Rep. Castro immediately delete the Twitter post to avoid causing harm to the very people that he is supposed to be representing.
But the damage is already done. The list will likely be re-posted by other far-left activists and people living in San Antonio.