The remains of thousands of aborted fetuses have been found at the home of late Chicago abortion doctor, Ulrich Klopfer, according to USA Today. Klopfer performed many thousands of abortions during his more than 40 years as a practicing clinician.
The Will County Sheriff reported that more than 2,000 aborted fetuses were found in Klopfer’s garage and in his vehicles in a state of medical-grade preservation. Klopfer served as the only abortion doctor to three different cities: Fort Wayne, Gary, and South Bend.
Indiana’s Attorney General, Curtis Hill, Told USA Today, “The shocking discovery was horrifying to anyone with normal sensibilities. Regrettably, there is no shortage of depravity in our world today, including due regard for the most vulnerable among us.”
Indiana is one of the few states in the country that requires aborted fetuses to be buried or cremated.
A 44-year-old former patient of Klopfer attended his funeral. She was raped as a teenager and had an abortion, performed by Klopfer. She said, “Coming here today was just another layer of the healing process. As post-abortive men and women, sometimes we think we shouldn’t be able to mourn the loss of our children, but it was a loss of life. It doesn’t matter the situation, the age, I still had a mother’s heart.”
This is not the first time that those responsible for medical abortions have been caught using the bodies of aborted fetuses for personal gain. A hospital in England was found to have been using the bodies of aborted fetuses to fuel their furnaces. Planned Parenthood was caught selling tissue from aborted fetuses for their stem cells. Most disturbingly, tissue from aborted fetuses has also been found in many vaccines that doctors push on the children unsuspecting parents.
When the grisly remains of the thousands of aborted babies were found on Klopfer’s property, the first question to come to mind is, “Why?” But the fact is that aborted fetal tissue is extremely valuable.
In 1993, NBC News reported on the discovery that Planned Parenthood was selling the bodies of aborted fetuses in secret out of their back doors. They explain the reason for the high demand for aborted fetal tissue, writing, “… Cells from embryos and very early fetuses have properties that fully developed cells do not. What most researchers are after if they use fetal tissue are the stem cells. … scientists hope they might provide cures for a range of diseases from Parkinson’s to crushed spinal cords.”
What they more than likely actually do with them is feed them to Nancy Pelosi and her ilk to keep them alive and their hunger for living human flesh down to a minimum.
“Why do YOU hold back YOUR STRONG RIGHT HAND? Unleash YOUR POWERFUL FIST and deliver a Death Blow.” (PSALM 74) THE MOUTH OF THE LORD GOD HAS SPOKEN! I send This WORD OF GOD to expose and destroy, Uproot all evil ruler spirits that strategizes and operates wickedness involving aborted fetuses. ALMIGHTY GOD’S OUTSTRETCHED RIGHT HAND will expose and Uproot all wicked powers that are assigned to orchestrate these vile unseen plots and schemes. No weapon that is formed against us shall prosper, I plead the Blood Of JESUS CHRIST over us, our family, all possessions IN JESUS NAME I DECREE. GOD’S KINGDOM RULES OVER ALL
Hiding is a form of “Self Deceit” . In the demented thinking – or twisted around solution – Bad good and Good is bad! To hide it is doing a favor to those who support the genocidal deeds. So without seeing, or having those atrocities exposed, The mentally sick people can sleep at night and say: “I’ve done nothing wrong.!” See no evil, hear no evil…” so what’s all the fuss bout! We can’t be upset – all people of opposing persuasions have their head in the sand like the rest of us!
So pointing one digit at others, leaves 4 digits point back at ourselves. The Politically Correct people with think, ‘Its a good thing for our cause that all of that necessary work is hidden and kept from the pious crowd! Amen
If I recall correctly, the hospital in the UK was actually cremating the remains ( i.e. NOT using them as “fuel” – using fuel to cremate – wrong way round you guys – please keep the discussion honest – I remain very Pro-Life, but the TRUTH is the only way to defeat the baby-killers ! )
God bless America – and good folks everywhere.
These type of atrocities are not rare. But continue in darkness because the perpetrator knows it’s evil and still will continue because of the witchcrafts they are involved in.Lack of morals,no concern for doing what’s right. Last but not least, no fear of the GOD who gives them breath and life. In the case of the end justify the means is a false truth that leads up to a real day of judgement .
There is no way a sane person who believes in our living GOD can try to explain how these kind of people can practice this kind of inhuman crime and get by with it for so long. The movie UNPLANNED was a great true story of a planned “KILLER” parent hood, is nothing but an abortion clinic multiplied many times. Remember the cannabil
Jeffery Bonner (may have his name wrong) but he caught young men and butchered them and ate their flesh, he was called terrible names which where correct,but these clowns who kill 1,000s of babies are even worse, and every democrat is all for “any time” abbortons