Even though Trump’s presidency is young, he’s been in office long enough for us to start to see tangible results of his efforts.
There is no question that he has been stalled in many of his early efforts by a divided nation. There is also no denying that he has had impressive levels of success in the face of those issues. The economy is better than ever; Middle East stability is once again within reach; and domestic progress is for the first time proving impervious to the meddling attempts of partisan media.
Numerically speaking, Trump is far outpacing any success seen under Obama, so let’s review the metrics and learn why one approach is so much better than the other.
Measures of Success
There are a few key ways we measure a president: economy, foreign policy and domestic policy. So far, Trump is an overwhelming winner in measures of economic prosperity. He was handed a stagnant but growing economy and expanded quickly. Conversely, Obama received a bottomed-out economy that really only could grow. He minimized that growth.
In foreign policy, Obama tried to reduce boots on the ground while simultaneously doubling American intervention. Many citizens still don’t realize that Obama dropped roughly twice as many bombs as George W. Bush.
Obama saw violent regimes rise, allies tumble and dramatic growth in global terrorism. Trump has seen ISIS nearly completely defeated within six months. He has severely discouraged Syria from continuing to use banned weapons in its civil war, and he has mitigated aggression against American allies around the world. His fast and strong responses in the Middle East and Pacific have so far been wildly successful in preventing violent escalations.
Domestically, Obama failed to rally his supermajority and had to resort to historic levels of unilateral abuse of power to fulfill his campaign promises. Trump is facing similar Congressional stalls, but he is still achieving goals without abusing his office. He has a bit of an advantage in this category because he can simply roll back many of Obama’s executive orders to get many of the changes he needs. Regardless, there is no question that Trump has achieved more measurable progress in six months than Obama could in two years. Trump’s changes are also all good news so far.
Ways the Two Agree
For all of the political differences, Obama and Trump share a large number of goals. Both want affordable healthcare for the masses. Each committed to trying to reduce the risk to American military lives around the globe. They also largely agree on which international threats are the most important and dangerous.
For all of that agreement, it is the difference in approach that has shown the real difference. Obama tried to boost the economy through micromanagement. Trump went the other direction, and unleashed capitalism with targeted deregulation.
Internationally, Trump has been bolder in military strikes. His willingness to strike Syria and commit military presence where needed has de-escalated situations without the need for long-term violence.
As for healthcare, Obama’s style of subsidy is opposed with Trump’s commitment to affordability. So far, the numbers favor Trump yet again.
How Trump Does It
Trump’s success comes down to more than just smart policy. Leaders before him have tried similar tactics to no avail. The real trick is in Trump’s presentation. As a political outsider, he is far more blunt than career politicians, and it works.
Traditionally, politicians trade political capital to accomplish goals. They make compromises in areas they shouldn’t to get opponents to cave on other problems. Trump’s blunt presentation annihilates much of that political capital.
Without the cloak and dagger element, Trump can move the people more quickly, and this creates a political pressure that is new to Washington. Even when dissenters speak against Trump, he garners fast reactions and can even correct policy oversights very quickly.
Most importantly, Trump’s bluntness is a form of power in the international community. He has backed his word with military might when necessary, and it has made foreign powers balk. While many are quick to say otherwise, when you measure the international community by their actions, only North Korea seems willing to test Trump. China, Russia, Syria and the EU have all gone back on their words and committed to actions that favor the U.S.
To put this in clearer terms, Trump is the only major international leader who has proven to be more than just talk. As General Mattis put it, “The way that you get your diplomats listened to in an imperfect world is you make certain you back them up with hard power.” Trump is doing that in ways Obama never could or would.
~ Conservative Zone