Upwards of 1,400 non-Americans were reportedly discovered and removed from Detroit voting rolls since 2011.
In the Motor Voter Mayhem report issued by the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF), non-citizens and would-be voters were discovered on the rolls in Detroit and across Michigan. Birth records dating as far back as the 1800s were listed that circumvented detection by the DMV and National Voter Registration Act signed into law by ex-Pres. Clinton. The legislation has commonly been referred to as the “motor voter” law, and it allows citizens and non-citizens alike to register to vote as long as they produce a driver’s license.
Democrat-leaning states across the country have been pushing for and passing laws that allow illegal immigrants and non-citizens to obtain driver’s licenses. The practice has been largely criticized as a free pass for illegal immigrants to break the law and vote for open borders and amnesty candidates.
“Motor Voter is failing Motor City,” PILF President and General Counsel J. Christian Adams reportedly concluded in a recent statement. “Like this Foundation has seen in other jurisdictions, Motor Voter is inviting non-citizens onto voter rolls.”
The Clinton-era laws tasks election officials with mainlining voter integrity and requires the rolls be open to public inspection. The non-profit law firm reviewed approximately 30 Michigan jurisdictions only to discover that voter integrity had been widely breached.
“Records made available to the Foundation show that non-citizens are registering to vote in astounding numbers in Michigan and that several jurisdictions have thoroughly obsolete and inaccurate rolls,” the review states. “Our research also uncovered that the rolls in many Michigan jurisdictions are in a state of disrepair. Some have implausible registration rates. Others are full of duplicates and likely deceased voters with implausible birth years. Our research demonstrates that the current directives and tools under the NVRA are impairing the statute’s goal of ensuring accurate and current rolls across the country.”
According to the report, 1,444 non-citizens were registered to vote in the greater Detroit area and 822 who live in Detroit proper. The Democrat-leaning city ranked among the highest in terms of potential voter fraud and was under a dark cloud of controversy after the 2016 elections.
Although Pres. Trump won narrowly won Michigan in 2016, left-leaning Detroit suffered glaring voter discrepancies.
After a recount tallied 248 precincts, an estimated 782 more votes were counted than voters who cast ballots in Detroit. The city was rendered ineligible for a certified recount because approximately 60 percent of precincts failed to produce an accurate tally.
The recent damaging report about the state of Detroit’s voter registration has prompted calls for officials to analyze and thoroughly vet the rolls. Although non-citizens being registered points to potential fraud, other problems highlight systematic failures to maintain voter integrity.
The non-profit’s review called into question more than 2,200 duplicate and triplicate registrants statewide. Detroit far outpaced others in terms of such errors with 1,748 duplicates. Flint, Michigan, ran a distant second with a reported 358 doubles. Other areas of concern such as Livonia, Dearborn and Grand Rapids reportedly had double-digit duplicates on their rolls.
Another system-wide problem for Michigan is pervasive instances of unlikely voters. Detroit had a reported 1,514 eligible voters on the rolls that were more than 100 years old. Flint ranked second with 202 registered voters over the age of 100, and 50 were reportedly born in the 19th Century. Instances of likely deceased voters opens the door for illegals casting fraudulent ballots.
Despite left-leaning media outlets denying voter fraud, the Government Accountability Institute (GAI) revealed that 170 registered voters topped 116 years old or older in Ohio’s 12th Congressional district this year alone. The GAI also reportedly stated that 2,100 people voted in Florida and double-voted in other states.
Florida gubernatorial candidate and current Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum is under a voter fraud cloud. His brother is currently being investigated by the FBI for voter fraud. Gillum’s brother, Marcus, reportedly voted using the mayor’s former address although court records indicate he is a resident of Chicago, Illinois. Gillum’s sister, Monique, has reportedly registered to vote in Florida using a New York City P.O. Box, according to the Leon County Elections records.
~ Conservative Zone
A wall alone will not stop them. We need stiff penalties for those who break the law. A slap on the wrist is no deterrent.
You cannot rust the Democrat party for anything. Not only do they attempt every voter fraud known to man but because of LBJ and the Dems the government owes social security trillions of dollars that they took from the SS coffers and that needs to be paid back but you never hear that from the media when they talk about SS running out of money. The Dems stole that money for their hollow promises and it needs to be put back. Maybe we can start by taking Pelosi and Bloomberg’s monies.
I like that idea. Also take Soros money while we are at it. They took our money. Social Justice don’t you know.
They did not just take it, They STOLE IT!!!! Thieves and Thieves need to be punished just like you or I would if we done the same thing.
I totally agree with you, they took the money and replaced with IOU’s which today have been ignored. They keep stating that the Social Security will go bankrupt in such and such year. If the government would be held responsible and start paying back the money they have taken, our seniors would not need to worry about it going bust. Truth be told government if money returned could make interest on the funds, which by the way think how much money your funds should have accrued if it was not touched. Government is responsible for the theft of our money but we all know they laugh at we the people and figure we are too dumb to know better.
The Deep State Democrat/Leftist agenda
-endorses voter fraud
– endorses Open Borders/Sanctuary Cities
– endorses allowing illegal aliens to vote.
-endorses slandering Conservative Judges
-endorses anything anti-Trump
– endorses physically attacking Conservatives & Christians
-endorses ending Freedom Of Speech
– endorses BLM
– endorses Occupy Wall Street
– endorses MS-13
– endorses ANTIFA
– endorses outlawing Christianity
– endorses forcing their homosexual agenda on Americans.
– endorses CAIR
– endorses The Muslim Brotherhood
– endorses Sharia Law
-endorses gutting & undermining our military
-endorses handcuffing the police
-endorses raising the price of energy to the poor
-endorses rewriting history
-endorses destroying the constitution
– endorses Inverted virtue
– endorses Disarming you
– endorses Social chaos
– endorses killing Babies
– endorses Genital confusion
– endorses Social/economic warfare
-endorses the Climate Change Lie
– endorses redistributing your wealth
-endorses seizing Private Property
-endorses nationalizing all businesses
– endorses raising your Taxes
– endorses Weaponizing government agencies
– endorses a Fascist/Socialist/Islamic World Government
well that list of endorsements, look very COMMUNISTIC to me. they are for every thing I,am NOT FOR, so I will NOT ENDORSE the demo-communist party. just BRAINLESS FOOLS.
Your list is a complete indication that Kruschev said he would take over America without firing a shot, the fact that in 1963 it was found that A Communist takeover of America had 45 goals that were made public, Jeff Rense published the list and its frightening to say the least, and what’s scarier is that reading through it, they have almost all been accomplished and we can now explain what in the hell has been happening to our America. I encourage everyone to go to the web and print out “The Communist Takeover Of America – 45 Declared Goals”, do it before next week and you’ll never vote any Democrat into office again. The Communists have definitely taken over that party, and that’s the god’s honest truth.
And you missed the biggest endorsement…..
-endorses the mainstream “fake” media – that cauterizes their criminality
Down with the Dems, tomorrow and ever more…Make our prisons burst with all that are treasonous toward our Great Safe Country..Make America safe again…Let it be safe for children to walk two miles or more on their own and do it now.
If you are a true American and care for our country, the only way to vote then would be RED!!!!
That’s what they’re counting on. It’s the only way Democrats know to gain power and control over their slaves.
Where I vote paper ballots are used, which I hope is much safer than voting machines. . Voting machines can be hacked—and have been hacked. Why else would evil, corrupt, and corrupting George Soros be financially involved with voting machines? Online votes can be hacked and altered, because anything and everything online is hackable. And I recently read reports that US postal workers, who are Democratic union members, can identify Democrat mailed-in votes from Republican mailed-in votes without opening the envelopes, and the Republican envelopes were tossed into the trash. Voter fraud is everywhere, and difficult to prevent.
The mailed in democrat votes all have taco stained finger prints on them. 😉
Tell me something new. The Democrats have been hard at voter fraud ever since the Kennedy Nixon Election of 1960 in Chicago. They stand there smugly talking out of two sides of their mouth, one side talks fairness, equality and get out and vote, the other side is scamming more votes using their tried and true methods……..I say round them all up and place them in the Gulag north of the Arctic Circl to be worked to DEATH.
I vote RED, yesterday in EARLY VOTING.
If we let the likes of Pelosi Schumer Waters Booker Blumenthal Harris Mueller Durbin Hirono cannot list them all I would be here all day. If these lying treasonous above the LAW assholes get control of the house and senate in this great NATION we can all kiss the freedom we all enjoy be gone forever. How in the HELL can the people of this country keeping voting theses ignorant assholes in office? I will never understand? With these kinds of assess we will get a set back many many years and have to be walking around like back in the 1800 wearing a gun and holster like they did years ago to protect themselves from these who want open borders create violence believe in mob rule and don’t give a good hoop in HELL about US the people?????? I ASK EVERYONE TO GO OUT AND VOTE AND HAVE PEOPLE YOU KNOW TO GO OUT AND VOTE FOR THE SAFTEY OF OUR GREAT COUNTRY THAT WILL NOT BE GREAT ANY LONGER IF THESE LYING CORRUPT CLOWNS GET IN OFFICE??? VOTE RED RED RED RED THANK YOU
Surely.. the proposed “remedy” is a joke. You cannot trust the same inept or corrupt officials who allowed this abuse to take place to remedy the problem.
If it’s liberal it has a voter fraud problem. It’s getting worse because nothing’s been done about it in the past. It’s time the criminals are held accountable. One fraudulent vote found….none count.
1400 false ballots in a city of 3,000,000 ! . Come on – find a real voter fraud , like how an asshole like Trump got elected despite losing the Popular vote . Now THAT’s Fraud !
Trump won the popular vote in 31 states – this is why we have the electoral college
oh and the ONLY reason Killary won the popular vote in commie states like Commiefornia is because of VOTER FRAUD – OhBummer himself told illegals they will not be deported if they vote
Killary won the popular vote by some 2.9 million votes – and as many as 10 MILLION illegals voted
Carl== commie snow flake
Ohio has the same problem and most likely a lot of other states BUT the Liberals WON’T let anyone but other Liberals look for the FRAUD (THEY SAY NOTHING FOUND ?) !!! Machines are hacked voters over 100 voting, NON CITIZENS VOTING, warehouses filled with filled out ballots for DEMOCRATS, more votes turned in than the amount of people and what ever else they can think of to WIN. Liberal Democrats can NOT win without CHEATING !!! WELCOME TO COMMUNIST DICTATOR LIBERAL EX U.S.A.
No wonder the demonocrats hate DT. The swamp is more than DC.
We need a national voting policy. I hate the idea of more federal government power but we need to have a standard across the country. You should have to show proof of citizenship when you register to vote. Then when you vote you should have a photo ID period. No ID no vote. No citizenship no vote period. The democrats are so deperate as they are losing minority voters in droves. They need to import new ones as that’s the only way they’ll win elections. Right now republicans have to win by 5% to win by a close margin due to fraud. I don’t have evidence of that but believe it’s probably true.
Well, DUH!!
They are registering illegal immigrants in California, the sanctuary State. All Votes from California are Tainted… Throw them out…
Votor ID with fingerprint that is scanned to verify at the voting booth to stop the BS……..It isa Federal law that one must be a US Citizen to vote. Take the LEGAL route to become a US Citizen then vote, it is simple, but the Liberal Neurotic Drama manufacturers want to make it complex. It is an insult to those who got to be US Citizens LEGALLY only to have some chump from a banana republic vote without being a citizen. Keep sending these violaters back to the banana republic and punish those who commit vote fraud…what kind of punishment?…DEATH by gullotine….trust me it would stop in a hurry
Simple, exchange one Democrat leader for each illegal immigrant until all the Democrat leaders have been deported. The new citizens will love our system much more than their Democratic predecessors did. And will be willing to revise our immigration system so they will not some day be replaced by future illegal immigrants.
The Deep State Democrat/Leftist agenda:
-endorses voter fraud
– endorses allowing illegal aliens to vote.
– endorses Open Borders/Sanctuary Cities
– endorses physically attacking Conservatives & Christians
-endorses anything anti-Trump
-endorses ending Freedom Of Speech
– endorses BLM
– endorses Occupy Wall Street
– endorses MS-13
– endorses ANTIFA
– endorses outlawing Christianity
-endorses slandering Conservative Judges
– endorses forcing their homosexual agenda on Americans.
– endorses CAIR
– endorses The Muslim Brotherhood
– endorses Sharia Law
-endorses gutting & undermining our military
-endorses handcuffing the police
-endorses raising the price of energy to the poor
-endorses rewriting history
-endorses destroying the constitution
– endorses Inverted virtue
– endorses Disarming you
– endorses Social chaos
– endorses killing Babies
– endorses Genital confusion
– endorses Social/economic warfare
-endorses the Climate Change Lie
– endorses redistributing your wealth
-endorses seizing Private Property
-endorses nationalizing all businesses
– endorses raising your Taxes
– endorses Weaponizing government agencies
– endorses a Fascist/Socialist/Islamic World Government
The Michigan Secretary of State quickly terminated auditing the 2016 election upon discovering that many precincts in Detroit had hundreds more votes than registered voters.