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Texas Voters Really Need to Re-Elect Ted Cruz

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) is up for re-election in 2018, and this is not an election that conservatives can afford to take lightly. His challenger, Congressman Beto O’Rourke, is a questionable figure who has been rightfully critiqued by Cruz as “too liberal” for the conservative state of Texas.

Texas is not a state that conservatives can afford to lose — it is perhaps the last large state Republicans can rely on during general elections – the salt of the earth folks who really form the backbone of what we know as America. Culturally as well as politically, Texas is at the center of many things that conservatives have going for themselves.

Ted Cruz, like him or not, is the best representative of the good in Texas. He is a proven, battle tested conservative on the issues that matter. His Hispanic heritage does not stop him from being tough on immigration. He did not let Parkland students badger him into running away from the Second Amendment. He is a strong and stalwart fixture on the national political scene as well. His bid for the presidency, tainted as it was by Donald Trump’s media mastery, raised his status to a leader in the Republican party.

If Cruz can be taken out, then conservatives really do not have a staunch public figure on which to hang its hat. Marco Rubio is too weak. Trump himself cannot hold up the entire banner of conservatism on his own — he needs strong allies in Congress.

This is one of the most important mid term elections that conservatives have seen in a very long time.

These issues are exacerbated by the legacy of Congressman O’Rourke. This is a man who has unsuccessfully tried to hide very liberal policies under the banner of being a centrist and doing what is “best for the entire state of Texas.” Despite his views, we must concede that O’Rourke is a legitimate threat. His fundraising is quite good. He currently has raised more money than Cruz for the first quarter of 2018. O’Rourke brought down a haul of $6.7 million in the first three months of the year.

Cruz is fighting back, showcasing that he still has his finger on the pulse of what conservative, common sense Texans want to hear. His campaign is based around the slogan “Tough as Texas,” which shows that he is ready for the fight ahead. He is also getting right with the issues. Cruz is all about securing the Mexican border. He is on the right side of the gun debate, and if his public performance during the gun debacle is any indication, he will not be moving on that anytime soon. He is defending the Constitution, which is not only good for Texas, but also the rest of the nation.

Cruz was recently joined at an event by the family of one of the Dallas police officers who was gunned down by a sniper during an attack on the force. He also conferred honors on two other police offers who were seriously injured while on duty, Fort Worth officer Matt Pearce and Danny Shaw, Jr., a Department of Public Safety officer.

O’Rourke, for all of his money, does not have the clout to get this kind of grassroots support from the people who really matter in Texas. He has been making the rounds in the well heeled circles, gathering funds. However, he is definitely missing something when it comes to the average Texan. This is exactly why he can be beaten.

It is up to the average Texan to take this election seriously. O’Rourke has the funds to make a bit of noise in the media. If this becomes an election based on money, then Cruz and Texas may be in for quite a ride. The average Texan must close his or her ears to the oncoming media onslaught and turn to common sense and good judgment. If this is the case, the Cruz will glide back into his position quite easily.

It is this simple – if Texas treats this mid term as important, things will go right. If people get lazy, then we may have a new lawmaker to deal with.

~ Conservative Zone

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31 thoughts on “Texas Voters Really Need to Re-Elect Ted Cruz”

  1. If Texas turns blue, it’s because CA is broke, and all the jobs are leaving, and going to Texas. That makes it so the DemonRATS have to move there, and they will fuck up Texas, like they did CA. This isn’t rocket science!

    1. True about people leaving CA but it’s the big cities in Texas that are causing the problem as the are all Democrats an they out number the rest of Texas. If they did away with the Electrical College 5 states would elect the President.


    1. Great statement. I would like to add an additional comment to what you said. The downfall of the Roman Empire began because of ‘dry rot’ from within. The people forgot what made the empire what it was. The people didn’t want to work so they used enslaved people; they didn’t want to train for war so they hired mercenaries; and, the people wanted free everything (bread and circus) which led to invasion from the outside and the eventual break-up of the empire.
      If our people will only look they will be able to see parallels between what the ultra-liberal Democrats are supporting (free everything; no responsibilities) and what happened to the Roman Empire.
      A wise person nailed it when he said, ‘those who ignore the lessons of history are doomed to repeat it”.


    1. I’m not from Texas but I like Ted Cruz, he was my choice for president. He is a very smart guy and he can debate with anyone.
      He is a very strong supporter of the second amendment and the constitution. I wished that he would be our candidate for potus but trump was brilliant in how he handled the msm stooges and the dnc..Hillary had no chance of becoming president
      her pervert husband and the fact that they are both career criminals(I want my money back for donating to the Haiti fund) who
      managed to get $225,000,000 put into their so called “Foundation”.These people are douche bags of the highest order and I still don’t know how no one has taken these people and given theme some of there own this country a favor and relieve Hillary of her delusional state. How anyone can support these crooks is beyond me but she got her ass handed to her by the likes of the Donald. I wish I could of been a fly on the wall after she realized she lost..there has to be some secret video of it some where. If you want to know what kind of person she is when the camera’s aren’t rolling just ask the secret service people what it’s like to be stuck on her detail. Enough said.

  4. What Texas needs is to vote Cruz out of the senate. He does not represent Texas’ views.

    He is basically manipulative and says what he thinks will get him votes. He is much like Trump. You can often take the exact opposite of what he says and look for that to happen.

    Beto is he right candidate for a Texan’s support and vote. Never before have Texan Latinos had the power to elect a Senator in their hands. VOTE!!!


    2. Hey John, give us a name & history that would be your replacement for Sen Cruz !!! Are interested in what would be good for this country or just another one of those that criticize the job someone is doing??

    3. John Orr ; stfup ; you are a leftist liberal , uninformed and very confused ; just buzz off and stay the F*** out of Texas ; none of your business . Cruz is a good man with balls testicles and coyones something that you do not have . Stop insulting , you don`t know what you are talking about .

  5. Article is correct. Ted Cruz is an asset we cannot afford to lose. If Texas goes blue conservative/libertarian ideas are doomed.

  6. Texas Latinos should vote for someone that is aligned with their family values. That is NOT a Democrat. Wake up Latinos and vote for Cruz.

  7. Yes Texas does need to stay RED . but. the so called Conservatives that have spent money like it was their own, and have repeatedly stabbed this President in the back need to be gone. The list is very long.I don’t do my job, I get fired, with no benefits. Get rid of the Rinio’s and stop spending! GUT this Omnibus!

  8. It doesn’t matter if O’Rourke has more money in the till than Cruz. What matters is that true Texans (even ones not born here but have moved from more liberal states) will not vote for a sheep in wolves clothing. True conservatives (and that’s about everyone living anywhere but Austin) will continue to vote for Cruz.

  9. Cruz is an asset to the US Senate and the United States. He is Hated by the Establishment. We need more senators and Congressmen who think and vote like Cruz

  10. i got some good news. Texas will never turn blue again. there are a lot of counties in this great state and 98% of them are RED and it will stay that way. we conservatives here in Texas DO NOT like liberals or their policies, the libs only have the big city islands but they control nothing. they are surrounded by a sea of red. we Texans love this state very much and we will never let it fall into blue hands again. we did that once and it cost this state dearly. we stand behind the US Constitution and we will always bear arms to protect it at all costs. i am pretty sure Mr, Cruz will win again and keep representing us Texans for a good while. GOD BLESS AMERICA AND THE GREAT STATE OF TEXAS!!!!

  11. Absolutely Texas can go blue…because conservative’s are to stupid to go vote…That is how the communist took over the government in California…And the communist in Sacramento are about to confiscate all of the lazy republicans tax cut Trump gave them…and they are still to lazy to go vote…conservative’s do it to their selves…period!

    1. I am so sad to have to agree with you. I am a card carrying Texas Republican and their meetings are simply social hours. Fashion shows, meet and greets, see and be seens. Disgusting.

      1. Virginia ; you are not a Republican but a fool full of hate . We Texans love our State and will defend it against all enemies that have your attitude . Senator Cruz is a Patriot and WE Love him . You ……go back to your origin and stay there .

    2. Actually Texas is RED and will stay RED….because Conservatives are intelligent enough to know the scum, communist Democrats can’t take over this country or we are all doomed……oh and try and improve your grammar because you only come across as being illiterate……try checking your statement before you hit enter.

  12. Like the President, Cruz wants what will make America great again! He is looking out for Real Americans; citizens with morals, values and a rule of law! (I could also add God and guns)! The Californians moving there are probably the Republicans trying to escape from the Looney Libs so would probably be an asset to the Repubs. Hopefully Texas will go with someone who is tried and true!

  13. I hope that the Lone Star State continues to be mostly a repository of sensible conservative values. However, I do remember that this is the home state of: LBJ, Sam Rayburn, John Connolly and was pretty much a shoe-in for any Democrat until fairly recently.

  14. I am a Texas member of Rep party. We must. Vote. Ted Croz. He has worked hard to protect our constituent and our beliefs. We need the. Wall , Ted Cruz said we need the Wall.

    So let’s go to polls & vote. Cruz Texas. Needs. Cruz

  15. Fuck Ted Cruz l don’t want social security cut by 25% , or have Medicare and Medicaid cut by the dumbass Republicans. Just so they can pay for the large tax cuts they gave the wealthy.

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