As hard-working Americans pull themselves up by their bootstraps from economic disruption, deep political divisions have come into focus between President Donald Trump and “Sleazy” Joe Biden.
President Trump plans to implement the greatest economic recovery in U.S. history. By contrast, the presumptive Democratic nominee courts anti-business progressives who want to destroy the gains working families have enjoyed during the past three-plus years. The nation’s prosperity hangs in the balance as the two major parties race in polar opposite directions heading into the November elections.
“It’s a transition to greatness. You’re going to see some great numbers in the fourth quarter, and you’re going to end up doing a great year next year,” Trump reportedly said. “We built the greatest economy in the world. I’ll do it a second time.”
Polling data indicates that the vast majority of Americans passionately believe President Trump can succeed again. Every recent poll listed by the sometimes liberally-biased Real Clear Politics points to positive support for the Trump Administration’s leadership on the economy.
“The president has a clear record of building the economy to unprecedented heights before it was artificially interrupted by the coronavirus, and they know he will build it a second time,” Trump Campaign official Tim Murtaugh explained.
Before the pandemic upended the economy, the president had already delivered on his economic promises, big league. The country experienced a 50-year low in unemployment, all-time low unemployment for African-Americans and Latino-Americans, and Made in USA growth. Trump beat China in a tariff war, and successfully renegotiated NAFTA after the previous administration broke that campaign promise.
Biden, having worked under former President Barack Obama for eight years, doesn’t even appear to be considering jumpstarting a post-pandemic economy. He has increasingly aligned himself with far-left members of the Democratic Party. He’s thrown support behind outlandish legislation such as the Green New Deal that not a single Democrat even voted for, and appears ready to remake the economy in Obama’s image, again.
“The blinders have been taken off,” Biden reportedly said. “Because of this Covid crisis, I think people are realizing, ‘My Lord, look at what is possible. Look at the institutional changes we can make.’”
The former Obama-era flunky has indicated that he would bring back the anti-business regulations that stifled recovery from the Great Recession. The Biden campaign has reportedly been back-channeling with some of the most radically extreme climate cult organizations.
“The Biden campaign is engaging with progressives in good faith and, in my experience, really incorporating our feedback into their messaging and their platforms and their decision-making, which is incredibly encouraging,” a Data for Progress official reportedly said.
Former Obama officials now working in climate extremism positions, such as John Morton of Pollination, agree that Biden would implement an agenda, possibly, more business-unfriendly than his former boss’s.
“(Biden) has a strong record on the environment. He was the number-two man in an administration that did arguably some of the more progressive or most progressive things on environmental issues,” Morton reportedly said.
To placate the far-left, Biden has promised to sacrifice good-paying oil and natural gas jobs, ban fracking, and make America energy-dependent again. The November presidential election will decide whether the U.S. falls behind China, all over again, or remains the world’s number one economic power.
Featured Image by Gage Skidmore and Phil Roeder
We must reeducate the Millennials to understand what is at stake here and to vote accordingly!!
Thanks for the baloney sandwich. Instead of baloney, let’s speak the TRUTH.
Obama/Biden inherited the Bush Great Recession; the economy was tanking. One month saw over 700,000 jobs lost. Stimulus efforts by the Obama administration started showing effects 4 months after he took office.
Stock market: dropped to somewhere between 6000-8000. When Obama/Biden left office it was above 18,000. It’s now, 3 1/2 years into Trump’s administration, between 23,000-24,000. Trump just continued what was in place, what was given to him…until he blew it by monstrously exacerbating the covid pandemic with his mismanagement.
Unemployment rate: Was a bit over 10% shortly after Obama took office, was around 4-something when he left. It’s now 3-something. Again, Trump simply riding on Obama’s shoulders. Obama/Biden made it happen, Trump takes all the credit.
Job creation: Less under Trump than it was under Obama/Biden; don’t have specific numbers at hand. And again, Trump crows about his amazing accomplishments. What’s amazing is the sheer volume of his brazen dishonesty, aided and abetted by the dishonest right-wing media, the timid mainstream media which doesn’t counter Trump’s misinformation, and ditto for the feckless Dems.
Obama/Biden brought the economy back; they’ve already done it. Trump threw a monkey wrench into the healthy economy that he inherited. Damn pesky facts. My money’s on Biden.
wow. obama/biden left this country a mess and we have overcome a lot of it and another 4 years of TRUMP will continue to make this country better. just remember koolaid addiction is worse that drug addiction. TRUMP 2020
Obama did NOTHING to get our economy moving! He toured the world to apologize for America, bowed to some king and told us we are no longer a Christian Nation.. Our Constitution is based on Judea Christian teaching. Obama claimed he visited 57 States to campaign. At every chance he defamed the Police when he didn’t have the facts. The American Jobs lost on his watch was in the hundreds of thousands.
Trump renogatiated trade deals that are much fairer to the US then Obama’s. He’s building the southern wall to PROTECT us against illegal invaders. Obama and Democrats want it open and they care more about illegals than the citizens they are supposed to represent. WAKE UP!
The biggest difference between Trump and Biden:
1. Trump is in favor of economic recovery, and Biden is opposed to not vote for Trump.
2. “The president has a clear track record of building the economy before it is artificially interrupted by the coronavirus, and Biden has a history of economic collapse.
3. Trump defeated China in the tariff war, but Biden, on the other hand, received a $ 1 billion bribe from China.
4. Trump is raising businesses, and Biden will try to change the climate – either in the direction of warming, then – on the contrary. What for ? – but because.
Biden is a political joke. I can’t imagine any Democrat with half a brain could justify voting for this creep or the party in general.