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Trump Puts Middle-Class Tax Cut on the Table

Political pundits like to prognosticate about the so-called “October Surprise” that will upend the direction of an election.

In recent weeks, many thought it was — by default — the Elizabeth Warren DNA test debacle that left the liberal Massachusetts senator reeling from criticism on both sides of the aisle. But leave it to Pres. Donald J. Trump to deliver the mother of all surprises as he puts a middle-class tax cut on the table for mid-term voters to consider.

“We’re looking at putting in a very major tax cut for middle-income people,” Pres. Trump reportedly said following a rally in Nevada. “And if we do that, it’ll be sometime just prior, I would say, to November. A major tax cut. We are studying very deeply right now round the clock a major tax cut for middle-income people.”

The announcement a took Democrats off-guard, many of whom had been unsuccessfully trying to downplay or avoid talking about the surging Trump economy. Top Democrats have vowed to repeal the GOP’s popular Tax Cuts and Jobs Act that has been a hallmark of the thriving economy and historic low unemployment. This year is the first in a decade that wages increased by 2.8 percent and it all traces back to the administration’s cornerstone legislation.

Democrats Want Return To Welfare

Using the tired old talking points, far-left liberals such as Sen. Kamala Harris have decried the legislation as “tax break for the top 1 (percent) and corporations.” The California presidential hopeful has already introduced a bill to repeal the law that many say is responsible for historic-low unemployment among African-Americans and Hispanic-Americans.

Sen. Harris wants to swap out the pro-economy law with a welfare-type package that entitles people to $500 per month and raises taxes. That is exactly the type of failed leadership that stagnated the American GDP under the Obama Administration.

But the economic numbers are proving Sen. Harris partially correct. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act has been a boon to American corporations.

Corporations brought a record $350 billion back into the U.S. after Pres. Trump signed the legislation because of lower business taxes. Unfortunately for anti-business liberals such as Sen. Harris and others, those large corporations re-invested that revenue in a bust that spurred a tremendous upsurge in job opportunities.

The data bears out a common link between corporate tax cuts and everyday Americans. When big business gets a break, they re-invest money into growth and jobs. The result has been a significant benefit to working-class Americans. American unemployment is now at a near 50-year, 3.7-percent low, and many economists say that the nation stands at full employment.

During the Obama years, unemployment topped over 10 percent and never achieved the lows Pres. Trump and the GOP reached in the last year alone. The link between corporate tax cuts appears to mostly benefit working-class Americans without college degrees.

While Sen. Harris, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer are determined to roll back these business and working-class gains, it appears the middle-class gained the least benefit from the Trump and GOP initiatives.

Trump Applies Pressure

It appears the White House has taken at least a few Republicans by surprise with his recent middle-class tax cut announcement. It would not be out of the ordinary for Pres. Trump to leverage populist support ahead of a major initiative.

If there’s one thing Americans have learned about the Commander-in-Chief, it’s that he applies unorthodox methods to get results. But it appears the top GOP brass has been working in conjunction with the White House on a package.

“Kevin Brady is working on it, Paul Ryan is working on it,” Pres. Trump reportedly said. “I would say sometime around the first of November, maybe a little before then.”

That being said, while Pres. Trump was taking a victory lap after the first wave of tax cuts, he did mention there would be a tax cut 2.0. With the hard numbers showing that businesses and working-class Americans saw the most benefit, he appears to be making good on a promise to uplift all Americans. It’s time for the middle class to get theirs.

But with the mid-term elections only a few weeks away, tax cuts 2.0 might be contingent on Republicans holding a majority in Congress. As voters go to the polls, now they will be voting to protect the country’s economic gains and the middle-class will be casting ballots to keep more of their own money.

~ Conservative Zone

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10 thoughts on “Trump Puts Middle-Class Tax Cut on the Table”

  1. There is middle ground, but the alleged leaders are to damned bent on disgracing their opponents than they are in doing good for the American citizens. Clean air, water and environment in general can go hand in hand with a thriving economy; but Trump is so afraid of Ovomit, that he wants to destroy regulations that were put in place over many years by both parties and supported by scientific evidence. Grow up, do what is right for the people and fuck your personal feuds!

  2. Only hatred and greed would prevent a Republican Vote.
    . Any person who casts a vote for any Democrat would display their hatred for our Constitution, Biblical Heritage, our sovereign USA, removing people from welfare to success, providing a communist and Muslim free education and other attributes I consider positive.
    . Please pray, $upport, campaign and work harder to bring voters to the poles that will not vote for a Democrat.

    1. HI GENEWW-

    2. Iam a Repub and thank you for such a nice letter and yes (Our President Trump) making
      America great again doing everything he said he would do removing regulations from past
      Administration remarkable. We now have a booming economy GDP at 4.2% unheard of
      do you want a winner in the (WHITE HOUSE) VOTE do you want to continue to support a
      winner VOTE REPUBLICAN ON NOV 6 thank you Larry Z.

  3. Bill Clinton and the democrats promised the American people a middle class tax cut back when he first ran for President. Well, we’re still waiting! ! What we did get was a Tax Increase. It went through in March, and the democrats made it retroactive to the first of that year! For those of you who are old enough to remember – what did your April paycheck look like!? They took it out All at Once! It seems that democrat doctrine appears to be that ONLY THEY will decide how much of your paycheck you will be allowed to keep. So when you go to the polls to vote, Remember That!!

  4. There has never been an administration of such evil corruption, exploitive for the benefit of the few, while the average working family is barely making ends meet, from payday to payday. The big giveaway to the most profitable corporations was spent on buybacks of the corporations own stock, not jobs. just read the financial news.
    We now face a global collapse due to more and more tariffs.
    And, we look forward to the freedom of the so-called religious right to impose their unchristian religious beliefs on everyone else.
    Just read our constitution,

  5. To cut taxes but not reduce government spending but instead increase military spending does not reduce the deficit, which Trump said he would do during his campaign. Instead, it adds to growing deficit and knowing the Republicans whom already suggested cutting Social security and Medicare to balance budget, they want to privatize Social Security and overhaul Medicare.

  6. The problem with Washington is the y won’t cut any social program or get rid of dept’s. that won’t work. Ex. before 1979 we did not have a Dept. of Education. The country did just fine without it. Now we live without one wrong. The Federal Govt. is not held accountable for the massive waste that they allow to go unchecked. Ex. the new Air Force One plane in use since the 1960’s scheduled to be replaced at a cost of $4 Billion per plane when Pres. Trump took office. He said the price was ridiculous he would cancel the contracts. Low and behold they said the planes could be done for 2 Billion apiece. The porn scandal involving several different Dept’s. 20 or 30 hrs. of internet use for years. No one lost their job. When federal workers not they are not held accountable for poor work performance. When the Director of IHSS under Pres. Obama takes the 5th. Any gov’t employee who takes the 5th and won’t answer question under oath should loose their pension. After all they are supposedly work for the American people but I guess we know that’s a joke

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