White House Sign Language Interpreter Cancelled Over Conservative Views

White House ASL interpreter Heather Mewshaw was recently noted as a Trump supporter in a Time magazine report. The result? She was promptly relieved of duty in the Biden White House. Apparently, it’s too much for Democrats to have someone providing sign language who agrees with conservative American values.

When questioned, a White House spokesperson simply responded, “The President and this administration have made a commitment to having an ASL interpreter at every press briefing and are working to follow through on that commitment every single day.” Sounds great, but clearly refuses to answer the bias — this time regarding service to the deaf community.

For an administration that prides itself on inclusivism, this act wreaks of hypocrisy. Nearly every cause under the sun is being supported under Biden’s umbrella, unless it includes someone who holds conservative convictions.

Though many originally celebrated the Biden administration’s announcement to including an ASL interpreter at every briefing, the issue has now become one of damage control. Yes, Mewshaw has been part of some conservative groups, including interpreting for conservative host and author Candace Owens and signing for Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani. But does this disqualify her from signing for others?

Even worse, the Hands of Liberty ASL group included videos signed by Mewshaw. But at soon as news spread of her conservative views, Facebook deleted the entire group. Maybe we can thank one of the former Facebook executives working for Biden for that one?

This might be concerning if Mewshaw was changing her interpretation to reveal some sort of bias, but this has not been the case. She serves as an interpreter to whatever message is given, regardless of the party or person.

Imagine the NFL turning down the ASL interpreter in the viral video of the national anthem before the Super Bowl because of his political views. The league would take serious criticism for doing so, and rightly so. How is Mewshaw’s work any different?

Simply put, blame Trump. It’s no longer enough for the left to seek his silence and impeachment. They are now after anyone who supports him. From Mike Lindell’s pillows to Senate-approved judges, Democrats can’t help but extend their hatred toward anyone who would sport a MAGA hat.

But the bias highlights a major White House problem. How can an administration that claims to be inclusive of all people continue to target conservatives with hate? Is there some kind of Trump-exemption clause they have forgotten to tell us about?

This ongoing hypocrisy will one day have its day of reckoning. It’s already taking place in California, where voters are nearing enough signatures to recall Governor Gavin Newsom. It may also show up in the 2022 midterm elections, as Americans decide they’ve seen enough of Biden’s false “unity” and truly unite to select leaders to better represent our nation.

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10 thoughts on “White House Sign Language Interpreter Cancelled Over Conservative Views”

  1. What a shame! Maybe she just couldn’t explain the 47 Executive Orders that move the United States 47 times closer to Marxism. How Biden is a Hugh job killer and two weeks ago we were totally energy independent. The Keystone pipeline might be one key ingredient in keeping our country energy independent. Biden seems to be doing his best to destroy our wonderful country.

    1. Democrats so threatened by anyone who could possibly do ethical work despite having a different view. All she was doing was interpreting not trying to sabotage or do a different interpretation. They expect all people to behave as they do, therefore get giddy at anyone actually trying to do their job.

  2. Heather Mewshaw should file a complaint and sue for wrongful termination. This clearly shows that the Biden Administration is full of garbage when it comes to treating everyone equally, no matter who they voted for or what group they support or belong too. The Biden Administration should get on their knee’s, beg God’s forgiveness and change their ways. God is in control and they in the Democratic Party will answer to God, when judgement day comes! May God have Mercy on your soul’s!

  3. This White House administration is a disgrace to all Americans. UNITY BLAH, We the people have our FIRST illegitimate PRESIDENT, E!ECTED BY THE DEMS AND CHINA committing FRAUD on the AMERICAN PEOPLE. If they were so sure the election was FAIR, they would not mind if A FORENSIC CHECH on the MACHINES should be warranted. The firing of this interpreter is the start of this Progressive agenda. WIPE OUT THOSE WHO DISAGREE WITH OUR PHILOSOPHY. SHE SHOULD FILE A LAW SUIT.

  4. joe biden is a huge disgraced to killed so many jobs and think 15 an hour is going to work???? What a sloppy job he had done at the white house . he is going to leave deafs in the dark.

  5. No GOD should not have mercy on their souls. They have committed crimes against humanity and GODS will. All fairness and unity is gone. We must stand up for our Constitutional rights. GOD BLESS AMERICA AND GOD BLESS PRESIDENT TRUMP.

  6. Trump made the biggest mistake while in office! HE SHOULD HAD FIRED ALL OF OBAMA LEFT OVER! NOT TRUST A DAM ONE! But he didn’t! These conservative getting fired was sit up by him not cleaning out ALL OF OBAMA CRIMINAL! EVEN BILL BARR WAS AN OBAMA GUY! Hope Trump learn his lesson! IT CALL— KEEP YOUR ENEMY CLOSE BUT YOUR FRIENDS CLOSER! POLITICAL IS NOT A KIND LIFE! THANK TO THE DEMONCRAT PARTY That has screw the country and people for fifty years! THAT INCLUDES BLACK PEOPLE AS WELL!

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