The Wrong Stuff: Biden First 100 Days Policies Abject Failures

Still in his first 100 days, President Joe Biden’s policies initiatives have delivered his administration humiliating defeat after defeat. Despite the abject failures, Americans can anticipate the national will become increasingly less secure and lose its leadership mantle.

Biden insisted that he would re-enter the Iran Nuclear Deal that allows the rogue nation to continue developing weapons-grade uranium. He and fellow Democrats criticized former President Donald Trump for nixing the deal and replacing it with maximum sanctions and pressure. Mr. Trump’s result was gelding the leading funder of terrorism and bringing peace to the Middle East. By contrast, Biden has already been publicly embarrassed by Iranian leaders who told the world he was not invited to restart talks.

“Considering the recent actions and statements by the United States and three European powers, Iran does not consider this the time to hold an informal meeting with these countries, which was proposed by the EU foreign policy chief,” Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh reportedly said.

The facts are that Iran appears to be furious that Biden — after only 33 days in office — launched illegal missile strikes inside Syria. But what has world leaders absolutely dumbfounded is why Biden made strikes against Iran-backed militias that were actually fighting ISIS. Since Mr. Trump destroyed the ISIS caliphate, the insurgents have been relegated to small groups who were in hiding. They re-emerged, knowing that Biden won’t target them in a meaningful way. True or false, Iranian media says that Biden interfered with an Iran-Syria mission to eliminate the rise of terrorists.

“While Iraq, Syria, Iran, and regional countries are working together to eliminate the remnants of Daesh, the Americans do nothing but relocate the Daesh terrorists in the region,” Iranian media reports. If logical serves, the fact that Iran and Syria are angry demonstrates Biden got it wrong, again.

Sleepy Joe also alienated the strong friendship between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia that Mr. Trump brokered. The Saudi ruling family embraced working with the U.S. against common enemies such as Iran and the Houthi terrorists in Yemen. The Iranian regime had funneled money to Houthi fighters engaged in genocide, a civil war in Yemen, and systematic attacks on Saudi Arabia. In perhaps his most grossly negligent foreign policy mistake, Biden removed the Houthis from the U.S. list of terror organizations and backed them against our ally.

“It’s a fact that Iran is sponsoring the Houthis. It’s a fact that the Houthis are conducting terror,” former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo tweeted. “The reality is that revoking the terrorist designation of the Houthis is a gift to the Iranians & will allow the Houthis to continue to foment terror around the world.”

Already, the Houthis have blocked U.S. humanitarian aid from reaching starving people in Yemen, and the Biden administration had to own that failure.

“We call on all parties to provide unhindered access for humanitarian actors to deliver assistance to those who need it most,” a current State Department spokesperson reportedly said. “Ongoing interference in international aid operations by the Houthis in Yemen has prevented millions of people from receiving the assistance they need to survive.”

To say Biden has egg on his face would be something of an understatement.

In his first 100 days, Biden has caused another humanitarian crisis at the U.S. southern border. The Trump Administration built hundreds of miles of wall and brokered deals with neighboring countries to stem the tide of excessive illegal immigration. But Biden’s open borders policy has been heard loud and clear. Border arrests skyrocketed in January and February, and Biden resorted to putting migrant children in cages.

These are the same detention facilities that Democrats railed against when used during the Trump Administration. Reports indicate that the Biden Administration is now releasing migrants who test positive for the virus because they don’t have enough space to house them. On nearly every policy decision, Biden has failed to the point that America has become an international laughingstock.

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19 thoughts on “The Wrong Stuff: Biden First 100 Days Policies Abject Failures”

  1. Pray that Semi-Prez Joe doesn’t make decisions poured on him that will reduce our military capability, cause havoc with
    our stock market, and to finally close our drug access/criminal/infection laden borders that will only add even more persons entering our country in a manner that is not properly vetted and swells our nation with more debt than we already can’t support. Also awaken the hating people (some just lazy and never get out to vote) that voted for the socialist leaning squad that enabled infection to this nation. Also awaken the people to read the present socialist group and at the next election, vote for the conservative leaders that will continue to make this country great again…cast aside your hate of a leader that made great improvements while presenting an element of peace among groups that have been fighting for decades with each other. Don’t hate/be jealous of a person’s success in life and take out his leading, positive actions that helped the U.S. more than many leaders in the past since Ronald.

    Wake up nation and observe the terrible situation(s) we are groping into currently that will burden not just you/us, but the future for our grandchildren. The Shadow knows… and GB!

  2. president Bad-one is an embarrassment and a disgrace.. he is simply a puppet of Obama, Rice and other sociodemocrates.. he is just a senile confused left leaning old man… . frankly i am really very worried that our country could be in grave trouble and also see no way to fix or stop his blunders that he himself probably has no idea what he is doing..How can we solve this problem…M A GA again please and God bless Ameriaca

    1. Willie, you should NOT have dropped out of school. You are very illiterate because your 2nd grade English is showing.

  3. Geeze who didn’t see this coming . Oh that would be the Repubicans who tried to warn everyone that BIDEN couldn’t do the job at hand. Thanks to ALL those who Voted for this, I hope you’re all happy! This sure looks like the downfall of America.

  4. Why can’t the people call for an impeachment
    if anyone deserves that it’s this President, he systematically is taking apart America , selling her to the highest bidder! Can’t people see what’s happening to this country? It’s only obvious the Demrats don’t care about America, don’t care about there people or there children only filling there GREED, Satan is now on earth! God Bless this great Nation


    WE THE PEOPLE (aka SILENT MAJORITY) have had countless opportunities to have stopped this nightmare, but we chose instead to give the DEMOCRATS what they expected of us, to REMAIN SILENT! Thus, making us equally complicit in the fraud perpetrated against United States Americans!

    Isn’t it time you actually did something, took action?

    I strongly urge everyone who reads this to PICK UP THE PHONE and call your REP AND SENATORS in DC and DEMAND a COMPLETE AUDIT AND INVESTIGATION into the 2020 ELECTIONS and for the IMMEDIATE IMPEACHMENT OF BIDEN AND HARRIS.

    BIDEN is completely UNFIT FOR OFFICE! And they both (BIDEN & HARRIS) have family members putting them both in a CONCLICT of interest position advertising and promoting their businesses and using their VP and POTUS both as an advertising self-interest, self-promoting position and it is ILLEGAL!

    People should write these numbers down and use them frequently even if you don’t think your elected officials listen, they are required to note your comments for the permanent record in their caller database for anyone to see.

    Members of the House

    Members of the Senate


    One call per rep!

    Keep in mind: SILENCE = ACCEPTANCE

  6. Those who voted for Biden, thought they were getting a centrist Dem. Why these voters didn’t see what is obvious, is Biden is in cognitive decline. But, he, seemed less radical than those Dem Socialists hoping to get nomination! Nancy, Obama, Soro’s & the Squad are running the show! God help the USA!

    1. Actually, those who voted for Biden thought they were getting a “nice guy” instead of that rude, embarrassing, Trump guy. Some of us were trying to get the word out that their personalities didn’t matter nearly as much as their policies, but most people were too busy listening to the MSM who were tearing down Trump every way they could find and ignoring all his successes. The press and Dems put blinders on most of the voting public. Add to that the shenanigans that went on when it came time to vote, and the Dem machine got control

  7. The democrats want to destroy our country, and they have made an excellent start to doing so. We the people, who are supposed to be the ones who tell the government what we will and will not accept, need to rise up, and remove every last democrat, and RINO from office, who support ANYTHING that Biden, legs up Harris, Schumer, Pelosi, and the Biden administration are trying to implement. Every single EO and policy they are getting, or trying to get passed, is detrimental to our country and our freedoms.

  8. He is an embarrassment to our country and just undoing policies that have clearly been the success of a previous administration just because of jealousy and hate is not how an American president should behave. our allies are worried that this guy is not strong enough to lead the world and our enemies are bursting with delight that we have gone from a strong leader that made them mind their p’s and q’s to a man that was never courageous but even less so now. His good old Joe folksy stories which are made up of mostly lies and stolen speeches are not what the country or our allies need from the leader of the free world in these troubling times. The Democrats pulled off the biggest shell game in history on the American people when they put Biden’s face on the presidency to cash in on the fact that he was the vice president while never intending him to lead this country in any way . just who the heck is really running this nation.

    1. Joe,
      Who is running this nation you ask?? “DEEP STATE” COMMUNISTS..The same group that rigged the “election”, either BRIBED or used “death threats” against “judges”, threatened or PAID “poll workers” to commit fraud, threatened or paid “postal workers to toss “ballots”. (or change the “postmarks” so they could be ‘counted.) The “list” of FRAUD, DECEPTION, and BRIBERY to “install” their “chosen” communist chinese bought and paid for “puppets” goes on and on. ”
      heels -up harris is NOT constitutionally eligible to BE “VP”, and dementia-Joe doesn’t know WHO he is , WHERE he is , or what he is “signing” unless his “handlers” tell him, and even then he still cannot understand theie “ORDERS” , so like a CHILD, he does what “he is told”

  9. Like a bowl of bad chili con carne, this too shall pass. We’ve had worse. Think POTUS Peanut. At least the Left has dropped all pretense in hiding who they really are.

  10. I don’t think anyone except top Democrats will ever vote Democrat again. They are not to be trusted, period.

  11. The reason why Joe Biden is such a blatantly obvious failure is that he is so lacking in the cognitive realm that he could not even locate his brain-dead a$$ with both hands, much less run a successful administration!

  12. Fake pres does not know what he is doing or remember what he does. What we have is a puppet of the tyrant govt, installing communist ideals.

  13. Biden is just continuing the policies established by Obama. Any day now, Biden will be drawing another line in the sand. It was Obama’s policy to heavily back the ISIS fighters, while pretending to be making attempts to destroy them. Keep in mind that between Obama and Biden, Obama was the “smart” one, even though he never made any progress getting rid of this terror group. With Biden running the show, we’ll be lucky to get through his foreign policy without having to participate in a World War III.

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