The CIA Wants the World to Know How Woke it is Now

The Central Intelligence Agency is making a serious effort to re-brand, and it’s impossible to take it seriously.

In early May, the CIA released a recruitment ad featuring a worker speaking only about her various gender identities. It wasn’t until the end where it was revealed that this was a recruitment video for America’s most powerful intelligence agency.

The ad is almost laughable, but we really shouldn’t be too surprised that the agency has taken this path.

The CIA has been playing far too warm and friendly with the left-wing media, and a review of declassified programs like Project Mockingbird will reveal that the CIA has teamed up with the news media to perpetrate falsehoods on the American Public for decades. In fact, in 2012, the legal prohibition on propagandizing the American public was officially struck from the law books.

You’ll have noticed the sharp rise in the prevalence of fake news since then. It’s something Barack Obama himself, and former Vice President Joe Biden had more than a small hand in.

In fact, it is well documented that the former CIA Director, William Casey once said, “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” Why would the CIA want the citizenry of our own nation to be fooled, not about some things, not even about many things – but about everything?

So, after five solid years of working closely with the news media to frame Trump and his allies for the insane accusations of the Democrat party, why would we trust anything the CIA does or says? This is a question that the oxymoronic intelligence agency should have asked itself before releasing its latest recruiting video.

In it, we are treated to the inane ramblings of a woke woman of color who goes on to explain to us how stunning and brave she is, among others. But the ad has had several unintentional consequences for the CIA. For one, it has drained respect for the institution among at least 50% of Americans. It has made professional, talented, and well-intentioned would-be CIA employees lose interest in working for them, and it will attract only those who are willing to believe everything they are told- those who have completed degree programs that end in the word “-studies.”

If that is the kind of “talent” that the CIA is interested in adding to their payroll, then we can confidently predict that the agency will rapidly lose its sterling reputation as an effective source of American spy-craft, to be reckoned with.

Reports are already in that Russia, China, and most other nations whose contempt we would not wish to incur, has been openly amused by this embarrassing piece of self-promotion.

As expected, the tweets have been scathing.

Dinesh D’Souza tweeted: “The CIA just released a recruitment video full of woke propaganda and America’s enemies are laughing their heads off @CIA”

Robby Starbuck tweeted: “This is a real video released by the CIA. Every institution is being destroyed by the woke left. If we don’t stop this, [the U.S.] will fall. I bet instead of water-boarding, they’ll unleash real torture on terrorists: Listening to ‘progressives’ talk for hours about every social issue.”

Here’s Tucker Carlson with more thoughts.

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