Democrats in Virginia have a difficult choice to make. Do they want a racist double-talker as governor, or someone who may have committed sexual assault?
Those appear to be the choices as sitting Gov. Ralph Northam decides whether or not to step down after a yearbook photo of him wearing either blackface or a KKK costume surfaced. Compounding the issue for voters in Virginia is that fact that sexual assault allegations have surfaced against Northam’s possible replacement, Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax.
Embattled Gov. Northam initially held a press conference taking “responsibility” for the racist photo in the 1984 yearbook. Americans have grown to understand that when Democrats use the word “responsibility’, it tends to be nothing more than a catch-phrase that they want to sidestep the consequences of their actions. For Gov. Northam, that would mean stepping down as governor in a state that is nearly 20 percent African-American.
“Yesterday I took responsibility for content that appeared on my page in the Eastern Virginia Medical School yearbook that was clearly racist and offensive. I am not and will not excuse the content of the photo,” Northam reportedly said. “It was offensive, racist, and despicable.”
Virginia U.S. Senators Tim Kane, Mark Warner, and U.S. Representative Bobby Scott issued a joint statement imploring that Gov. Northam should step down.
“After we watched his press conference today, we called Governor Northam to tell him that we no longer believe he can effectively serve as Governor of Virginia and that he must resign,” the group of Democrats stated.
Under pressure to resign, Northam was quick to reverse course and deny the very “responsibility” he just claimed. Out of no where, the governor suddenly changed his story.
“My belief that I did not wear that costume or attend that party stems in part from my clear memory of other mistakes I made in the same period of my life,” Northam said. “That same year, I did participate in a dance contest in San Antonio in which I darkened my face as part of a Michael Jackson costume.”
Back in the 1990s, Americans called trying to be on both sides of an issue “pulling a Clinton.” These days, everyday people just call it lying through your teeth.
Gov. Northam has recently indicated that he may not resign in the wake of the racist images that have come to light. But that may not be the worst scenario for Virginians because his replacement is under a cloud of sexual assault allegations.
Despite living the age of the #MeToo movement, powerful Democrats are not being held to a high standard. During Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s U.S. Supreme Court nomination hearing, Senate Democrats were quick to stake out the high ground and insist people believe the women who allege sexual assault. Democrats are dragging their feet to show support for the woman who says one of their own is a perpetrator.
“We will continue to evaluate the situation regarding Lieutenant Governor Fairfax,” Democratic Party of Virginia wrote in an official statement.
Democrats in Virginia’s House of Delegates and Senate reportedly said, “The facts here are still being determined. Every individual deserves the opportunity to be heard, and we respect anyone who comes forward to share their story.”
This is a far cry from the rabid support Christine Blasey Ford garnered during the Kavanaugh hearings. Like Gov. Northam, Lt. Gov. Fairfax categorically denies the allegations.
“Lt. Governor Fairfax has an outstanding and well-earned reputation for treating people with dignity and respect,” a statement from his office said. “He has never assaulted anyone — ever — in any way, shape, or form.”
The Lt. governor’s accuser has come forward and identified herself as associate professor Vanessa Tyson from Scripps College in Claremont, California. The fellow Democrat has retained Katz Marshall & Banks, the same law firm that represented Ford.
“Imagine you were sexually assaulted during the DNC Convention in Boston in 2004 by a campaign staffer. You spend the next 13 years trying to forget it ever happened. Until one day you find out he’s the Democratic candidate for statewide office in a state some 3000 miles away, and he wins that election in November 2017,” Tyson said, according to reports. “Then, by strange, horrible luck, it seems increasingly likely that he’ll get a VERY BIG promotion.”
The good people of Virginia may want to look before they elect more far-left Democrats. Today, they have the choice between an alleged racist and an alleged sexual attacker.
~ Conservative Zone
Punish the republicans, protect the democrats, Kavanaugh was drug thru hell for false allegations but the Democrats are protecting their own when the same sort of allegations arise
How come Senator Robert Byrd served in our Goverment for years and he was the former head of the KKK…all he did was say he was sorry…What are the Demo’s up to now…? No wonder Countries say we Lie….This is Crazy…!!!Look it up on your Computer…
I really wonder if racism is truly that big of a deal ? Is it a big deal , or are the dem socialists just using it as a tool? Is it being pushed for control of people? Like I said before, we can go back 30-40 years on any Democrat starting with Pelosi and find all kinds of discrimination, racisim, homophobe, sexual discrimination. I suggest judicial watch do an investigation against all those accusing trump , and see who else is guilty on the dem. side of the samethings?
I like Sid’s idea about investigating the Democrats starting with Pelosi, Shumer and Mueller or else this will never stop .
All the more reason to vote again for Trump.
I do not see a difficult choice at all. All three top Dems need to resign immediately.
I just love the fact when those 3 go down the next in line is a Republican! Pricesless!
Where is the MeToo movement in demanding that Lt Governor Fairfax resign?? I haven’t heard from Senator Feinstein , Harris , Booker or Gillibrand from NY? What about the Hawaiian female senator, who said “just believe her “when referring to Balsey Ford in the Kavanaugh witch hunt? The Democratic Party of Virginia May have have just helped re-elect Trump … oh and we sort of forgot about INFANTICIDE! Northam looks and sounds like Nazi Germany along with the witch Kathy Tran! The party of the DEVIL!
Yes, as a native Virginian for over 58 years, I want to say that I always thought of my State as a place of clear thinkers in politics. A place where we could vote our choice for what we considered the best candidate. Boy so much has changed over the past 15 years! So disappointed at the horrible political mess with all the leaders of the Democrat Party of Virginia! One turned out to be a racist and a baby killer; the other a sexual pervert. There are serious consequences of either one being able to continue on! They must resign immediately and without any more discussion. Virginians, let’s restore our state back to honor and dignity and be proud once again!!! So help us God!
If the Governor was a Republican the Demcrats would destroy him. I would love to see the Republican party demand an investigation of Nancy P. I wonder how she accumulated a $29 million mansion plus her lucrative bank accounts. She claims her vineyards only make $5000 a yr. Really?? Is she claiming all the illegals working for her on her tax returns??
Kick all 4 of them out
Investigate Speaker Pelosi? Perish the thought! You cannot charge a Democrat with anything like you can a Republican. Look at Clinton, Obama, Lerner, and so many others who are known to have committed felonies yet they get off scott free!
Investigate Hillary Clinton, and all the Democrats during the Obama Administration.
Black face big deal what about Cuomo murdering baby’s the jack ass and I cleaned that up
Being a former Virginian and loving the SW end of it, what is facing the state is what was facing it back in the mid 1960’s. Another division of the state into two new states. It almost happened. The voters have a choice and can call for a Constitutional convention for the state. Create a petition! They can also have the State Senate and Delegates call for a “no faith vote” or impeachment of the top three to removed them. What bothers the Dem’s is the man who will be the rightful “next in line Governor” is a Republican! This is why they want to drag it out until they can change his position to a democrat. The answer is NO! Within the next 30 days the three Dem’s must resign or be impeached and remove. If not the old separation of the state pursuit will raise it’s head again, and that is what is going on in CA. It will soon go on in NY and Tennessee. Eastern Tennessee is the state I call home now though I currently live in eastern GA which is predominately Conservative. I will retire to ETn in a year or two. I wanted to retire back to the VA mountains but the illegal voting and black racism in the state has soured my interest in going back for retirement. WV has finally found its way out of the ignorant democrat syndrome and is coming back and will pass VA as people move back and corrupt government and voting is cleaned up. They just about wiped out their State Supreme Court recently for corruption. It is happening more and it will break existing states apart and create city states in CA: Memphis, Atlanta, Miami, Augusta, Charlotte, Richmond, Boston, NYC, Chicago, and Houston along with another 22. Most are already sanctuary cities. Go figure where this headed. These city states will not survive as they have no manufacturing base and means to create wealth which is taxed and taxes used to do the cities’ required and expected services. America is not going to look the same in a few years and maybe not stay “United States”. The way to stop this is to return to the Constitution guidance and requirements and shut down the illegals flow and do not give amnesty to anyone here illegally. Then show the DNC for the Communist/Socialistic party it is. Time for a new revolution of change with God’s help.
I said if the democrats ever got control again we would no longer be the United States. I’M NOT WRONG ABOUT THAT.
Let them all stay in the office-it will be the last time dems will be elected to hold those positions in Virginia.By the way elections are coming up this November for state offices.Good riddance to you all.
Along with all our troubles comes Democrats running on platforms of everything free. Free college, Free income, Free health care which u know what comes next (and there’s proof this is in Democrats agenda’s).
Mandatory vaccine shots!
Higher taxes! And DEM’s will assign u a guaranteed job!
Americanism vs Communism
Is the question?
Good luck and God bless to all American citizens in the next few years!!
Looks like the gov and AG will survive this. Amazing how the MSM and democrats (a single entity) are ignoring this.