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Why Liberals Already View Kamala Harris As the “Chosen One”

In 2016, Democratic Party leadership picked its nominee by doing everything possible to promote Hillary Clinton and defeat Bernie Sanders. It seems the party, in collusion with the mainstream media, is at it again with the candidacy of California Senator Kamala Harris. The only difference is the candidate being chosen and the reasons for it.

Harris is exactly the type of Democratic politician that many DNC members think would be able to take on President Donald Trump. She is not only a woman but also a woman of color. She embraces a number of far-left policies that have been gaining in popularity over the last year. She is also a gifted politician who can interact well with liberal voters. More importantly than any of this, however, is the fact that the mainstream media will support anything she does or says.

After CNN broadcast her town hall event, mainstream news media outlets gushed over her performance, declaring that she was fluid, engaging, authoritative, warm, powerful, on-message and a straight-shooter. They also made it a point to state that her standing as a leading contender had been solidified. In a move that is sure to remind voters of Hillary Clinton’s powerful hold on the mainstream media, a CNN reporter was forced to backtrack on an accurate statement he made about Sen. Harris backtracking on her pledge to eliminate independent health insurance in favor of a Medicare for All plan for the entire country. The reason given for his backtracked social media statement was that multiple members of Sen. Harris’ campaign said it wasn’t accurate and asked him to take it down.

One would think that a savvy political party would at least have the sense to select a candidate that was widely popular with its voters. However, it doesn’t seem that this is the case. Contrary to CNN’s recent proclamation, Sen. Harris is not, nor has ever been, a leading contender in the race. All polls show that she is far behind former Vice-President Joe Biden (undeclared at the time of writing) and Sen. Bernie Sanders, and most polls show that she also has less support than Beto O’Rourke.

A recent report from Politico shows that not even African-Americans are all that excited about sending a black woman to the White House for the first time. About 40% of all African-American voters currently support either Joe Biden or Bernie Sanders, while a measly 7% would support Kamala Harris in a Democratic primary. However, her left-wing views are clearly appealing to powerful Democrats and their media acolytes. Sen. Harris has pledged to support Medicare for All, gun control and a Green New Deal that not only offers a federal job with benefits to anyone who wants one, but also replaces the entire fossil fuel industry with renewable energy in just ten years’ time. The plan has been criticized extensively for not only being unrealistic but also a potential economic disaster.

Given the fact that literally dozens of Democrats may wind up running for president in 2020, it is natural that the Democratic Party would want to narrow down the field and help voters pick from only a few “leadership-approved” candidates so that the DNC can focus on taking down President Donald Trump instead of fighting among themselves. However, choosing a candidate instead of allowing voters to select one is no way to win an election. When Democrats took that route in 2016, they lost the presidency and were humiliated in Congressional contests. Their failure to learn from that bitter defeat could lead to yet another loss.

At this point, the GOP’s best asset for 2020 is once again the DNC.

~ Conservative Zone

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25 thoughts on “Why Liberals Already View Kamala Harris As the “Chosen One””

  1. The beginning description of Kamala Harris smacks of identity politics, where socialist/democrats are electing her for her blackness and femaleness (questionable with that one lesbo suit she’s ALWAYS wearing) above her policies and what she aspires to. But as noted in the article, that is the democratic way and was their downfall before when they thought they had a slam dunk female candidate. President Trump rough though he may be around the edges was chosen for what he thought, what he did and what he said – and we are very happy with all that he’s accomplished. He’s the president to fulfill the most of his promises. Dems should look for somebody like that but instead stick with their failing identity choices.

  2. Hillary Clinton is running for President of the USA, but in other female candidates of different color and self race lunacy. These women are Hillary reflection of who she is by issues she pushes as was when Obama was Pres. and all her policies instituted by her own self indulgence to be defeated in the Election. Obama’s policies were named and Hillary by name to blame him for everything to blame racism for all her political fallouts. Then if she became Pres., did not happen, she would have removed his title and replaced it with hers.

  3. Hillary is behind the brand new Congressional candidates in the House of Repres. who are the people that she represents as bigots, anti-semites, terrorists, faln supporters is what she always represented. Tax hikes, border-open to all, foreign policy failures, obortion, and any other reason for her to be what she desires.

  4. Kamala Harris and the other Women who are running for Pres. are chosen by Hillary because prostitutes and street walkers are desired. Bill and the Former Mayor of San Fran, pimps are into the game of wanting to use the Oval office as a house of whorey.

  5. Who is the Establishments choice, ask Hillary, the women army of resistance has arrived for the follies of trying to be a hit show that should be taken on the road to nowhere.

  6. Why they keep coming up with her as African American I guess to try influence voting like they did with Obumhead. This woman like the other shrieks who got voted in is one big joke. We saw a lot of how she is with the judge Kavanaugh circus. Trying to act like she cared, ” go and tell the president to wait another week”. These democrap morons will bring this country down to a level never seen before if they get their way.

  7. The ONE word you [want something for nothing], minions should focus on is AUTHORITARIAN, OF COURSE LIBERAL, INDEPENDENT, libertarians with no spine and get up and go ;like to told what to do. They like the government dictating their lives so they don’t need to be held accountable for their failures.
    Sound familiar [obimbo’s doctrine].

  8. Kamala has already shown her true colors. She is promising the world, but her actions in the past tells all that she really only has one platform and that is geared to one specific group. Everyone else can go to hell as far as she is concerned and people better understand that now, don’t be dumb enough to go blindly into this and act surprised later.

    1. We already have THE WORST president in HISTORY! Kamala Harris would make a FAR BETTER president than the current sociopath we have today. Any of the Democrats that have announced their candidacy for president would be a far better president than the sociopath we have today. I would rather have a Biden/Harris ticket; Harris/Cory ticket; Harris/Castro; or Harris/Beto. We won’t know until next year who will be the Democratic candidate. I want a strong Democratic candidate to take on Trump. I don’t want to see another 2016. The Democrats do have some strong women in certain areas; we will see. I just don’t want another 4 years of a sociopath who is putting our country AND the world in DANGER of WORLD WAR 3 WITH RUSSIA

      1. You must love Hitler, Mao and Stalin if you like Kamala! The Democrat party no longer exists. The party today is a mix of Nazi’s, Marxists, and Communists.


  9. She has three qualities that will really insure the re-election of our current great President. First, she is an unabashed Marxist/Socialist, not a Democrat, that party does not exist anymore. Second, she is without a doubt anti-Semitic in her views towards Israel and Jews. Finally, she is anti-Catholic and as such, anti-Christian as evidenced by her remarks to the current Attorney General nominee that he should drop his member ship in the Knights of Columbus as it is a domestic terrorist organization. She is dangerous and is only interested in power. She would be no more that a dictator if elected.

  10. Kamala Harris is such a weakling!!! She might beat out Corey Booker (who is also a weakling!!), but she could never ever beat out President Trump. So, hopefully, she will be the one selected.

  11. Harris is just as unqualified to run the pta as she is to run the government. Liberals have fallen to outright lies, Communist principals, feminist nonsense and anti American propaganda! The county will suffer terrible poverty and financial ruin for everyone except the Democratic Socialist Party. Soros will become king of the world! The dream of dreams! A nightmare……

  12. Kamala Harris is NOT LEGALLY ELIGIBLE to run for president. She is an anchor baby. Her parents were not U.S. citizens when she was born. Her mother is from India and got here in 1960 and her father is from Jamaica and got here in 1961, she was born in 1964. You have to have your green card for 5 years before you can apply for citizenship.

  13. We can only hope that the Dummiecrats repeat their approach. They are always trying to change history, so maybe they changed it enough so they do not remember their mistakes.

  14. Well, let’s see how the Communist/Socialist party imbedded in the Democrat party, seems to be able to control the media. Harris makes a statement for her Medicare-for-all health care campaign platform and essentially tells the truth about what it would do to the private insurance industry i.e. eliminating it and a CNN reporter reports it. Kamala Harris is suppose to be a seasoned politician who is suppose to know that revealing industry killing facts in pursuit of a campaign goal is a sin. OK, Obama did it over and over in lying about keeping your health plan is you liked your health plan but who’s counting when the Communist media has your back. So here’s this actual journalist doing his job and reporting what he heard but power of a political party demands that he backtrack……………the truth. Yes, Americans, if there was to be Medicare for all, there would not be a need for independent insurance companies or their employees. There would likely be the need for some large claims processing centers like there are now under the current Medicare system. But all of those companies providing coverage to small and large companies would be out of work regardless if they are providing self-insured or actual indemnity risk plans. Of course Harris and the rest of her Communist colleagues will never divulge to the millions of workers on employer sponsored plans, that they like and can actually afford, that all that will disappear something like Nancy Pelosi’s infamous, “we have to pass the bill (Obama Care) before we can tell what’s in it”. That all happened with a Democrat controlled congress and a Democrat in the White House. Take heed……. It’s how the media is complicit with the leftist take over of America.

  15. Just Like all the other Democrats, Karmala Harris is a BIG MOUTHED PHONY!! All BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, and when it comes down to doing anything, Well Not so Much ! Thank You Mr President,for all the MAGA, but don’t stop now, We”re NOT tired of Winning Yet !! – Johnman

  16. If Kamala is an anchor baby that makes her an illegal immigrant according to current law as she hasn’t applied for citizenship. I wonder also if her parents have become citizens. Even dreamers are not citizens. So why isn’t the media bringing this up, at the least, FOX should have researched her background. Or, because Obama born in Africa was accepted by the media as a “citizen” are they pulling the same deal with Kamala. Just how many of these foreigners have come into this country with fake birth certificates and/or never applied for citizenship just stayed with nobody tracking them down including Kamala.

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