Lt. Col Alexander Vindman was removed from his position with the National Security Council and escorted out of the White House on Friday after testifying against President Trump in the recent impeachment trial.
Vindman, who is the head Ukraine expert on the council, was a key witness in Trump’s impeachment inquiry, which infuriated the president.
“Today, Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman was escorted out of the White House where he has dutifully served his country and his President. He does so having spoken publicly once, and only pursuant to a subpoena from the United States Congress,” David Pressman, Vindman’s attorney, said in a statement.
There were reports on Thursday and Friday that the White House was considering relieving Vindman of his duties. Trump told reporters on Friday that he was unhappy with Vindman and signaled that he was on his way out.
“I’m not happy with him. You think I’m supposed to be happy with him? I’m not,” Trump said.
Although Vindman is no longer working in the White House, he is scheduled to work at the Pentagon until he leaves there to go to War College in July.
The reason for the impeachment inquiry was a July 25 phone call in which it was alleged that Trump denied funds to Ukraine pending investigations targeting political rivals.
Vindman said he directly listened in on the phone call and testified that he was “concerned” by what he heard.
“It was inappropriate, it was improper for the president to request — to demand — an investigation into a political opponent, especially a foreign power where there’s at best dubious belief that this would be a completely impartial investigation,” he said. “This would have significant implications if it became public knowledge, and it would be perceived as a partisan play that would undermine our Ukraine policy, and it would undermine our national security.”
Vindman testified that immediately after the call ended, he reported his concerns to John Eisenberg, the NSC’s top lawyer.
President Trump defended his firing of Vindman, saying he was “very insubordinate”. The president posted a series of messages on his social media account and said that Vindman incorrectly reported the contents of a “perfect” phone call that was at the center of his impeachment. Trump said he didn’t know Vindman personally, but that his superiors indicated that he had repeated problems with judgement and adhering to the chain of command, which is obviously an issue for anyone in his position.
“Actually, I don’t know him, never spoke to him, or met him (I don’t believe!) but, he was very insubordinate, reported contents of my perfect calls incorrectly, &. was given a horrendous report by his superior, the man he reported to, who publicly stated that Vindman had problems with judgment, adhering to the chain of command and leaking information. In other words, OUT,” Trump wrote on his social media pages.
He’s Russian isn’t he? Send him back!
Actually I believe his family was from the Ukraine. But wherever he needs to be court marshalled for assisting in coupe attempt against duly elected president. Instead the Army is sending him to War College what are they thinking. If you don’t know the War College is a needed step if you hope to be promoted to colonel or above.
That doesn’t mean he’ll ever be promoted. He’s been visibly insubordinate and went purposely outside the chain of command AND outside of the military entirely to his buddy in the CIA to leak this crap. I guarantee that’s all on his record. The only way he ever makes it past full bird Colonel is if the Demonrats get back in the White House and go back to destroying the military. Only then will he ever be seen as an asset.
I forgot. FU vindman!
Strip the traitor of his rank and deport him to the Ukrane where he belongs. Then dishonorably discharge him from our Army. Maverick Coone
In the meantime, put Pelosi, Schiff, Schumer, Romney and all the other scumbags that lied on the President out of Congress with no retirement benefits. Maverick Coone
He, Vindman, is in the Military; He was not fired, Vindman was relieved of his duty in the Whitehouse, and returned to the Pentagon… by a superior officer… the Commander in Chief. He is still paid by the Army and is now exactly where he belongs.
Actually I believe we need an outpost in Antarctica that could use a man like Vindman.
Just keep doing what you’ve been doing Mr. President. The bloated bureaucracy that lives within the WH needs to be dealt with for the good of our republic.
Running the country is like running a business. If you don’t follow company policy you are usually either discharged or put in a position where you have no authority.
The POTUS can do whatever legal is allowed by the U.S. Constitution in regards to his staff, and there’s not a THING that anyone can do about it! IS THAT CLEAR, UPCHUCK SCHUMER? You have NO say in what POTUS Trump deems NECESSARY to make HIS (NOT YOUR) staff “lean and man” as well as EFFICIENT. And, getting rid of REPROBATE and TREASONISTIC liars are GOOD first steps to this and I applaud the POTUS for this. Team Trump and his allies 2020.
Correction: that is “lean and mean”. new computer with different keyboard.
Vindman came here as a 3 year old child from Russia. There is some mystery as to his parents.
However, Khrushchev once said he would have Russian operatives brought here ,before 8 so as to overcome an accent, and raised to infultrate and destroy our government. He said peoples great grandchildren would be communists and America would be defeated in increments, but not by war.
Considering Commey, Brennan, Obama, etc. have expressed their solidarity with communism, one wonders how they achieved such high office. Perhaps it is time to revisit Khrushchev’s prophesy and take a closer look at our leaders.
Like any other business in America…..if they don’t like the way you run it……out they go. The job is hard enough that you don’t need the naysayers around to contend with.
Sick of all of this! Will all the dems commies socialists and trump haters go live on the moon and do ur thing there! Leave us good Americans alone! Also the entire swamp…PLEASE!!!
Vindman, You’re fired. He should not be allowed to go to the War College. He should be stripped of his rank, discharged, and sent back to his home of record with no benefits. Way to go President Trump. Let’s drain the swamp and build the wall around Mexico and California.
Simply put Obama, before leaving office, expanded the NSC , from about 75 to 100 or more to a staff near 240 littered with Obama bureaucrats. Also extended the Council’s highly classified information to be shared, or leaked, with other agencies he weaponized as we now know. Never had need to know access to President’s NSC team, they directly work for him, unless policy instituted required their involvement. It is now well known that the majority of highly classified leaks came from NSC and State Dept and Obama”s bureaucratic minions and cohorts to surveil the President and his administration.
GEE! The mainstream media in a full blown tizzy over these transfers and releases. I wonder why?!
Every President has done the same of cleaning out the staffs of previous administrations. Only error Trump made was not doing much earlier.
I am a strong President Trump supporter and feel he deserves a second term. He has done so many good things in his first term, economically and foreign affairs. He has had to do this with all the odds against him. He has accomplished much because he does not care what people think of him politically, he just tries to do what seems to be needed. My concern is his personality clashes with main stream America because everyone thinks we have to be politically correct. I am sure if he had accomplished the same and played politics there would probably be no one to run against him. However if he had played the political game he would have accomplished the same thing previous presidents did, NOTHING. God bless our president and God bless the USA. FOUR MORE YEARS MR PRESIDENT TRUMP.
It is most gratifying to see that the momentum is growing to eliminate the “snakes” from the SWAMP. Our President Trump is doing a great job of leading our Country to being respected again. This respect has dwindled terribly over the past decade or so. Further cleaning is necessary at FBI and CIA to remove the holdovers from the previous administration. The “RATS” are beginning to turn on each other as they try to cover their corrupt actions and hope that the “sword of justice” is not meted out to them. It won’t work. When you choose to participate in a “COUP”, you will suffer the consequences. We are seeing the beginning of the CONSEQUENCES! The President has surrounded himself with great individuals who do not plot, leak or lie and it is having devastating effects on the perpetrators of the “SWAMP”. Nearly 200 Federal judges have been appointed and they will soon be busy creating chaos to the SWAMP-DWELLERS. We are EJOYING the SHOW!
I agree with all of the other post, I just wish it would have started day one. President Trump is doing a great job for America & I wish him & his family the best, during O’s terms I never called him president’ or used his name, I just called him the Nigg- –
nice going commander, they were probably sleepers. u know theirs more out there. the PEOPLE love u.
This Lt. COL should absolutely be Court Martialed reduced in rank and mopping floors at Leavenworth, He disgraced His Uniform, His President and his Country and The Honorable President Trump has not only the authority but the duty to protect Our country against scum like him, if the Lt Col hff ad been in the Obama or Clinton administration he’d be in Prison already!
He was caught lying in the impeachment committee , He should be fired and held accountable for his actions. He is a disgrace to his uniform.