The White House Press Corps Isn’t Getting a Christmas Party

It’s the most wonderful time of the year — Christmas carols are playing everywhere you go, Americans are focusing on the true meaning of the season, and holiday parties are in full swing. However, there’s one notable absence from the party calendar.

For many years, it’s been a tradition for the White House to host a full schedule of parties, with each event being a special time for a certain group of people that work there. For example, some parties for the president’s family, some have been for friends, others have been for military members, and so on. The tone has been festive, with chances to take pictures and shake hands with the president and nibble on delicious goodies made by the highly skilled White House chefs.

And one key party each year has been for the press to get a chance to mingle with the president. But not this year. It should come as no surprise to anyone, especially the press, that there will be no party for the press on the busy White House social calendar for December.

President Donald Trump’s first holiday season in office should have given a strong hint that things were trending in the direction of completely cancelling the White House party for the media. That’s because rather than an evening party, which is what would take place in the past, there was a mid-afternoon short gathering that did not have the same feel as a festive and relaxed gathering.

Of course, the press didn’t exactly help their cause when they had a chance to be alone with the president. He told them that the comments he made were off the record. But they published them anyway. Not a good idea.

It has been no secret, to say the least, that many members of the press do not get along with Trump. They dislike him, and he dislikes them, frequently calling them out for being “Fake News.”

There was the recent incident in which CNN’s Jim Acosta had another of his well-publicized disagreements with Trump at the White House. Acosta was being his usual argumentative self during a time that was supposed to be for reporters to take turns asking questions. Acosta had already asked Trump some questions. A White House assistant stepped over to Acosta to take the microphone and hand it to a different reporter. At that point, Acosta would not give up the microphone, and was rude to the female assistant. Acosta was even banned from the White House soon after that, although his credentials were restored shortly after.

Many other members of the media are more civil, but still do not have many warm feelings toward Trump. So, a White House party would be quite awkward, to say the least.

It’s just as well that there will be no White House party involving the media. The holiday season is supposed to be filled with joy, peace, laughter, and fun. It’s hard to imagine that a party involving the president and such bitter rivals would be a scene that would include any of those positive themes.

~ Conservative Zone

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36 thoughts on “The White House Press Corps Isn’t Getting a Christmas Party”

    1. SO Martha, WOULD YOU invite dozens of people that hate you to your house for Christmas Dinner??!! I think NOT! YOU ARE just ANOTHER person that HATES TRUMP, MORE than you Love our country.

    2. You are the “no class” ass that cannot see that the press media is a bo instigated bought off source of wannabe dictator propaganda like nazi hitlers socialistic stench that created Germany’s WW 2 demise ! The dems bought off media & press are now the #1 enemy destroying U.S.A.’s Constitutional Freedom & Rights creating a wannabe dictatorship that bo with dem asses instigated for 8 years & still conspiring more socialistic commie stench ! Treason is the crime & execution in public view is the “JUSTICE” with all supporting cronies of bo in line on the gallows !

    3. I think parties should be for children not A holes GET OVER YOURSELVES PRESS CORP. I, we, have to pay for our own dinner. Go go find another trough to feed from

  1. Good decision by President Trump! He is not a leader to be compromised, with Melania, in “his home” by some Media members who create and select only negative news to report. So, since he can’t exclude those without more Media bashing by those dishonest few, no Holiday event for any press! Thank you Mr. Trump for your strength and wisdom to make that decision! FAKE you’re not!

  2. Yes, Trump has made numerous changes since he’s come into the White House. Unfortunately, all of those changes are terrible ones. He’ll be remembered as an extremely evil and untrustworthy human! So many of my friends and I are hoping he spends a long-g-g time in prison (for TREASON)!

    1. Just curious, were you just as anxious to put Obama in jail for all of the times he broke the law, shredded the Bill of Rights, ignored judicial rulings, and trampled on the Constitution? Did you find Obama just as untrustworthy for the untold number of lies he told during his administration? I hope so, otherwise you are nothing but a biased hypocrite.

    2. n.f t; Yes you are another libturd in bo’s cesspool of treasonous stench warped & duped with socialistic, commie propaganda created by bought off media that support bo type dictatorial stench ! Treason is you & dem asses !

    3. Unlike the ‘truthful’ Obamas and Clinton’s…you are a true snowflake and liberal…we’d like to see the Clinton’s and Obama’s in jail before Trump…they performed the biggest crimes

  3. I personally do not blame President Trump. Who would want to spend time with a bunch of people who don’t like you and try to blast you every chance they get. Christmas is supposed to be a time of peace love and joy.

    1. He gives them many, many legitimate chances to correctly “blast” him. If they did not do so they would be negligent in their duty to accurately report his many asinine nutterances.

  4. I know it’s a little late in the game but if President Trump wanted to show his kinder, gentler side he would have a huge Christmas party at Trump Tower. Invite those people from the media who report honestly and take a few moments to explain to the American people why CNN, MSNBC, and a few others would in all likely hood receive coal in their stockings this year. It would also be a great time to thank these reporters and their editors for working so hard to make sure the “real” news got out.


  5. Glad to know that he is not having a Christmas Party for the media as these people are not grateful. Anyway, the money that would have been spent could be use on better things.

  6. I dare say none of us would invite people who treat us with disrespect into our homes, so I certainly agree with Trump to cancel the media social Christmas event. And for, the media whom, has shown a one-sided personal campaign against the POTUS; You certainly don’t deserve to be treated with a lavish meal & vine. Thank you, President Trump, for cutting expenses out of the US debt a little here a little there. (un-necessary no matter what the cost is still un-necessary spending!) P.s. this Democrat likes this President, one thing you learn real fast leaders, bosses, supervisors, and Presidents, those who have to make tough decisions are not always liked!! This president was elected to serve in the same manner all other previous presidents were by the system of our government, therefore, He deserves our respect! The media’s job is to report or ask questions to the President and be un-bias in their work! let your bias show by your vote!

  7. Why on earth would you invite someone in your home, pay for their food and drinks, then pretend they like you when they are writing something negetative about you 99% of the time? Let the morons in the media buy their on food and drinks.

  8. Give the food etc to the homeless, see what the media thinks about that! Bet they find a way to diminish the gesture. True I would invite people to my house who hated me, that just a case for disaster. Have your media and sponsors do it for you cheapskates. A lot of people don’t have it.

  9. How many of you hypocrites out there would throw a grandiose CHRISTMAS party for a group of people , some of whom can’t stand you or your Christian beliefs, and no matter what, would belittle you for your weakness in not telling them to go to h#ll on this most joyous occasion. So, why have the party at all, and if there are any complainers let them put the blame where it belongs , on the asswholes like acosta……..

  10. Good for you Mr. President. I would NOT invite any of the news reporters ever to the White House. they are
    nothing other an total jerks. Hopefully when they learn to respect our President then maybe they may be permitted to enter the building.

  11. I never realized how biased and one-sided the media was . Don’t you all see how great the country is doing? Are you really willing to take down the whole country just to get your way?
    I never watch the news anymore because I know that most of it is twisted.

  12. This is the best idea our President came up with. Just think about the thousands of taxpayer dollars he saved us. Plus, I would think he would have to have extra security because most of the Press people CAN’T be trusted. They will do ANYTHING to destroy our president. I guess they’re all Democraps.

  13. Boo hoo . I want get one either ! A party is what it says . A party with people who are friends and relatives No hate filled vile creatures who are their to destroy you and the entire country.

  14. GREAT NEWS!!! How much does this party usually cost? A Christmas present for the American taxpayer. Let’s put it toward the fence – that should make the press happy.

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