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Trump’s Mexico Trade Deal Targets China’s Theft

Communist China just got some very bad news, and it’s not simply the tariffs imposed by Pres. Donald J. Trump. The recent accord reached between the Trump Administration and Mexico puts significant protections in place designed to thwart the Asian nation from skirting the rules.

The regime has a long and despicable history of forcing poverty-level wages on workers and stealing U.S. intellectual property. Those days appear to be coming to a close as Canada joins NAFTA talks and the EU has already yielded to free, fair trade demands by Pres. Trump. But the architectural design putting Chinese thieves in check is the tough U.S.-Mexico deal.

U.S.-Mexico Builds Great Wall Against China

Among the more disturbing illegal and illicit activities by the Asian giant is its willingness to engage in theft on a global scale.

The United States has been at the forefront of innovation since its very inception. From the airplane to the automobile to today’s cutting-edge technologies, American ingenuity is the engine that drives progress. Inventors and entrepreneurs deserve to be fully compensated for the work. Unfortunately, patent and copyright protections in the U.S. have not deterred communist China from stealing them.

Investigations into the corrupt practices by China’s government and state-owned businesses discovered massive and organized intellectual property theft. According to a report by the Commission on the Theft of American Intellectual Property, China is responsible for upwards of $600 billion in intellectual property theft from Americans every year. The practice has been ongoing for nearly two decades.

“China has sought to acquire U.S. technology by any means, licit or illicit,” Center for Strategic and International Studies vice president James Andrew Lewis reported stated. “Espionage and theft were part of this, but so were forced technology transfers or mandatory joint ventures as a condition for doing business in China.”

The reports of Chinese operatives dropping a virus into Hillary Clinton’s email server to forward secret emails pales in comparison to unrestrained pillaging of American property.

China Meets A Determined Pres. Trump

Although Washington, D.C., may be star-struck by salacious sex scandals and phony Russian collusion narratives, the president has put his focus on stopping Chinese thieves. China, not Russia, remains the nation’s most significant threat.

China has stood on the sidelines attempting to manage and meet Trump-imposed tariffs as the next wave hits Chinese goods in September. The regime may be rethinking going toe-to-toe with America.

The U.S.-Mexico trade agreement has not been finalized as Canada now re-enters negotiations, but the broad strokes prevent China from back-dooring non-tariffed goods into the U.S. The two North American neighbors have broad strokes agreement that products such as automobiles originating outside a NAFTA nation would suffer a 75-percent tariff. This means China won’t be able to circumvent the U.S. penalties being imposed prompted by its unethical trade practices.

Another provision that impacts Chinese goods is agreement that a minimum of 40-45 percent of all freight hauled must be the result of workers earning $16 per hour or higher. Communist China is notorious for keeping its hard-working people in poverty.

A direct shot across China’s bow are rules that press for greater domestically-made clothing apparel. The U.S. and Mexico will both clamp down on the supply chain.

The new deal will also extend copyrights and patterns to North American innovators to 75 years. This will open the door for future inventors and patent-holders to file litigation against Chinese theft. The rules and tariffs imposed on materials such as steel, glass and aluminum will also mirror those of automobiles. These and numerous other regulations are smartly designed to impede China’s bad faith practices.

Following the announcement between the U.S. and Mexico, American stocks enjoyed a swift boost with the DOW Jones crossing the 26,000-mark. The S&P 500 extended its record-setting run and even European markets saw a bump from optimism.

But unlike other markets, China continues to suffer through the ongoing trade spat. The news of the two North American countries gaining traction was more bad financial news and China slipped back even further. The Chinese and American stock markets have been trending in opposite directions since the first tariffs were announced.

Pres. Trump’s hard-won trade victory with Mexico deals another blow to China and its den of thieves.

~ Conservative Zone

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20 thoughts on “Trump’s Mexico Trade Deal Targets China’s Theft”

  1. Well the article starts out “Mr.Trump is a man who keeps his promises” Why the fuck am I surrounded by millions of illegal wet backs?

    1. He’s working on it john! He has kept many many of his promises, but he also has to have the backing of the House & Senate! Give the man a break! He’s been through hell trying to give Americans everything he campaigned on! In other words, don’t be an asshole!

    2. I am just as frustrated as you are, John. But give the man a break, he’s been trying to fix the problem with illegals. Unfortunately, it’s not just the Demonrats he has to fight against on it, it’s the establishment idiots in his own party, as well. As with everything else, he only has a majority in Congress when it benefits the establishment politicians as well as the American people. And with illegals, they get more benefit from their big money campaign donors who want the cheap illegal labor than they do from going along with the President. And it’s not ‘Mr.’ Trump, it’s PRESIDENT Trump.

  2. This Fucking Sucks, Can’t Share this or anything to do with Our President Trump. The God Damn Nigger Town Just keeps Getting Bigger. ARE YOU PART OF THE NIGGER TOWN , OR WE THE PEOPLE

    1. Readers, please understand that earl is probably a troll, not a patriotic American. He’s probably a Commie trying to further the propaganda that white men are all viciously racist. I don’t buy it. He’s much too strident and his text much too primitive to be what his crude posts suggest he is. These commies work a lot of over time.

  3. The NIGGER Town Separates Themselves from the City, then the Nigger town wants the City to fell , and the Nigger Town will do all they can do to cause the City to Fell, so the Nigger Town can grow and keep getting Bigger and Bigger

  4. Chinese operatives did not place a “virus” into Clinton’s illegal private server. Clinton SOLD ACCESS to China. When the info transfer was discovered by the IG and the FBI notified NOTHING WAS DONE to seal the breach.

    Wake up, you lot. Hillary Clinton committed TREASON against these united States of America. The Chinese paid for access and over 20 CIA spies lost their lives while Clinton was Sec. of State.

  5. He’s trying like mad to get things on a level playing field. We have been getting screwed even from our so called allies.
    Democrats hate this. If they get back in control, stand by. All of this will go away, they want total control over our lives, higher taxes, open borders, weaker military, liberal Supreme Court, etc etc
    We will end up with problems I don’t even want to think about.
    Best every one don’t sit back, but get out and vote, if we lose, the country loses

  6. Today in Trump’s America: New poll finds Americans support Trump impeachment
    A new ABC News/Washington Post poll found 49% of Americans back Trump’s impeachment — more than the 46% of Americans who are opposed.
    The survey also found Trump’s popularity plummeting, with 36% approving of the job he’s doing compared with the 60% who disapprove. Even worse, a majority of Americans strongly disapprove of Trump’s job performance.
    The poll also shows that Trump’s attempts to smear special counsel Robert Mueller are failing, as 63% support Mueller’s investigation, with 52% strongly supporting it. Even more, Trump’s Mueller smear campaign is backfiring, as 53% of Americans say Trump has tried to obstruct justice by meddling in Mueller’s investigation.

    1. polls huh? the same polls which said Killary would win by LANDSLIDE

      46% of Democrats oppose impeachment
      36% of democrats approve of the job Trump is doing
      63% of Democrats support the Mueller witch-hunt which has found NOTHING
      53% of Democrats say Trump has tried to obstruct justice

      i’m gonna love seeing your comments after the mid-terms, if you have the gumption to comment

  7. Come on reality check, are you really going to take the wordoutof the same pollsters who initially said that Hillary would win in the greatest landslide in history?
    She was projected to get 97% of the vote by these “experts”.
    A REAL public opinion poll (in other words, one not taken in mostly democrat controlled cities), would likely show that less than 25% of Americans agree with impeachment, and those would BE the one where the dems have a stranglehold on people who think the government should be their “Sugar Daddy”.
    A true popularity poll would have President Trump at least 30% higher than the lying media allows him, and a true poll during Obama’s Regime would have netted him about 20 to 30% below what the “pollsters” claimed.
    Stop believing what the lying media (all of which are owned by elitist leftists) tell you and try thinking beyond the hatred that you have been conditioned to feel by those that would like nothing better than to enslave us all!

  8. Has our president Donald Trump earned the right for his image to be carved on Mount Rushmore !? His list of promises are long, and so is of the list already accomplished. What about adding American English as the countries national language . And voting rights limited to none criminal citizens . My honey do list of my wife still gets longer and longer . It is posted on our refrigerator.

  9. China’s best Ally is the American left. Ironically the left and democrats are Russia’s best friend to. Bill and Hillary proved that and still do.

  10. Gillian Grannum – It is refreshing to see this posted. I have thought she kept it so that it would be open to the governments that she was soliciting $$ for her criminal foundation. It only takes common sense. Think about it – why would she have a private server? Firstly, it would be totally open to foreign governments. She made deals giving them access to it in return for huge deposits into the Clinton Foundation. Yes she is a TRAITOR to the maximum possible. I hate this woman especially because she is getting away with it ! MANY others are complicit and needs to be prosecuted for treason. There is NO WAY that she could do this without the FBI and CIA not knowing about it. Most likely those who did were paid off by the bitch.

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