Will Britain’s Conservatives Ditch Theresa May?

Prime Minister Theresa May has been no friend to conservatives in her own country or in the United States. Her actions (or inaction) during Brexit were roundly criticized across the board. Now, the word on the street is that British conservatives are actually annoyed enough with their PM to actively seek her removal from the position.

May was almost the shortest running PM in 90 years, but she was able to plug up the holes in her sinking ship with a slew of last minute desperation plays. Nick Timothy and Fiona Hill, May’s senior advisors, took the initial beheadings and fell on their swords. Their positions were reappointed, and May was safe for the time being.

The prime minister also slowed down her rhetoric, realizing that she was not truly in power even though she was in office. She needed to do business with some new appointments that would speak to the people she had alienated. She appointed a new chief of staff, Gavin Barwell, and First Secretary of State Damian Green. Those in favor of Brexit were appeased through the appointment of junior DEXU minister Steve Baker. For all of this new blood, however, conservatives were not able to shore up a majority in the government, falling eight seats below the 326 they needed for that majority.

PM May now faces a disgruntled Tory party that is completely tired of her inability to manage Brexit while dealing with the country’s internal issues. May has switched gears, and is talking about business and housing. Is she being taken more seriously, or will the Tories band together and remove her from office?

Let’s take a look.

Many business leaders in Britain are worried about stalled negotiations with Brussels. Political experts view the unprepared way that Britain entered negotiations as a tactic for more time. Corporate interests, however, are losing money as time moves along. Because, unlike government, they are required to remain solvent in order to stay in business, companies are not amused by stalling.

EU leaders are still looking at Britain to agree to a financial settlement. Britain has reasserted its position – it will leave with or without a deal. David Davis, Brexit secretary, is saying that he is committed to a specific exit day to ensure that the public knows exactly what is happening with negotiations. However, this power move by May is likely too little, too late. However, this date of March 29, 2019 has only been symbolically agreed to in government. There is no actual policy that has put it in stone.

According to these same EU leaders, December trade talks will be indeterminately stalled if Britain does not agree to a financial settlement in a relatively short time.

In the midst of this economic storm, May is somehow promising to build more housing for poor Brits. The scarcity of livable homes in the country has caused the price of housing to rise in recent years. More and more Brits are unable to become homeowners, stabilizing their personal economies and creating an entry point to participate in the entire British economy.

May promised to ease the restrictions on housing association lending, hopefully allowing them to build more housing.However, she said that she would protect the green belt. All of these exhortations in front of the cameras seem very nice, but the budget of the country is being hopelessly squeezed. Someone is lying within May’s administration. There is virtually no way that Britain is healthy enough to leave the EU without a financial settlement and simultaneously build the housing that is necessary to put a dent in home prices.

Political, economic and business experts on both sides of the fence are worried that May is making her career a more important priority than the health of the country. There is virtually no way that all of her initiatives can be accomplished at the same time. Serious politicians and savvy citizens are beginning to see the light. May’s time as Prime Minister may be cut short for the best reason – she is about to bankrupt the country.

Regardless of whether you are conservative or liberal, you must take a serious look at what is going on in Britain. If they fall as an economic and political power, the US will be greatly weakened.

~ Conservative Zone

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43 thoughts on “Will Britain’s Conservatives Ditch Theresa May?”

    1. Hi,

      I think that Theresa May should not resign. London is a shambles with the Muslim Mayor in charge. I visited London may times when I was working in Spain. I would never visit now with the unsafe conditions of the Muslim immigrants running wild at times.


      1. It’s been almost sixty years since I lived in Spain, but I do remember the “red brigades” and their bombings, and the fear provoked by them, and the calm established when General Franco, commonly called “fascist” by the American left, always had his “special forces”, much like SWAT, but designed around the “Bolshevik” attacks, and for his honor, his patriotism, love of Spain, they ensured immediate response, effective minimizing damage and destruction, and he kept a tight rope on the communist and socialists, trying to enter.
        The People of Britain voted to leave the EU, in my opinion, years late, they should have voted against joining, knowing what it would be, but having chosen by vote to leave, “public servants” such as ministers, prime ministers, and all the elect and appointed, have the duty to do their jobs, and prepare to accomplish what was decided by “The People”.
        Either May can jump through hoops, and catch up, and if she does so sufficiently well to get things organized and well on their way, “The People” could easily find reason to keep her, despite her failure to this point. If she does anything but “jump through her a**, and get the work she’s neglected, going on a ‘hot burner'”, of course she should go.
        The very fact London is in chaos is merely an added reason for finding adult leadership, and replacing the children currently arguing over long decided facts.
        In 1971, I entered High School, and “had” to write letters to my two Senators, and my representative in the House. It was to be on an issue cogent at the moment, affecting the general public, and of importance to me. I wrote on the debate to raise our debt ceiling, suggesting it was childish to even consider anything but pay down the debt, and returning to real money.
        We have gone from being deeply in debt, to using war as a means to maintain our dollar as relevant, and by this, the U.S. government has been in continuous violation of international laws of war, with about an hundred and forty odd wars of choice, we’ve instigated since our assuming “world trade reserve currency”.
        Our government has been constantly criminal, using subversive war, insurgent war, and invasive war, to keep our existence relevant, and unchallenged. Because we’ve never done the necessary, we will either be “allowed to tag on to the tail end of “the Eur-Asian common trade plan”, solely to allow us to pay our debts, and in doing so, grudgingly allow us to recoup and add ourselves to “real money system”, or the numbers calculated out, will suggest it’s easier to let us collapse, and then pick up the pieces and re-assemble them, in someone else’s ideals and ways.
        We can choose, but only if our politicians will do as we demand, and we choose to demand. Britain is in exactly the same position, but with less overall debt, and should be more welcome than we ourselves, should be. When you’ve chosen to be a bastard for seventy years, it shouldn’t come as a shock, everyone around hates you, and merely tolerates one’s presence, and while Britain has been less abrasive, it’s only by a measure.
        Semper Fidelis,
        John McClain
        GySgt, USMC, ret.
        Vanceboro, NC, USA

    2. She is as worthless as an individual can possibly be. That creature can be replaced by an empty space. They will be better off with the empty space

      1. She was against the Brexit from the get go and is not trying to do the peoples work and get them out of the EU. She needs to go so someone can take care of this.

      2. I agree. I was hopeful at first. However time past and this so called negotiation is more like an insult fest from the EU, and has become a circus farce! May like Custard Shameron before her does not have the backbone to deal with it in a Thatcher like ,straight from the shoulder fashion.

    3. No. They will not evewn though they should. I do not know what has happened to the British after Muslim invasion but the courts and your law maker have destriyed your country and country. Take it back… get rid oif May and anyone wlze in the parliament who is a Muslim supporter. PLease do not destroy your own country!

    4. Speaking as a dis-interested (not un-interested) US citizen (who is not eligible to vote in UK elections but sympathizes somewhat with Brexit) I personally think that PM Theresa May’s displacement (e.g. resignation) at this time would not solve anything vis a vis Bexit (or anything else), is inopportune & would only play into the hands of the EU-crats & other ‘globalists’. Let’s give PM T. May a little more time & space to do a difficult job, viz. Brexit, et al.

  1. Yes she’s being callous and slow to drag it out where the people just give up. The EU is a money grabbing ,rule making bully. Ditch her now

  2. They should ditch May who isn’t a real conservative and appoint Jacob Rees Moog to the position and get down to work!!

    1. It’s Mogg – but I agree with you so far as reliability, clear conservative ethics and expression are concerned. Theresa May is proving to be a very weak and suspiciously uncommitted “conservative”. To call a General Election and then let all the opposition parties enjoy the running without her ever visiting the reason for the GE was politically suicidal or perhaps even worse – treason against the British people.

  3. When politicians fail to listen to the people, then they need to go! The majority has spoken. Get out of the EU!!!

    1. Britain had been privileged during the marriage and been a net receiver from Brussels.
      So who is the mobeygrabber? You got laid buy your politicians that were lying till they were blue and green

      1. What absolute tosh ! The FACT is that Britain has ALWAYS been a major donor – and ALWAYS even after the Thatcher Rebate – a nett loser in balance terms ! This is why the Brussels machine is in near meltdown as their profligate spending will clearly demonstrate an enormous hole in their cash flow with more paupers than rich.
        Britain should raise Churchills’ famous Two Fingers to the bureaucrats and walk away. WTO trading terms are much better than the conceited crap coming from the top Brussels mouthpieces. The reality is that the EU needs Britain far more than she needs them – Britain was a highly successful international-trading nation before the “EU” was even dreamed of.

        1. May stays or go, Good question
          if T. May is in office for BREXIT insist that she set the terms that whatever the the Divorce payment anount it will NOT BE PAID UPFRONT BUT IN EQUAL ANNUAL INSTALMENTS OVER TEN YEARS a savings because the EU will fall apart in I suspect the next few years.

  4. How and why a Country like Britain falls in to financial defecet? why there is SAVVY population in Britain? Where is the health education to prevent growth of population? Regardless of Conservative or Liberal the production of the country for life some brave person to manage. If not the country will go downhill. Intentional negligence by people who manage the country. That is what shown here now.

  5. I think you have the story backwards! May is trying to push the Brexit negotiations and politicians from the Labor Party, Liberal Party and Conservative Party are desperately trying to stall progress. In fact, a large number of Politicians are trying to reverse Brexit through any means they can. In reality she is a tough leader but does not have a clear mandate because of her decreased majority in the last snap election. Globalists are on the rampage in the UK and the media is very much like the US Fake news media that we suffer with. Be careful about what you believe and investigate the source of your news.

  6. The British could keep May as Prime Minister until they are out of the EU, and then blame her for all the failings of a poor exit policy! Then start a clean slate with a new Prime Minister.

  7. They should ditch her and get a good person with a brain into office. She is no leader. She is stalling on the break away of the corrupt European union . She is also letting the sick muslims into England and even let London have a muslim mayor. Sure seems that there is much corruption in that country just like there is here. But we have the best President who will make America great again and hopefully will put all the bad guys in jail or worse !

  8. shes a closet liberal/globalist . She needs to dropped like a hot rock and put someone honest in there to lead Britain.

      1. Vous avez raison Francois – mais – the international Press ( newspapers, TV etc ) have their own liberal and globalist agenda. This is no less in the UK and EU than it is in the USA. “We” – the mere electorate ( taxpaying citizens ) have the privilege of financially supporting all these parasites – but there IS a method of cleansing the corruption, and Les Francais have the honour of perfecting the actions – Madame La Guillotine can again become the cleanser of the rot – if called upon !

  9. Britain must leave the EEC. The continental countries all too socialist; Britain remains a bastion of the free market. Perhaps it should form a closer more formal alliance with North America.

  10. The principle of a democracy is that the government acts on behalf of the majority of the people. And not that the government goes her own way because that is what the elite are telling the government to do.

  11. Yes indeed. In my view there’s ample reason and room for doubt in regard to Mrs. May’s suitability for the office she holds. There is even uncertainty in my mind regarding her sincerity, her honesty. Furthermore, there’s a suspicion forming in my mind that her predecessor in office Cameron, may well have been in collusion with her right from the Moment of Transfer of power. What her genuine motives are, IF she does in fact have any such? That is and will remain a key question in the near future. Why did she unnecessarily call the fateful General election. Through that, she ridded herself of certain MPs. Since then she has lost two cabinet colleagues and has embroiled politics in the issue of sexual affairs, a metter which could – if she so wished – remove one or two more! My feeling is that this woman, whether it be incompetence or bloody-mindedness or both, or even more, is unsuitable for this office and, even worse, incapable of shouldering the severe Problem issues at Hand. I, for one, no longer trust her and would recommend her removal and replacement by Rees-Mogg, for instance. It’s imperative to get the train back on track and to get the jobs on Hand done. Above all the successful completion of BREXIT, my British homeland’s liberation from this EUSSR. Regards, Horatio Nelson.

    1. Good luck. These days the NWO is encroaching in every country. We must weed out the seeds and planted politicians of the NWO as they surface. It seems May is of this ilk.

  12. I think that she may be akin to our ‘Republikens’ in Washington City.

    Yes I think they need to dump her, she pays no attention to the Voters!

    I also think t6hat we the people need to dump the top 3 or 4 so calleed’ Republican leaders in the Senate and House!!

  13. Theresa May is taking Great Britain to brink of bankruptcy. Her priorities are way off base. She does not have the welfare of those she serves at heart. How she got to where she is and continues move your country to destruction, is hard for Americans to understand. Your country and ours have been “brothers” for many many years. We want to help, but you must change course. Please become a country “of the people, by the people and for the people” before it is too late. We have gotten back on course by removing Obama. We have replaced him with a Christian, a business man, and a man who loves America. Please do the same!!!

  14. We have enough problems of our own, we don’t need to be slinging rocks living in a glass house! We have treasonous scum still walking freely to bring Islamic jihadists in our country! A well planned effort by our anarchists from the 60’s, and 70’s, reemering to stick the knife in the backs of patriots! From now on, if you get your hands on the likes of Bill Ayers, and Eric Holder, decline daddy’s money, and throw their punk asses in prison!

  15. As I stated on the morning following Mrs May’s disastrously-called election, she then had two choices — and still has. One, resign and promote Boris Johnson as her successor or; Two, elevate Nigel Farage to the peerhood, bring him into the cabinet and give him Brexit.

    Nothing’s changed.

  16. How can we Americans suggest or judge what is going on in England. We live in the greatest country ever and have no respect for our President. Everybody loved Obama. He was going to solve the world’s problems. Obviously, the only thing he did was spend us into infinity, open our country to the Muslim culture, and tell us we were all prejudice. I pray that Trump will drain the swamp and let Americans see the garbage we have had in Washington simply because, over half of the Americans will not get off their duff and go vote. Jefferson said, ” Only the American people can change our government.” He meant by voting and get rid of the crocodiles. We have become so dependent on everything free or almost free, we no longer have a strong working class of people. So let’s don’t throw the first stone. Let’s clean our closets and then make viable decisions.

  17. I think Mrs May has shown a lot of courage so far. She has been subjected to the most egregious bullying by the EU and disloyalty by many of her colleagues.

    She has been remarkable when you think she has had to put up with people like Kenneth Clarke. If you do not want to support your Party get out of it. At a time when she needed all her colleagues to support her she got very little.

    I do not agree with her given so much money away without an invoice first. Nobody owes a club anything once they leave it. We were never married to the EU so do not owe them payments for life.

    Barnier, Junker etc. are just nasty bullies and nobody should give in to bullies. Bullies just increase their nastiness if you give in.

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