Wait — Why Isn’t Obama Endorsing Joe Biden?

Former Vice President Joe Biden did exactly what many had predicted he would do for some time now and, officially threw his hat into the ring for the office of President. With his experience, being a former Vice President, he entered the already crowded Democratic primary field of candidates. During his official announcement, Joe Biden said, “the soul of this nation” is at stake if President Donald Trump wins again in 2020.

Despite many questions with regard to accusations surrounding him touching women inappropriately, 76-year-old Joe Biden became the instant front runner — but there’s something missing. Biden entered the race without the coveted endorsement from his former boss, Barack Obama.

Although many would assume Obama would be the first to endorse him as the Democratic candidate of choice, that has not been the case. According to Biden, this is by design. Biden said, “ I asked President Obama not to endorse. Whoever wins this nomination should win on their own merits.”

And then everyone on the bus stood up and clapped…but enough about things that probably didn’t happen.

Though Biden’s team insinuates that Obama would readily endorse him if given the go ahead, other sources say that the former president has not planned to endorse anyone this early in the process at all.

“President Obama is excited by the extraordinary and diverse talent exhibited in the growing lineup of Democratic primary candidates,” a source told Fox News. “He believes that a robust primary in 2007 and 2008 not only made him a better general election candidate, but a better president, too. And because of that, it’s unlikely he will throw his support behind a specific candidate this early in the primary process—preferring instead to let the candidates make their cases directly to voters.”

Amidst all of this, President Trump welcomed his newest opponent to the race as only he can.

“Sleepy Joe, I only hope you have the intelligence, long in doubt, to wage a successful primary campaign,” Trump tweeted. “It will be nasty—you will be dealing with people who truly have some very sick & demented ideas. But, if you make it, I will see you at the Starting Gate.”

Because of his (allegedly) more moderate views, experience and general likability among both Republicans and Democrats, Biden is considered by many to be the biggest threat to the Trump in 2020. However, many analysts don’t see him making it past the primary.

“Biden may well indeed be the Democrats’ strongest bet to win back the White House next year. But he may never get that far,” a piece in the Washington Post read. “He lost twice before his bid for the White House, and is burdened by vulnerabilities that are evident as his virtues. He is undisciplined and gaffe-prone. Along with his vast experience come nearly half century of taking actions and positions, particularly on race and gender, that have become apostasies in the modern-day Democratic party. And he’s a white male in his 70s.”

That last part is particularly telling. The Democratic Party in 2019 is the party of intersectionality, feminism, and socialism. Biden doesn’t really fit into any of these categories. Based on how radical the base has become, we’re not surprised to see Barack Obama holding back for now.

~ Conservative Zone

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14 thoughts on “Wait — Why Isn’t Obama Endorsing Joe Biden?”

    1. Why should Obama go near Biden, sniffing for votes does not occur behind the scenes of big money hack Unions, stay behind the scenes, that is what Hillary, and Barack is from behind the playing field, this is Joe’s sex moves for women who want a job. Jill his wife is doing the hand shaking and the hill moves.

  1. We need not worry about the candidates that the Dems are throwing at their problem. We need to worry about the uninformed, misinformed, and mislead masses. They are fed a daily diet of propaganda all meant to put the Democratic Socialist Party in power. They are the ones determining the fate of our country. Both sides of this battle have strong convictions which are unlikely to change. The difference between them is that many of the Dems convictions are based on unsubstantiated statements. The overwhelming majority of the GOP statements are based on facts.

  2. Joe Biden stood in front of a group of folks, I forget where, and told them “YOU built this!!” And that is TOTALLY contrary to Obama’s (in)famous “You didn’t build this” speech. Even if Joe had asked him not to endorse him, that alone would have killed any endorsement. . . .

    1. And he liked to run around naked in the white house…i can just imagine the scene…uncle creepy runin from room to room looking for butt to pinch..obama in a converted closet praying to mecca…his tranny wife exercising till he passes out..both daughters smoking pot till they pass out…ahhhh yes the new american socialist fam…may god have mercy on us all…

  3. Hi All,
    Mr. Obama is not endorsing Creepy Uncle Joe? Makes me wonder if Mr. Obama caught Creepy Uncle Joe with his hands on Michelle smelling kissing her hair. I will let you figure out which hair was involved. Creepy Uncle Joe is a sexual pervert. The Uncle name tag was always used by single moms when she brought home male guests for conjugal visits. A lot of kids in my early years had tons of uncles.

  4. Most Presidential candidates prefer a V.P. who looks good and does little to avoid having disagreements that lead to a one term presidency. Biden fit well enough to earn a second term and be no threat to a retired or retiring President freedom to choose another.

    Biden is better known from exposure at this point, so he is the immediate ‘status-quo’ favorite. Unfortunately, the Democrat Party is so full of failure among its aging leaders in Congress, and equally full of young radicals that see a chance to win for socialism that normally for decades included only Norman Thomas running as a Socialist to lose again. A doctrinaire Sanders will step aside for a younger radical and be the ‘Kingmaker’.

    The near success of Obama to deliver for Hillary, as he had agreed to do when she let him win in 2008, made him support her in 2016. His bent toward socialism, like hers, is profound; but neither wants to say so, as its safer to be a ‘progressive’. Never mind that all start on that path as liberals, not of the right, but the left. Yes, I am one very liberal-conservative or vice-versa. Both attributes are needed in all of us. We just need to avoid the mistake of either extreme. In the middle ages we had no capital of money all value related to just labor via the Guild. Tools were simple and belonged to each worker. Now labor is less than 20% of cost in most cases, and socialism claims a need to tax all to support those who fail for any reason to enjoy a nearly identical result. It doesn’t work!

  5. Obama is holding out in hopes that no acceptable front runner will emerge and clear the way for Michele to run and win. Beware of this possibility. Obama will be in position to re-establish all his executive orders that Trump overturned. Make way for her/him to return Valerie Jarrett,Eric Holder etc.DANGER!


  7. This suggestion that Michele will bring her husband back to with her to complete the destruction of our Nation of God
    is really SICK!
    God who guided our forefathers in creating this Constitutional Republic will some how not allow this to happen!
    God is still in charge. Keep the Faith in him!

  8. Maybe it is because people in the know call biden china joe a subsidiary of china and Ukraine joe–he hauled his son hunter on Air Force 2 to both china and Ukraine to collect the play for pay in the billions. The truth is beginning to roll out so the voters must decide if they want more of the Obama Clinton corruption or if they want someone who works 24–7 for the citizens of the USA–Look what Trump has accomplished and Obama and biden said it could not be done .Biden is speaking now and talks down Trump’s accomplishment.

  9. Obama wants a radical Black female to be the DemonCRAP (socialist/communist) candidate, either Krapola Harris or his husband Micheal. Don’t forget how RACIST this SOB is…

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