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Two New Jersey Democrats Charged in Separate Mail-In Ballot Fraud Cases

A pair of Democrats have been arrested on multiple mail-in ballot fraud charges stemming from the 2020 elections in New Jersey. One is the current president of the Paterson City Council, and the other unsuccessfully ran for mayor of Plainfield in 2021. Both of these cases will sound strikingly familiar to regular readers of these pages. Both candidates are accused of using the exact same Democrat cheating techniques that we have seen everywhere from Muskegon, Michigan to Atlanta, Georgia.

Dr. Henrilynn Ibezim ran as a Democrat for mayor of Plainfield in 2021. The New Jersey attorney general’s office says he provided his associates with personal information about people living in Plainfield who were not registered to vote. They then filled out fake mail-in ballot applications in those people’s names, but listed addresses of places where Ibezim’s campaign could retrieve them (not to the voters’ homes).

Ibezim and his co-conspirators were caught when one of them took about 1,000 ballots to a post office in a white trash bag and tried to mail them to the Union County Commissioner of Registration office. He then lied to the police when he got caught, claiming that “someone” must have sold him the fake registration forms.

This is the exact same tactic that GBI Strategies is accused of using in Muskegon, Michigan in the 2020 election, only on a much larger scale. Ibezim ultimately lost his race, coming in fourth place.

He was charged on Wednesday by the New Jersey attorney general’s office with election fraud, criminal attempt to commit false registration, tampering with public records, forgery, and hindering prosecution.


In a completely separate case, a Democrat named Alex Mendez won his election in 2020 for President of the Paterson City Council. A few months later, he was charged with a laundry list of mail-in ballot fraud charges. New Jersey Attorney General Alex Platkin announced a brand-new superseding indictment this week, which tacked on several additional charges to the ones Mendez was already facing.

Before the May 2020 election, prosecutors say Mendez decided to go out and do some ballot harvesting in Paterson. That’s illegal. While ballot harvesting is allowed in New Jersey, candidates for office are not allowed to personally harvest ballots in the city or district where they are running for office.

But prosecutors say Mendez’s crimes were far worse than simple ballot harvesting. They allege that Mendez took the ballots back to his campaign headquarters and steamed them open with his friends and campaign staffers. Any ballot that had been cast for his opponent went in the shredder.

Prosecutors also say that the Mendez campaign went into neighborhoods that were known to be heavily populated by his opponents’ voters and stole their ballots out of their mailboxes before they were ever filled out. For every ballot that they sent through the shredder, they then took one of the stolen ballots, filled it out, forged a signature on the ballot, and placed it in the original voter’s envelope to mail it in.

Some voters also gave Mendez ballots that hadn’t even been filled out, according to prosecutors. Not to worry! Alex Mendez and his campaign workers helped with that, too!

Mendez ultimately won his election thanks to his alleged mail-in ballot fraud. He had been suspected of cheating in his 2018 race, so authorities were watching him the whole time when the alleged actions took place in 2020. He was finally indicted in February of 2021.

Oh, but the AG’s office says that Mendez wasn’t done yet! When he learned that several of his staffers were preparing to testify against him, Mendez contacted them and urged them to give statements that would be helpful to his case. Which is otherwise known as witness tampering.

All the charges that Mendez is facing include conspiracy to commit election fraud, fraud in casting mail-in votes, unauthorized possession of ballots, tampering with public records, forgery, soliciting unlawful registration and other violations of election law, conspiracy to commit witness tampering, falsifying or tampering with records, and conspiracy to fabricate physical evidence.

It’s too bad that neither of these Democrats charged with mail-in ballot fraud are named “Donald Trump.” If that were the case, a judge would already have dismissed both cases and claimed that the Attorney General’s office “lacked standing” to bring charges against them.

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12 thoughts on “Two New Jersey Democrats Charged in Separate Mail-In Ballot Fraud Cases”

  1. The whole democratic leaders of our country are cheaters and they are going to do the same thing in 2024′ because they have gotten away with it once and they are going to do it again and Joe Biden should already be in prison for treason, bribery, and taking money from China our president is in bed with country DICTATOR and they are in bed with Iran Obama administration and the Biden administration and the Clinton administration have all been bought and paid for by the Chinese government and the Iran Regime.

    1. W­o­r­k­i­n­g o­n­l­i­n­e b­r­i­n­g­s i­n $­2­8­5 d­o­l­l­a­r­s a­n h­o­u­r f­o­r m­e. M­y b­e­s­t b­u­d­d­y s­h­o­w­s m­e h­o­w t­o d­o t­h­i­s a­n­d m­a­k­e­s $­2­9,0­0­0 a m­o­n­t­h d­o­i­n­g i­t, b­u­t I n­e­v­e­r r­e­a­l­i­z­e­d i­t w­a­s r­e­a­l, v­i­s­i­t t­h­e f­o­l­l­o­w­i­n­g ts20 l­i­n­k t­o h­a­v­e.

      A l­o­o­k a­t i­t—————————————–>>>

  2. Terrell, you are so right about the “in-bed” with dictators. In my opinion, Joe Biden is now nothing more than a senile old man and his “buddy” Obama (who I call Oblabba) has, during his time in office and now, created much of our today’s problems – here and in the world. God help us!

  3. Biden is not our true elective President he is a fraudulent crawl in president and should be put out of office and the true elective President put in to finish out this term and win the next term . Some people dont like Trump cause for some reason they have there nose up the democrats ass so far that tbey can’t see the sunshine. Like or not Trump won the 2020 election there have been to many fraudulent ballots founded out about in alot of the states. So our America and the American citizens our suffering from the treason ass hole in the white house. And now he the fraudulent crawl in president is taking us into war !! God help all of us from this evil man?

  4. Just wanted to say something about the talk show called ” The View” I thank the lady’s of that talk show should be took off the Air. Others may like it but they are all one – sided and not worth listening too.

  5. Since the Blue Democrats have retired or past away ,the new Democrats of today are not Democrats.They are hardcore Marxists,Communists and some criminals.The voters better wake up or they will wake up in a Venezuela or China#2

  6. I didn’t understand the last paragraph. Why would they get off if their name was Trump? Trump is getting plowed down by as many accusations as the Dems can create.

    1. Belton4: I too, find the last paragraph questionable . I would have thought that had the Dems. mentioned here, been named Donald Trump, the crooket legal system would have, had him indicted, judged and already incarcerated!

      Will be surprised if either of the lying, cheats get any meaningful reward for their unlawful deeds!

    2. Whoever made the comment about Trump, I’m sure they meant to say “Biden”. Everyone has seen the unending attack on Trump.

  7. These Globalist cheating bastards need to be executed now! This country is over because of these rotten bastards!

  8. A Federal ID Card Or a Passport with Picture, must be a requirement for a person authorized to Vote. No one can cast vote for an other person, period. One vote = one person, a verified US Citizen, PERIOD.

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