WEF Globalists to Unleash “Black Swan” Event to Accelerate New World Order Adoption

The World Economic Forum elites are saying the quiet part out loud again – revealing that they’re planning something MAJOR to speed up the global adoption of the “new world order.”

Professor Arturo Bris, a panelist at the 2023 World Government Summit in Dubai, said that to complete the transformation a “shock” would be necessary.

“I totally agree that the world order, the way it is built today, doesn’t make any sense,” he explained. “It is not in line with the economic powers like India, Brazil or Germany. They don’t have a massive role in the international order. But to me, the big question is how we are going to go through this transformation. It cannot be gradual. It has to be, has to be, driven by a part, by a certain shock that will happen.”

And it seems they have something up their sleeves to provide that “shock” which would solidify them atop the social hierarchy by accomplishing their radical transformation.

During the summit WEF founder Klaus Schwab raised eyebrows by harping on “resilience,” saying there “will be certainly what we call a black swan” surprise which will inevitably take place.


Schwab placed a particular amount of emphasis on the phrase “resilience,” saying that his Great Reset agenda will provide the “resilience” necessary for the world to recover from the planned black swan event.

COVID showed us that these psychopaths are willing to do WHATEVER it takes to accomplish their goals, so it’s not so farfetched that they would do it again – perhaps even BIGGER this time around.

Out of that summit came another disturbing admission by the WEF. The power-crazed elites revealed that “nationalism” is a major obstacle for the advancement of their plans – which is why they hate Trump’s “America First” policies so much.

Ian Bremmer, President and Founder of Eurasia Group claims that nationalism is “challenging globalism,” referring to Donald Trumps’ America First agenda specifically as being a thorn in the side of the globalist takeover.

Bremmer goes on, bragging about how global crisis events advance the globalist movement – including the pandemic, which he admits has already made them stronger.

These people are pushing for a one world government which enables the select WEF elite to enslave the rest of humanity. They look at us like we’re peasants and they’re the masters.

Their willingness to admit their plans out loud is EXTREMELY concerning and it suggests that the pieces for this “black swan” event may already be in place.

The globalist plan is in full effect and if they succeed the America that we know will be no more!

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23 thoughts on “WEF Globalists to Unleash “Black Swan” Event to Accelerate New World Order Adoption”

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    1. What is WRONG with you eva? This site is not for your advertising pleasure. Go get a REAL job, or sit in the Dunce Corner. Sit….STAY!

  2. The WEF is run by a couple Dictators who want world Domination. I wonder what they promised Biden and the Communist Democrats to destroy America? Look what they have done so far in just two years: completely open our borders to millions of people. This alone will destroy America especially with him giving them all the freebies at taxpayers expense. The introduction of CRT and LGBQ propaganda into schools and MILITARY! The weaponization of DOJ, FBI, IRS. The soon to come Programmble Fed Coin giving government complete control. The attacking our Freedom of Religion, Speech and 2nd Amendment rights! Biden and the Communist Democrats need to be removed immediately.

    1. Read CS Lewis’ The Abolition of Man. The WEF are The Conditioners that he spoke of so presciently. The dissolution of any and all moral absolutes is predicted. I have read and studied that book repeatedly and it literally gives me chills.

  3. It all boils down to these globalist using their weapon of choice, the pegasus malware that keeps all in control of our legislatures, executive and judicial leaders in check where they send these malware to everyone’s phone and computers where they now own everything on those devices to blackmail these government officials to allow these Satanists to destroy all of our rights and freedoms that was for told in the Book of Revelation. We are all being lead by prophecy of the end times..

    1. The West must fall for the Antichrist to be revealed. We are seeing that happen and the end times scenario forming before our very eyes. The last move of God is happening right now. Save all that can be, pray, listen, obey, you will be fine.

  4. Read Revelation! This is scriptural and it will happen eventually. Now is the time to be searching your hearts and realizing that confession and repentance of all of your sins are the only thing that matters so that you can enter a fellows with the Lord Jesus Christ. Believing, ttusting and obeying Him is the only way to eternal life.


    1. I am teaching through the book of Revelation now. I often think of the mess these people will be in after the Rapture takes place.

  5. It is time for the masses to WAKE UP. How many times do we have to hear the elites tell us what they are going to do? How much more evidence do we need when we look around us? One only has to listen to a few minutes of Klaus Schwab speaking to know that the total control is what the elites want. When you see what is happening in our country, do you think these are all accidents or coincidences? NO WAY………..this seemingly disconnected events are all part of a master plan. It is time for all freedom loving Americans to fight back in every way possible. Do not let them win. Pay attention? Stay vigilant and remain aware.

  6. We all have to be very vigilant,be aware ,pay attention. And we have to unite, and lastly doNOTcomply. They love to throw threats and try to scare us also distractions! We can do this!!!we are survivors!

  7. I’m with debi Presley on this one. Smoke them, steal their jets, cancel their culture for the good of real Americans and tell obammy to go divide a nation some where else.

  8. the globalist agenda 21 and 2030 is global socialism. it is doomed to fail. in the meantime people will suffer.
    only the elect will escape the carnage to come.
    jesus is returning soon.

  9. We need to build a big ark and put all the globalists in the ark, two by two……and sail them off to a lone island (extremely isolated) with a few small provisions (water and freeze-dried rations) and let them finish off the rest of their days there. But wait…don’t shove off yet….let’s also send all the demonic D’s and RINO’s with them to create their own government and figure out where their next meals will come from. Maybe they can just eat the bugs and fish? (Gee…I hope not each other!)

  10. A Thomas Jefferson quote”When tyranny becomes law,rebellion becomes duty” 2-A exists to destroy these soulless tyrants and save our Constitutional Republic. Establish a local trading,or cash underground to continue un-monitored transactions,like trading food,meds,booze,and other items we use daily. Dont let these “NAZI” sychophants continue to exist.

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