How’s this for gratitude? A video surfaced on social media this week in which a group of Ukrainian soldiers threatened to murder Donald Trump and then burned him in effigy. US intelligence agencies are already claiming that the video is “Russian disinformation,” which means (as always) that Russia had nothing to do with it.
This is the thanks that we get after the Ukrainians stole bread from the mouths of American children last month, in the form of a $61 billion foreign aid package.
Here’s the English translation of what the Azov Battalion soldiers say in the video:
“We address Donald Trump. Because of you, bastard, President Zelensky couldn’t get any weapons. You will never be president again. You are a traitor. You will pay with your blood for what you did.”
Then, one of the Ukrainian pigs lights a likeness of my president on fire and burns him in effigy. This is the same battalion, by the way, that added Tucker Carlson to its “kill list” earlier this year for the crime of interviewing the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin.
The ungrateful Ukrainians are angry that it took so long for the US Congress to pass the latest $61 billion aid package against the will of the American people. This is how they repay us—by burning the leading presidential frontrunner in effigy.
To put that giant stack of money in perspective, the entire US foreign aid total for 2023 was $59 billion, which was doled out to 188 countries (including Ukraine). This one aid package that Ukraine just received was $61 billion. And they’re complaining about it and threatening to kill our president?
Perhaps a better use of the Ukrainian military’s time would be to ask where all that American taxpayer money is actually going.
In April, Ukrainian dictator Volodymyr Zelensky purchased a new house. He didn’t just purchase any old house, however. He bought the former summer home of Prince Charles and Princess Diana in England. Reports say that Zelensky paid $21.8 million USD for the Highgrove House.
Zelensky’s salary as the head of Ukraine was $94,000 USD a year before the war started. After American cash started pouring in, he gave himself a raise in 2022 so he’s now making $306,000 a year. How exactly does Ukraine’s leader afford a $21.8 million luxury estate in a foreign country on a salary like that?
Remember that time when Zelensky’s wife went Christmas shopping in Paris in 2023? She spent $30,000 on gifts in just one of the many luxury boutiques that she visited. That was 10% of her husband’s salary! Where exactly is the Zelensky family getting all that money from?
Another person the Ukrainian soldiers might want to ask about is their country’s Agriculture Minister, Mykola Solskyi. Last month, Mr. Solskyi was arrested on corruption charges. He was thrown in a jail cell and told that he’d have to wait 60 days for his first court hearing unless he could post a bond worth $1.77 million USD.
And wouldn’t you know it! Talk about lucky coincidences!
Solskyi just so happened to have $1.77 million lying around to post a bond with. I guess sometimes the universe just smiles on some people. It does seem a little curious, however, since the highest-paid minister in the Ukrainian government only makes $29,880 a year and Solskyi makes less than that. How do you suppose that the farm minister of the single poorest country in Eastern Europe came to be in possession of $1.77 million USD? Maybe a rich uncle left it to him!
Like many Americans, I could care less which side actually wins this war. I don’t think the US government should be funding Ukraine at all. It’s an Eastern Europe problem, so Eastern Europe should sort it out among themselves.
Despite the wishes of most Americans, our government has now sent somewhere north of $200 billion to Ukraine to fight this war. They repay that generosity by blaming Donald Trump for the money not pouring in fast enough and burning our president in effigy.
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As the war goes on, MANY more Billion’s will be given to that BLACK HOLE if the Demos win in 2024! Zelensky will be buying another mansion. Instead of a paltry 20 million, it will be over a billion, befitting his status!
What do you mean, if the demroids win? Of COURSE they are going to win. Not fairly, but by theft. Just like 2020 and 2022. Our fearless cowards in house and senate are worthless as boobs on a bull. And there’s almost a zero chance Joey Bribems still runs. He will bow out, and Big Mike will step in, and he will get 200 million votes, to Trumps 650. This way the lefts beloved messiah, blakk geezus, can get his 4th and 5th terms to destroy the USA .
This is a war which was started by Biden. He advised the comedian to disregard Putin’s warning about the Ukraine joining NATO. Besides that, the comedian has devastating compromising material on Biden’s, so he has no choice but to give the comedian everything that he wants. This war will end in an all out war. All these useful idiots who think that USA should support a corupt Ukrainian regime in this stupid war because the democracy is at stake will find soon the hard way that war can come and it will come on us soil. When the son’s od these useful idiots will die away from home, because the 101 diplomacy failed due to imbecils like Biden and Zelinsky , will sing a different tune .
Biden started this war and Putin will finis it.
The politicians who are pushing this war have nothing else than to gain from it. Their sons will not die fighting for Ukraine and when the radioactive dust will fall they will be safe and comfortable in their fancy nuclear shelters while the rest of the useful idiots will choke on their own blood and eat their own pets or worst. This is coming and I not God’s punishment. This is done by stupid humans which were elected in power by stupid society
Couldn’t have said it better myself.
And the thanks that Ukraine gave to the United States fir all their money that we taxpayers have to pay for is F.U. people in the United States.
Amen!!!! I don’t believe the young men & women on both sides should fight each other!! The presidents on each side and all their cronies should be fighting each other, killing each other, and leaving our children and the children overseas also alone. God bless the world we all need to pray for both sides Amen. Amen. Amen.!!!!!
Really,,, they blame Trump..figures.. It’s Joe Biden who is the to be blamed. All these war started when Joe Biden took office.. that pedo,,, Joe Biden love to fuck little girls. Millennial are the lucky up of the world…
I am afraid the USA is under punishment from God because of Biden policies against Israel. Just look at the chaos in America and around the world where we are involved. God tells us if you bless Israel I will bless you. You curse Israel I will curse you. We have turned our backs on Israel. Now we pay the consequences. I can’t wait until November when we can vote in a new president and a mostly new congress.
The United States is not under a punishment from God yet, but under a punishment from people voting for a bunch of democrats that hate America. And that want to do away with our constitution. They ,the rich elite want to control the people.
The USA is under punishment from God. It began in 1973.
You’re all stupid….. Must be millennial.. stop using religion. You all don’t know what the USA was based on. How it was made…
America needs to start taking care of Americas interests. Not every nation our Senators can figure out how to make money out of war. We the voters lose every time but the ole Senators and political hacks get more rich. I really think the Bidens are getting black mailed and this is why so much money is going there. We want to know how much money do the other countries give to Ukraine…What will become of America if the Democrats take the next election. I have heard all kinds of rumors that will make your head spin round & round. I hope they are not true. There will be a war like no other. We will be fighting for our lived and we will prevail. Just an opinion…..
Trump will cut Ukraine off at the knees, on Day 1!
Amen hopefully he will! Ukraine and our so called government aka MAFIA is getting rich off our money! Ukraine will never win the war anyway and I don’t think it’s about the war anymore anyway! It’s about who can rob the Americans out of more money that the other one can!
Your stupid,, America is one nation that helps other. When other countries as for help we help. Dumb fuck
Politicians are lining their pockets once again by pouring money into Ukraine and have shell companies lined up for their own benefits.
The greatest solution would be for the men and women of any or most governments is to send them into war since they are so corrupt, arm them instead see how that works.
You must be a stupid millennial,, you need to go back to school and learn your history
Zelinsky is a corrupt communist ASSHOLE!! F him and the Ukrainian/Russian war. The USA should have nothing to do with a group of creeps that want to kill our real President!! Now Biden on the other hand I could understand their displeasure!!!
Hey, why wont you post actual video? Afraid it would be obvious that people on video are Russians who can’t speak Ukrainian?
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Um, what does Trump have to do with this? This sounds very fake. If Ukraine really feels this way then stop sending any aid. Let Russia do what they wish.
I have two words – ungrateful fascists.
Stop blaming America, start blaming the other countries, they ask us for help and we did. Once we pull out, they will be bagging us to come back.
Countries that ask the USA for help we aid them. Then the countries betrayed us.