White House ADMITS Immigration Policy Changes Creating Surge at Border

White House National Security Council adviser Roberta Jacobson spoke to reporters at the daily press briefing this week about the crisis along the nation’s southern border. “Surges tend to respond to hope,” she said. “And there was a significant hope for a more humane policy after four years of, you know, pent-up demand.”

In other words, there’s officially a crisis at the southern border, but it’s really Trump’s fault.

Of course it is.

While former President Donald Trump blasts the Biden administration’s handling of immigration and the shutdown of his border wall, Biden calls it a day while Kamala Harris talks with world leaders and legislators vote behind their own wall to destroy American jobs and open borders for anyone who wants to walk in.

And don’t forget, wear your mask and socially distance until 2099!

For most Americans, life isn’t getting back to normal anytime soon…

We’re two months in to the Biden Administration and more than 100,000 illegal immigrants crossed our border last month. That does not include the people who were not apprehended.

Child migrant detention centers (AOC’s kid jails) are at max capacity. The government is now asking for volunteers to help serve immigrant children to help meet the current surge.

But if you ask White House press secretary Jen Psaki what’s happening, she’ll report the administration is working to “create an effective, moral, humane system.”

That’s exactly what it looks like. Only the opposite.

We are well on our way to seeing refugee camps in our own country. That’s probably why the media is already restricted from viewing current child migrant detention centers. If people really saw how many more children and teenagers have walked across our border since January 20, they would be enraged.

And rightfully so.

As for the adults crossing the border? No mandatory COVID-19 tests. Even if someone shows symptoms and tests positive, there is no law that allows the Border Patrol to hold a person. They will just stop at any border bus station and see where people are going. It’s not just Texas or California either. It’s Maryland, Michigan, and wherever else people can find jobs or stay with friends or family.

Yes, the White House says it does not want to turn any children away at the border. They’re applying Bush’s No Child Left Behind to immigration instead of toward the education of American citizens. But the truth is that today may be mostly Hispanic immigrants, but tomorrow could be ISIS.

With the current open door policy at our border, there is nothing stopping a Chinese, Russian, or Middle Eastern bad guy from walking in and doing damage. This isn’t some super spy novel. It’s 2021 America.

There’s a reason Texas has decided to do its own thing. Operation Lone Star is now in full operation, working to protect Texans apart from the federal government. If we can just get New Mexico, Arizona, and California to join them, the states could have a shot at controlling the damage.

If not, the states that continue their open-door policy will be the ones to hurt the most. Remember, when you see the Biden administration talking about being more humane, they’re really doing just the opposite. Current policy changes will make our border less safe, and our citizens more endangered as we seek to navigate the turbulent times of 2021.

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11 thoughts on “White House ADMITS Immigration Policy Changes Creating Surge at Border”

  1. W H national security council advisor Roberta Jacobson
    Is an idiot of truly epic proportions, defending the happy dance at southern border on “you know, pent up demand” blame it on the prior admin who did something to alleviate the past if BO AND JOE show. You people are insane and delusional and putting the biggest con on the American people this is criminal. Also you talk like a valley girl likea yaknow …

  2. This is so wrong in so many ways, with the border situation. These people need to back. Are they being tested for covid? I look at this Biden administration as an insult to the American people
    But when u look at the people he is putting in his administration, doesn’t surprise me. The country is being destroyed br Biden.

  3. It’s quite obvious Roberta Jacobson shouldn’t be sitting on any council that has security in its title. It’s amazing Ms Jacobson or anyone else can blame this on Trump with a straight face. Donald J Trump is the only one who had a handle on it. He personally went down to the border and talked to people.

  4. When will the Democrats ever learn not to attempt to solve complicated issues such as illegal immigration while not otherwise possessing the mentality which would enable them to do so?

  5. If you want to read an “eye-opening” article find THIS one. This will explain why the DEMOCOMMUNISTS are importing more children to abuse and molest. Sick FREAKS!
    The End of the World as we Know it – The Fall of the Cabal by Janet Ossebaard
    This is long, and has several parts, but worth the time, and will put everything into the light.

  6. When will the Republican politicians
    Start bring the Biden administration to
    Court on every turn like the Democrats
    did to the Trump Administration. Stop playing mister nice guy. Seems like Democratic always have a way to beat the Republicans.

  7. This is not a “Migration” by immigrants! It is a planned invasion using ILLEGALS as a way to flood this country with foreign nationals including those who plan the harm this country and those who think they will be the ones who will run this country while enriching themselves financially and politically! TREASON seems the best description of what some politicals are doing!

    1. More migrants, more Covid, more months of fear pushing lockdowns, thus—more mail in votes in 2022.

  8. Your right on, Raymond. We should ignore ALL Democrat law. Just keep buses ready to take people back from where they came.
    We the people out number the commies.

  9. First, it is incredible that the people of the US elected a moron as their president, clearly with all his executive orders he quickly signed he just wanted to destroy everything Trump accomplished for the good of the country. He is now turning the US into a madhouse.
    Watching the news on CNN you must asked yourself, is just about every American being drugged. Cuomo and Lemon takes the cake. Fox is trying to curb the worst but is running an uphill battle.
    The whole world is laughing about an idiot president showing what the US has become.
    I am sad to see what has become of a respected country because when I studied there many years ago I only had an inner pride in it being the mightiest country in the world, no more!! Amen

  10. This is all just so bizarre!!!! You can’t go to many of our States or Washington DC unless you have been tested and can prove that you are not infected with Covid -19, and if you haven’t been tested you have to quarantine once you get there for 14 days. AND YET our narcissistic leftist government is allowing people to just wander over the border with no concern if they have the virus — which it has been proven that many do. Not to mention the fact that this same government wants to take our firearms (which I agree we need to have laws in place to minimize guns being placed in the hands of criminals and mentally unstable persons, but all the guns could be removed from every single person, and I guarantee that it would be no time and the criminals would find a way to get them and the law abiding citizens would have no way to defend themselves from them) – AND YET our dearly beloved government voted down a law that would require ISIS to be notified about criminals trying to obtain guns. ALL OF THIS WHILE OUR GOVERNMENT SITS PROTECTED BEHIND ARMED PROTECTORS THAT HAS BEEN IN PLACE SINCE THE “INSURRECTION” AT THE WHITE HOUSE WHICH I GUARANTEE THE SAME LEFT WING POLITICIANS WAS ACTUALLY THE DRIVING FORCE! YOU USED A PEACEFUL PROTEST BY TRUMP SUPPORTS AND TURNED IT INTO MAYEM FOR YOUR PURPOSE. If it was within my power, I would bus every single one of these border crossers up, and haul their hindends to the White House lawn, or even better, to the lawns where the houses sit of you left wing government people, and drop them off and let you deal with the issue that you try to blame on President Trump. Lord Jesus, ya’ll make me sick and want to puke.

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