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Virginia High School Teacher Fired for ‘Misgendering’ Student

Refusing to use a student’s “new and preferred” pronoun can now get you fired, at least in Virginia.

Teacher Peter Vlaming discovered this the hard way last week when he was dismissed from his teaching position at a local school. According to NBC News, the school board in West Point voted unanimously to fire the teacher after a prolonged, four-hour hearing. Despite protests and arguments to the contrary, the teacher was ultimately let go for “insubordination”.

Vlaming’s offense was simply failing to call a female student a boy. The ninth grader in question decided she was a boy over the summer, and the family notified the school district about the change at the start of the school year. The French teacher is not accused of referring to her directly as female or using “her or she” in direct conversation, but in referring to the female as a girl while discussing her with others. According to witnesses, the incident occurred when the student was about to run into a wall. Vlaming asked other students to stop “her” before she was injured. The use of “her” is the core of the problem, according to the school.

“As detailed during the course of the public hearing, Mr. Vlaming was recommended for termination due to his insubordination and repeated refusal to comply with directives made to him by multiple WPPS administrators,” West Point schools Superintendent Laura Abel said in a statement.

Vlaming had already been cautioned to call the student “her”; she had been in the teacher’s class the previous year, but had identified as female at the time. Vlaming stated his Christian faith would make it difficult to refer to the girl as male, but had managed to avoid the issue until the child was in harm’s way. Despite offering to only use the girl’s name and to avoid pronouns entirely, the teacher was dismissed.

“One of those rights that is not curtailed is to be free from being compelled to speak something that violates your conscience,” Vlaming’s attorney said.

Despite the offer of compromise by the teacher, the school district felt he was discriminating and determined he was being insubordinate to rules placed earlier this year regarding transgendered students.

The teacher was let go after years of service teaching French in the district. He and his lawyer are in the process of determining next steps and if an appeal is possible or even desirable at this point. The community turnout was high on both sides at the hearing, according to Fox News, with proponents of both sides on site to hear the outcome.

Perhaps it’s best that the teacher — who by any objective definition faced more discrimination than anyone else in this case — takes his talents elsewhere. A school district not run by politically correct authoritarians would probably be ideal, but those are becoming harder to come by.

~ Conservative Zone

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35 thoughts on “Virginia High School Teacher Fired for ‘Misgendering’ Student”

  1. Yuk and stupid NO place in school or elsewhere on gender. That should be totally left at the door at time of entrance. How and why is this transgender taking over. God is going to punish this action I believe.

    1. You are absolutely right, this country is going to Hell in a handbasket. I have 18-year-old twin boys and I am so frightened for their future. Fortunately they are rational thinking independent young men. They make their own decisions and are not influenced by the crazy politically correct trend of the week. However, it is only two of them against millions of morons that buy into this left wing shit. Parents, please talk to your children, educate them on the issues. have them challenge their teachers if something they don’t believe in is being shoved down their throat‘s. Because they are our only hope for the future. Because if things continue the way these entitled left wing Assholes want it, this country is doomed

  2. That child has been brainwashed to think that she can just up and say I am a he or I am a she because I want to be. What happens to the child, a born female, starts to have a period? Males do not do this, so will he/she just go about their business with body fluids dripping because they do not want to be a she? What happens when mother nature raises the hormones for the born female to want children? These hormones occur naturally. Is there a wacky doctor out there who is going to screw her up royally by giving her testosterone? What happens when she cannot get that refilled and the body reverts back to Mother Nature’s intentions?
    This country is going to hell in the proverbial handbasket.

  3. Fire the person that fired the teacher !! If the girls a girl than she is a she plain and simple . Could care less what anyone else says !!

    1. In the beginning God created them male and female, boy and girl, man and woman, and He hasn’t
      changed it. The devil’s work pure and simple.

  4. Time for several massive lawsuits, filed against the School Board, in its official identity — AND, against EACH of the School Board members who voted to fire him, individually & personally.

    Time for there to be CONSEQUENCES for ACTIONS which have their genesis outside the bounds of everyday reality.

    What has happened here, is akin to having fired a teacher for stating that the Law of Gravity exists — & for refusing to say, that it DOES NOT EXIST.

  5. This nonsense has gone way to far. I don’t understand who is making all these rules. If your born female than your a girl, a male, then your a boy. There needs to be some semblance of sanity here and in many other areas. This is where the Supreme Court has to step in, to get our country back to what it used to be.

  6. The action is His punishment, the nation already under judgment. Given over to unclean hearts, calling evil good. This is the judgment. John 3:19

  7. This nonsense has gone way to far. I don’t understand who is making all these rules. If your born female than your a girl, a male, then your a boy. There needs to be some semblance of sanity here and in many other areas. This is where the Supreme Court has to step in, to get our country back to what it used to be.

  8. We( Americans) are getting way out of whack with all this so called politically correct nonsense. Think about it—how can some just declare themselves something other than what their are. People can act any way they want but to tell me I have to accept something I don’t agree/believe in is not right. If a person wants to change their sex and get a sex change operation so they look and feel as they want, then people should/would recognize them in there new role.

  9. she/he will ALWAYS have female chromosomes! According to Dr. McHugh of John Hopkins she is sick. The doctor/psychiatrist says whoever is helping she/he is NOT helping. I feel very sorry for her teacher and his family. He has to work to feed them. Hopefully, God punishes her rapido.

  10. The greater problem here is that we have become a nation of accusers. Why did the teacher have to lose his position? We now have to watch everything we say, every person we speak with, and cannot open ourselves to accusations by anyone for anything. This is now especially true in academic settings.


  12. This is beyond the power of description the utter insanity that has been permitted
    and has perpetuated. We need to help tare down and take out the error and evil
    that has been allowed in.

  13. I think there has to be a happy medium. I don’t think the child is sick. I think the firing was off the mark. That is why there is a separation of church and state . Let the man teach and come up with a vernacular that will satisfy all.
    I taught for 35 years… so many rules for teachers to adhere to
    and this will eventually lead to
    a massive loss of good teachers. And influx of uninspired, untrained and unpolished young teachers.
    There should have been a solution to this problem… again no conflict resolution training.
    Give the man his job put the student in another class or remove the teacher and place him elsewhere in the district.

  14. This country is losing it, they are given more right to all the lunatics,for votes instead of what’s right.
    There are only two genders in this world boy or girl that’s it if they don’t like it tough crap that teacher to have his job back he done nothing wrong it’s time for the people to stand up for all this bull crap
    Start pulling your children out of the school

  15. I am praying for this GIRL she needs JESUS in her life, or life will not go good for her. Changing gender is not something that can be “legislated”, and shouldn’t be.

  16. I hope the teacher is hired by a different school district, which has the good sense to expect educators to refer to anyone and everyone by the gender on their birth certificates until LEGALLY changed! I hope he receives a better salary to boot!!!

  17. There are two sexes, male and female. Both have very different equipment.
    The mixed up people really should keep their mouths shut. They are trying very hard to turn our children into perverts.
    Parents do not allow your children make these types of decisions at such a young age.
    The gays are sick people with warped personalities.
    I hate to think what our society is allowing to happen to it.
    If you give birth to a girl treat her like a girl, same thing goes for boys.
    This deciding you are something different is not possible if for no other reason we have extremely different equipment.

  18. THIS is where being politically correct has gotten everyone. People are being fired for telling the truth. Businesses are being shut down.
    You are either biologically male or female. If you have a daughter, she’s a girl. If you have a son, he’s a boy. How hard is this to understand? You can’t just make something up and then say it’s the truth. There is no truth to a child who thinks they’re a different sex. Science: penis: boy, vagina: girl. That’s it.
    Why is it okay to force the majority of the population to follow the rules of approximately the 0.01%? People need to stop caving to the left and take back America before there won’t be one to take back.

  19. Why do they let all these stupid low life brain dead morons on the school board that don’t know the difference between a boy and girl, and if kids don’t know what they are need to be put in a mental home.

  20. What is the difference between a person who “decides” they are of “the other sex” and a homosexual and NO I’m not attempting comics here. What inspires such an act on their part. If a person has all the anatomy of a guy or girl that’s what they are physically. If in their own mind they want to be the other that changes the classification to homosexual until such time they undergo the necessities of physical change (operations). Even then the only thing that can be said is “i used to be of the other sex. But you can’t deny the sexual “tools” you were born with. Then to make this a political issue is,by far, the biggest joke of it all.

  21. The world will keep embracing evil, unless more Christians stand up for what’s right under God. There is a site under praying medic, that gives what’s really going on policially since we won’t hear truth with media.
    Ravi Zacharias is an apologetic expert about Biblical explanations over these topics.

  22. What is stupid is the teacher was fired because the board said he was being insubordinate to rules regarding transgender students. SHE WAS NOT TRANSGENDER! She hasn’t had any surgeries, she just decided to call herself a boy. I hope the teacher does file a huge lawsuit against the district and ALL board members. They need to be dragged through the mud themselves.This crazy crap is tearing our country apart!

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