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Tillerson Marches Forward Redoing Bad Iran Nuclear Deal

U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is reworking the Obama-era Iran nuclear deal that sent $1.3 billion in cold hard cash to one of America’s most hated adversaries.

President Donald Trump vowed to revisit the nuclear agreement that lifted a wide range of sanctions on a country run by Islamic extremists who routinely call for the annihilation of Israel and death to “infidel” Americans. Yes, former Pres. Obama gave them money, relief and got revived calls to kill Americans in return.

Now, Tillerson has taken his marching orders to right the ship as forcefully as possible, given the terrible bargaining position Obama left him in.

Building a Coalition

After finalizing a one-week diplomatic trip to Warsaw, Poland, Tillerson has brought the U.K., France and Germany on board to revisit the agreement they were all party to. If the U.S. Secretary of State has one ace up his sleeve in the renegotiation, it’s that every world leader is fully aware that Trump is the type of strongman willing to scrap the deal and impose the harshest possible sanctions against the rogue nation.

Since the signing, several stable countries have begun investing in the region. Now, they must all navigate the United States’ tougher position or risk business sanctions themselves.

Led by Tillerson and U.N. Secretary Nikki Haley, world leaders have looked on as North Korea has suffered an unprecedented reckoning. Even Asian super power China has bent to American interests. For all the public pomp and circumstance by left-leaning presidents and prime ministers around the globe, no one wants to get between an American rock and a hard place. Possibly the most effective Secretary of State since Henry Kissinger, Tillerson spoke to the media while in Poland about redoing the deal.

“It’s always darkest before the dawn,” Tillerson reportedly said. “The working groups have already begun to meet on efforts to agree on principles, what is the scope of what we attempt to address and also how much we engage Iran on discussions to address these issues.”

What’s Wrong With The Current Iran Deal

Aside from paying $400 million dollars to Iran for American hostages, there are numerous loopholes that allow Iran to continue its pursuit of nuclear arms and sponsor terrorism.

Secretary Tillerson referred to the nuclear element as “small” part of America’s Middle East policy. He pointed out that the White House also has serious problems with the rogue nation’s backing of Houthi rebels in Yemen, Hezbollah, Hamas and utilizing economic relief and Obama cash to supply weapons to extremists in Syria, even as U.S.-backed forces mop up the remnants of ISIS.

“Our work group also is intending to identify areas of greater cooperation (with) Europe to push back on Iran’s malignant behavior,” Tillerson reportedly said.

Although Iran has maintained “compliance” with the stated letter of the agreement, it has put the freed-up resources toward advancing long-range missiles that could carry a nuclear payload. They are basically following North Korea’s playbook in hopes of becoming an international nuclear threat.

This is particularly troubling when you consider that the Obama Administration agreed to a sunset clause in the nuclear accord. Restrictions on Iran’s weapons-grade nuclear enrichment program time out after 10-15 years from the signing. That means as early as 2026, Iran would be able to arm a nuclear-ready long-range missile capable of striking the continental United States.

Will Trump Kill The Iran Deal?

In 2017, Pres. Trump nearly killed the deal entirely due to its many flaws. At the urging of European leaders, however, he punted the deal’s fate to Congress, temporarily, and put the urgency of renewed negotiations in Tillerson’s hands.

It has been widely reported that if Trump decides to pull the United States out of the deal, other countries may not follow. Most are comfortable with the limits in place and kicking the issue down the road. However, this policy of “strategic patience” by the previous administration has been rejected by the president, U.S. Secretary of Defense Gen. Jim Mattis, White House Chief of Staff and former Gen. John Kelly and many others.

Despite Secretary Tillerson’s success at bringing other world leaders to the table to develop a more permanent solution about the radical, nuclear-obsessed Iranian regime, the rogue nation has rejected any and all renegotiation. Paying Islamic extremists for hostages and failing to secure long-term American interests is unacceptable. Fortunately, Tillerson marches forward to protect against future destabilization and American lives.

~ Conservative Zone

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29 thoughts on “Tillerson Marches Forward Redoing Bad Iran Nuclear Deal”

  1. The Iran deal obviously was a hug disaster, the Obama and his administration didn’t care how it would effect the World and the USA. As far as I am concern it supplied and aid the enemy Iran. Obama committed treason against America. No one seams to acknowledge that. Obama should have gotten approval from congress, he went against the balance of power in our government and he should be tried for treason against America.

    1. At the time of the Iran deal by stupid President Obama, I thought just the same . Why is America letting someone become a traitor to our country. It definitive place our country like the new world order of what stupidity is.

      1. Obama did not act out of stupidity! He acted out of greed, a home-grown love of the American enemies with whom he shares an allegiance and the result was that he received a great amount of that cash he supposedly forwarded directly to Iran aboard transport planes. I guarantee that somewhere in this world there is a lot of cash deposited to the Obama accounts. And he did not make those deposits from his salary as POTUS.

        1. Greed, indeed. The devil knows: ’tis the love of money that is the root of all evil that follows in it’s wake.
          Obama/Sotero/Davis? is but another “useful idiot” the Communist Controllers use and throw away—-like with (?) Hillary.

      1. When a crime of Treason is done during a time of War the punishment is swift hanging.
        Bye the bye, America has been “at war” since the 9/11 attack.
        The WAR POWERS ACT——is , as should be, the Power of the Executive.

        1. Considering that we shot ourselves in the foot on 9/11, that sounds suicidal.
          9/11 resulted from a collaboration between:
          * so-called “Israel,” which got most of the benefit (and is NOT the “Israel” of the Bible)
          * Great Britain, which pulled a similar stunt in their subways shorty after 9/11
          * Spain, which pulled a stunt similar to Great Britain
          * Saudi Arabia, the home of most of the “hijackers,”
          * Pakistan which wired $100,000 to Mohammed Atta around 9/1
          Innocent? Italy and Russia.
          Other complicit intelligence agencies? Not obviousl

      1. And yet, jerkheimer kerry, the Swiftboat sucker, is still running around the world, telling our enemies, especially palestinian/philastines, to “ignore Trump, he’ll be gone by next year”!! And if you watch the ever spouting, drooling sorryazz george- – he has his own agenda to try and get rid of President Trump. When is Interpol, finally, going to step in and serve one of the multiple arrest warrants they have for the ugly old bastard??

        1. Kerry is/was another troll (useful idiot) of the Communists within the State Department ; some since —

    1. And I hear that Kerry is being groomed to run for the Presidency. And a Democrat… treasonous… I guess that is the best that can be found. Figures !!

      1. When I first heard that ,yesterday, I believe, I immediately felt a sharp pain in my gut. Oh, no! On the other hand, let him be nominated in 2020 against President Trump, and he can get the shellacking he deserves, for everything he has done!

  2. Obama’s Legacy = Having bargained US into a position to one day have to face a radical nation with nuclear capability to destroy Israel or any European nation it chooses, and even severely damage the US. Evidence suggests Obama had this in mind and used his 8 years to carry it as far as possible. Looks like he had in mind to dictate to Hillary to follow up on this track, had she become President. US leadership must now reverse this muslim inspired direction ! Fortunately Pres. Trump and others now in our leadership have this opportunit5y and responsibility !

    1. Billy “boy” Clinton traded (for campaign contributions) America’s Military Missile secrets to China and China’s puppet N.Korea was transferred the same technology——Many will face the hangman’s noose of justice before this bumpy ride is over.

  3. If these mullahs cared about the Iranian people would they be in the position they are in? A very strong stance should be taken to undo what the ex-president Obama (Barry Soetoro) did, sending billions of $$$ which enabled their devious standards.

  4. ODUMBO” S/B DRAWN/QUARTERED & BURIED UP TO HIS NECK IN DIRT,POUR HONEY ON HIS HEAD & FINALLY,DA’ COUP DE GRAS’,HAVE CANNIBAL FIRE ANTS HAVE THEIR WAY W/HIM!! I believe this w/be a great beginning w/schumer,pelosi,clintons,loretta lynch,comey etc. to follow. Payback is a bitch ya’ all agree?
    It ain’t politics,however, lotza’ smilin’ faces for now!
    “Martinni Ganinni”


  6. No none of that.

    They want nukes let’s give them to them 3 each B~1’s can do it all in 30 min tops and when it’s all green glow glass the other SHIT HELL HOLES will shut up for the next 100 years when we will have to do it again.

    Besides nuking them is exactly as GOD HIM Self told the Jewish folks to do way back when, leave no stone whole, do not covet the ox, cattle, sheep or fields and too the crops of the fields for it is not, was not growen in His honor and with His grace.

  7. A “sunset” timeline for allowing nuclear enrichment is like putting a piece of your wedding cake in the freezer & just waiting for the right time to celebrate. Furthermore, Tillerson is a strong negotiator (unlike wimpy Kerry). Like Trump, as former CEO of one of the world’s largest corporations, he is a “get the job done” person without all the wishy washy political rhetoric.

  8. It will take a strong man like Tillerson to undo some of obamas treachery!
    What were people thinking when they voted for obama a second time?
    I believe that many voted for him the first time to prove to themselves that they were not prejudice and voting for the mulatto candidate would absolve them.Why anyone voted for him a second time is simple insanity!

  9. Americans (That leaves-out the fraud obummer): We need to keep-out the fraud obummer from commenting/sticking his fraud nose into politics after he left the system. Good riddance ! Any further nosing-in by this anti-Christ must be met with stiff, immediate sanctions by Our Country. This fraud-in-cheef maneuvered the DESTRUCTION of OUR Country [it is NOT obummers, as he is a foreign exchange student FRAUD].
    The $ multi-billions given by obummer to iran, must immediately be levied as bills to any bogusly-awarded pensions to the fraus-in-cheef, and the fraud-in-cheef will PAY all the multi-billions to the U.S. Treasury to compensate for the fraudulent obummer gift to iran. obummer will probably have to [unfortunately] live for 200 years before paying-back this disgraceful fraudulent gift to iran. Tough SH..!

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